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Phenomenal. Truly wonderful balance of character, really fleshing out Katarina, balanced perfectly with action in a well paced plot.

The First and Second Doctor's dynamic and interactions are fantastic - truly utilising a multi-Doctor interaction without resorting to old tropes and used gimmicks, which really builds to the experience. Peter Purves and Frazer Hines do a great job playing their respective companions and Doctor's and should be commended for the job that they do, which helps enhance the multi-Doctor experience too.

The plot as alluded to, is fantastic. Some timey wimey aspects, with high stakes - there is not a dull moment, in the story telling created in this story. The Daleks are utilised fantastically, and they felt a real threat again, something which is so often lacking in Dalek stories.

And the star here, is the attention given to Katarina - Ajjaz Awad gives a great performance in developing an under served companion. In the show, her potential to grow is evident from her short screen time, and how she was shown to learn and develop here, delivers on the opportunity she never received on TV. It makes The Daleks' Master Plan even more tragic, as we see how well she interacts with the Doctor and Steven.


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For our very best from the Second Doctor, we come to what I was certain was going the be the last of The Early Adventures considering the First Doctor’s move to The First Doctor Adventures and the fact that the Second Doctor would inevitably follow suit, which would make this series practically redundant. I was wrong however as the series released two more stories later on in 2021 but has had no news of any follow up so I guess that’s that for The Early Adventures. Frankly it’s a shame this story wasn’t the one to end The Early Adventures because it’s one hell of a finale and to me is my favourite multi-Doctor story of all time.

The story follows that the Second Doctor’s TARDIS collides with another TARDIS of the same appearance in the vortex, the resulting crash leaves the crew stranded on a planet under attack. But before the Doctor can step in to defend this world, he finds that he’s already on the case as his first incarnation along with Steven and Katarina of Troy are coordinating the defence and evacuation of the planet. But something is very wrong as the Second Doctor knows that Katarina never properly travelled with the First Doctor as she died on her very first trip. What’s more is that the consequences of the accident that brought both TARDIS crews to the same place are far worse than they can imagine as some old friends of theirs are slowly conquering the galaxy with their fully functioning time destructor.

This story draws very heavily on the events of The Dalek’s Master Plan, particularly the first half of it where Katarina, having joined the TARDIS in the previous story, made history by becoming the first companion to die in Doctor Who. That said I wouldn’t say it’s entirely necessary to see The Dalek’s Master Plan first to get the appropriate context as this audio does an excellent job of bringing the audience up to speed through the events and dialogue of the story.

Throughout The Early Adventures and in most Second Doctor audios up until 2022, the voice of the Second Doctor was provided by Jamie’s actor Frazer Hines, and it’s got to be said, Frazer Hines is the single best impersonator of the Second Doctor of all time, nobody can touch this man! From the inflections to the mannerisms, it honestly feels like you’re hearing Patrick Troughton’s voice. Shouldn’t come as a great shock given how they were close friends throughout their time on the show. Since 2022, the mantle has been passed on to Troughton’s son Michael who is great in his own right at capturing the spirit of his father, but Frazer Hines will always be the best.

So as the cover and premise suggests, this is a multi-Doctor story where the Second Doctor encounters his first incarnation, while multi-Doctor stories are rare in the show, Big Finish have used the advantage of having all the actors at their fingertips to do plenty of multi-Doctor stories playing about with different combinations. But maybe a little too much as while multi-Doctor stories are always fun and are an instant buy from me, they have admittedly lost that air of feeling special. Not to mention the more cynical reality that multi-Doctor stories tend to coast on the premise of the Doctor meeting other incarnations rather than tell a story of any depth. I mean in 2020 we had David Tennant and Tom Baker team up in a story to fight the Daleks, what’s the plot? Who are the other characters? Is there any compelling drama to this Doctor pairing? Who cares!!! It’s the Tenth and Fourth Doctors fighting Daleks, what else do you need!!! Which is fine, I enjoy that sort of thing but none of the multi-Doctor stories have ever managed to make it into my all-time favourites. That is except for this one where the Second and First Doctors meeting one another isn’t played off as a gimmick but rather the means of adding to the drama of the story where the Second Doctor knows how to fix the situation and set time on its correct course, but having learned what that will mean for Katarina, the First Doctor will not accept that. This leads to some excellent interactions between the two Doctors and the two TARDIS teams as they weigh up the choices of what to do next. Speaking of the companions, another common thread in multi-Doctor stories is that the companions, on the rare occasions they’re even involved, tend to be more of an afterthought, not much consideration is really put into the interplay between different TARDIS teams. But in this one the potential is given the treatment it deserves as Zoe, Jamie, Steven and Katarina have great chemistry with each other and show that the companions of different eras meeting one another can also make for some exciting character moments. You do of course get a lot of the entertaining and even funny back and forth moments with the two Doctors and how their egos clash with one another, particularly when they’re caught and interrogated by the Daleks which reminded me of the “Don’t call me Junior” bit from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where the two Jones’s had a full-on argument despite being held at gunpoint.

But the real star of this is Ajjaz Awad as Katarina, a character that despite making an impact in Doctor Who history, never had enough time to really make a connection with fans. Much like Sara Kingdom, it’s astounding how Big Finish have found a way to further develop such a short-lived character. Both writer David K. Barnes and Ajjaz deserve commending for fleshing out Katarina and making her inevitable fate all the more tragic. As well as showing what she means to the Doctor from the Second Doctor’s regret for losing her and the First Doctor’s guilt for how she came to join the TARDIS in the first place.

The two Early Adventures stories that followed in 2021 were good but this really should’ve been the proper finale to the series. There’s no better way of concluding a series that helped bring the show of the 60s back to life, Daughter of the Gods is a true love letter to the show in its infant years and is one of my all-time favourite Doctor Who stories.


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Daughter Of The Gods é mais um dos casos onde você deve ignorar totalmente o plot, de fato sua problemática é muito estacionada envolvendo (obviamente) um plano Dalek bem genérico com todos aqueles ingredientes já conhecidos pelos fãs, as criaturas invadindo um local em busca de escravizar os que habitam ali, "exterminate!" daqui "exterminate" de la e blá blá blá. O que adiciona um peso significativo a sua historia são todos os seus blocos dedicados as interações entre os personagens, é feita uma mistura muito interessante de Companions, temos a Zoe com Steven e Katarina com Jamie - Além disso cada minuto que envolve as duas primeiras encarnações valem ouro, a incrível dinâmica apresentada pelos dois e sentir as diferenças entre as encarnações se resulta em algo bem engraçado e memorável. Achei muito legal que a Katarina ganhou um merecido destaque, o áudio aborda as incertezas que cercam a personagem juntamente com um evento futuro chocante que envolve a menina - Eu fico pensando o quanto era confusa a mente da Katarina, uma garota tímida inocente de Tróia que tinha uma visão limitada do mundo, se expôs tão rápido de forma intensa a coisas inimagináveis em sua mente, paradoxos, viagens no tempo, um "templo" que é maior por dentro etc etc...Aliás, não posso esquecer de exaltar o excelente o trabalho da Ajjaz Awad em interpretar a jovem Companion, que voz doce de se ouvir. 🤗
Em resumo, "Daughter Of The Gods" é um prato cheio para os grandes admiradores do período dos anos 60 de Doctor Who. Performances incríveis, ótimas interações entre personagens, pegadas emocionais bem notáveis e um excelente ritmo de trama.


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This is my first Early Adventures audio, and WOW did I pick a good one. This story features both the first and second doctors (played here by Peter Purves and Frazer Hines respectively), acting as a pseudo fifth anniversary special. Both actors give a tremendous performance, Hines's ability to mimic Troughton's voice is very impressive and although Purves's voice doesn't sound as much like his respective Doctor, his vocal mannerisms are spot on and he delivers a truly engaging performance, this story gives him some very emotional moments and you can really hear the heartbreak in his voice.

Although this story features two doctors, the real star is one of the companions: Katerina. Ajjaz Awad is cast in the role for this story and she is absolutely perfect, it's a real shame there's nowhere to fit more stories with her, because I would have loved to hear many more, but then again, maybe that would have taken away from the emotional impact here. This story gives Katerina so much more development than she ever got on TV, making her ultimate fate in The Daleks' Master Plan all the more Heart breaking.

The actual plot is relatively simple, the first Doctor and crew have been stranded on a planet due to a collision in the time vortex, and a few months later due to an identical collision the second Doctor and crew land there too, shortly after the start of a Dalek invasion. This plot could easily have been quite boring, multi Doctor stories can often put fan service before story, especially with the Daleks as the villains, but here the choice of villain is very much justified.

The multi Doctor element of the story is not a major factor, with more focus going to Katerina, but it's handled in a very unique way, with the two Doctors having an almost antagonistic relationship, which makes this story SUCH an interesting listen, I've never heard two Doctors so opposed before, but both Doctors are absolutely justified in their stances, it doesn't feel forced or unrealistic, and this is enforced by how well the two actors play the Doctors. This is one of the best audio dramas I've ever listened to, maybe one of the best from ANY form of media, it is seriously that good.


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Peak who peak who honestly the best story in the range and possibly the best doctor who story so far in my marathon I am that serious katarina is iconic


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my very first doctor who audio!! :) i really wanted to listen to this one because i just finished watching through the 1960s tv seasons for the first time (easily one of my favourite eras of who) and wanted some more, and also because i really quite liked katarina for the short time we had her back in the myth makers--the daleks' master plan, so i thought this one sounded really interesting! this was funny, exciting, super original and creative, and all around really impressive. not only a great additional showcase for a short-lived companion, but also even a great showcase for every other character too! both doctors along with steven, jamie, and zoe were written for the most part really faithfully and played really well in a way that makes it feel like they never even left :) you can definitely hear the age in their voices, but the fact that it's the same actors at all (bar 1 and katarina) is really more than enough already. i'm really impressed with this story, i thought it was a great listen! looking forward to exploring more :)


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