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First aired

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Production Code


Directed by

Euros Lyn


60 minutes

Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

The 456

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Cardiff, Earth, England, London, Wales

UK Viewers

6.4 million


The eyes of the world turn to Britain. The 456 announce: "We are here," as the new Torchwood adventure continues. A pillar of fire descends upon London and Torchwood must battle to protect their own families as the fight gets personal. Will Clem's memories destroy everything?

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3 reviews

A lot of this episode was clearly set-up for the final two episodes, which is no bad thing, but meant some of it dragged. I also don't think John Barrowman is all that great an actor, something that doesn't come up much in earlier (dare we say, less good) Torchwood, but is very evident when he's acting opposite Peter Capaldi

Still, though, Children of Earth remains some of the best Torchwood yet, with the scenes between Frobisher and the 456 being very strong highlights


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Another solid chapter in Children of Earth.  A lot is just devoted to keeping up that build-up to the big moves coming next episode, but this entry on its own is pretty great at ratcheting up that tension and political bleakness.  A solid entry in Torchwood overall.


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This part if anything has only got more topical in 2020. The stuff about the schools being closed and a curfew being put in place sounds so much like the Coronavirus pandemic, and sending John Frobisher to deal with the 456 because they see him as expendable is totally something you could see our current government doing.


I love that our Torchwood team have to turn to a crime of thievery in order to survive whilst on the run, and that twist where Jack originally gave kids in the 60s to the 456 is still one of the very best in sci-fi history. It's so shocking to see a character we all know and love having stooped so low in the past. Somebody who we always think of as being on the right side in the fight against aliens.


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GREEN: Look, John Frobisher's a good man. And better than that, he's expendable. So, what do you say?

— John Frobisher, Day Three

Transcript + Script Needs checking


(Ianto breaks the lock on the door and they all go inside.)

IANTO: This is us. This is Torchwood. This is home.
LOUISE MINCHIN [on TV]: The children promised tomorrow and tomorrow is here. Our correspondents have been measuring the situation in Australia
REPORTER [on TV]: Le President a declare avoir ordonné la fermeture de nos écoles.
TRINITY WELLS [on TV]: The Senate have pointed out that we are now living in fear of our children. In fear of what they will say next. In fear of who or what is speaking through them.

(Rhys starts a fire in a barrel. They have an old settee to sit on.)

RHYS: Whoa! Almost lost my eyebrows. Still, good for something, see? Old Boy scout.
GWEN: I'm freezing.
RHYS: Is anyone gonna see us in here, you know, with all this firelight and stuff?
IANTO: It was abandoned in the nineties. It used to be a Torchwood holding facility. Torchwood One.
JACK: Rusting away for years.
GWEN: So what do we do, hmm? Just sit here?
JACK: Worse than that, do I have to stay in these clothes? I mean, come on. Tracksuit bottoms? Not a good look.
GWEN: Jack, they're arriving today. That alien voice thing said today, and we're stuck in the back end of beyond.
JACK: Yeah. But we're together, the old team. We're down, but not out, yeah? We've survived worse than this.
GWEN: Yeah.
JACK: Besides, I don't know how much fighting you should do in your condition.
RHYS: What's that mean?
GWEN: (sotto) Christ, Jack.
RHYS: He knows you're pregnant? You told him before me, didn't you?
GWEN: Rhys, he just happened to be there, and it happened really, really fast.
RHYS: Last to know. Last to bloody know. Well thank you very much.
GWEN: Don't be stupid, man. Hey, don't be so

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