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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Written by

Felicia Barker


58 minutes

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Doctor Who?, Lost the TARDIS, War

Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Time War

Location (Potential Spoilers!)



Everything dies when the Daleks arrive. Friends, loved ones, even hope itself. As the people of Medrüth are about to discover, nothing can stand in their way. After all, the Daleks won the Last Great Time War. Right?

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5 reviews
A great finale to this range. A lot of things being set up finally coming togehter, culminating everything so far...
What's that? There's still two stories left?
A. Maybe B.


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Listened to this over a week ago, so not too fresh in my mind, but god did I love this.

The Daleks feel really menacing here, and again I absolutely adore how they work this story perfectly into it's place in the Doctor Who timeline. The repercussions for The Doctor deleting himself meaning The Daleks think they won The Time War, the 'Skittles Daleks' reporting back to the Dalek Prime-Minister, the 'Skittles Daleks' actually feeling really menacing and like a true threat.

The way The Daleks are treated here reminds me a lot of The Stolen Earth or The Parting of the Ways. It's less a case of trying to defeat them, more a case of just trying to save what you can, and here we have important characters falling to them, dying to give others just a little more time. I especially love how Eleven references the colours in mocking them, especially the eternal, but how it works, they still feel menacing despite it.

I love Valarie's plan to help Eleven, I love Roanna's interactions with The Yearn, I love Hayden's last stand, I love The Yearn getting what it wants, and I love how even that isn't enough to stop The Daleks.

The implication that The Eternal Dalek is somehow what helped them overcome The Yearn is also really interesting and looking forward to seeing how that pans out.

This story made me actually love, fear, and respect the Ski- sorry, the New Dalek Paradigm, and I absolutely adore that I'm able to say that I do now.



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Paradigm of Evil

Prerequisites: The previous 11DC audios and Series 7 of New Who

Daleks Victorious is another great entry in this range, although it's probably (relatively) one of the weaker entries in this saga. For most of the runtime, it's a fairly standard, if well-done, Dalek base-under-siege story. On the plus side, it was very nice to see the Paradigm Daleks again; they were horrendously underutilized in the show proper. Seeing them have actual roles and begin to have fleshed-out functions was a great touch. I also appreciated a lot of the story beats on display; this audio does a great job of making you think that the heroes are going to win the day completely (and yes, I had totally forgotten what the title was). The last five minutes here are utterly fantastic; I love how the Daleks actually feel threatening now. That moment when they recover from the Yearn and manage to kill the entire population of Medrüth is truly harrowing, and I loved it. The Doctor's pure despair at the end is palpable. Honestly, my only real critique here (other than the very simplistic story of the first two acts) is the Yearn itself. As was the case in their previous story, I like the concept, but the vocal effects used are extremely garbled. It takes actual effort to decipher what they're saying at any given moment, which is extremely annoying when most of their dialogue is very plot relevant.


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Wow just just wow


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Another excellent entry in the final box set of the Doctor & Valarie series. This story picks right up from where the last story ended, and features a lot of elements from the previous entries in the series. The plot is simple, but with enough things going on to really keep you on the edge of your seat. Very little is predictable, and that leads to a generally fast-paced experience. The hour really flew by. The voice cast does a magnificent job all around, with the only problem being that the Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs sometimes sound almost like his natural speaking voice. But overall this is a minor quibble. This, what appears to be a four part story, is shaping up to be one of the best in all of Doctor Who.


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