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First aired

Friday, July 22, 2011

Production Code


Written by

Jane Espenson

Directed by

Billy Gierhart


50 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Miracle Day

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Atlanta, Cardiff, Earth, Wales, Washington DC

UK Viewers

5.49 million


The Miracle has destroyed the order of the world. Believing immortality has robbed humanity of their souls, a new cult known as the Soulless is formed. Oswald Danes is becoming more and more popular. Companies like PhiCorp take advantage of the chaos, giving away medicine to those in need.

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Blimey, does this episode start off topical watching in 2020!


People panic buying because they're worried of the new normal? Where have I seen that before?


This is another very strong episode though. I love the Soulless cult; they're very creepy and unnerving with their masks. The opening action scene with them shooting the CIA boss and laying the trap for the police car on the road was very cool too.


My absolute favourite thing about this so far though is still the really interesting questions that are raised about immortality. The idea that murder, or attempted murder, simply wouldn't exist anymore is something that I have never seen a TV Show explore. It's really fascinating, because it means that in this world there are no boundaries as to what is right or wrong - as we see later in the police brutality towards Oswald Danes. He may be a rapist and murderer, but in a normal world they would not be allowed to beat him up like that. This is a new normal, though, and that means new rules. The police here can effectively exact any punishment they wish, because there is no consequence. You can literally get away with murder when murder doesn't exist.


The notion of being able to get drugs without a prescription is also very unnerving. Could you imagine the implications of that? What PhilCorp are doing feels totally inhumane, and has to be one of the most corrupt aspects of the Torchwood universe. Obviously it's not as bad as our UK government trying to give kids away to be used as recreational drugs in Children of Earth, but it's still very murky.


My one criticism of this episode is some of the huge logic leaps it takes. For one, Torchwood are supposed to be on the run because - as we know from the previous episode - the CIA are after them. So why does Jack think it's a good idea to go to a night club and romance some random guy there? Surely the night club are likely to have CCTV, and so the CIA could easily find out a member of Torchwood was at a night club? And you're really telling me Vera changed her mind that quickly about doing Rex's plan when she clearly didn't want to do it?


Overall though, I am loving Miracle Day three

episodes in.


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Back in series 1 and 2 of Torchwood, when it was bad, it was at least distinctive and Welsh. Now when it is bad, it is a generically bad U.S. show. I didn’t need UK / American differences in language to be explained to me. Some of the dialogue is appalling. Sex scenes designed to fill a quota. I understand Jane Espenson has a strong pedigree in American TV, but she doesn’t nail this first contribution.


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[TV studio]

WOMAN: What happened to you in there?
DANES: Something happened to all of us, not just me. Miracle Day arrived and we all came out of it changed.
WOMAN: But why do you think people accept you as an expert?
DANES: I'm no expert, but I'm a free man. And since the miracle, the White House has said nothing. Scientists have said nothing. I think the establishment is scared into silence. I survived. I can say what I want.
WOMAN: Such as?
DANES: Well, is anyone paying attention to the profits that the drug companies are making?

[Friedkin's home]

DANES [on TV]: We need drugs more than ever. But I think we should take all those pills, those tablets and those potions and give them to people free. Yes, that's what I'm saying, because that's how radical the world needs to be right now. Free drugs, free health care, free access for all.
WOMAN [on TV]: You really think that's practical?
DANES [on TV]: Who's to say what's practical anymore? That's pre-Miracle thinking.

(Friedkin comes down the stairs in his dressing gown to turn off the television set. Rex holds a gun to his head.)

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