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Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror

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Released January 1985
Written by Gary Partis
Publisher Micro Power
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Mining Robots
Locations Rijar

The Tremas Master has obtained a TIRU, a device with the ability to chop and splice time, allowing him to rearrange events in the universe. He has held up in the "Mines of Terror" on Rijar, where Heatonite, a mysterious compound vital to the construction of a TIRU, is mined. The Time Lords send the Doctor to the mining complex. As an emissary of the Time Lords he may not bring any weapons, but he does have a highly sophisticated robot cat called Splinx. Searching around the mines, labs and other mazes, the Doctor and Splinx collected various objects to confront and defeat the Master.

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