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Doctor Who And The Loch Ness Monster

74% 634 votes

Released Thursday, January 15, 1976
Written by Terrance Dicks
Pages 83
Time Travel Present
Tropes: (Potential Spoilers!) Environmental Message Shape Shifting
Inventory: (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver

Why is DOCTOR WHO suddenly summoned to the shores of Loch Ness? Terror and panic spread as the third oil rig is smashed into the sea by a mysterious force... the monster?

The controlling power must be the ZYGONS – alien creatures who have lived hidden on Earth for thousands of years, and now feel strong enough to take over the planet... The Doctor, Sarah and UNIT have different ideas – but can they outwit the supreme cunning of the ruthless ZYGONS?

Signal Strength: 40%

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