Stories Television Doctor Who Series 1 Doctor Who S1 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dalek 2 images Back to Story Transcript [Museum] (The TARDIS materialises in dimly lit area with carpeting and display cases.) ROSE: So what is it? What's wrong?DOCTOR: Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course.ROSE: Where are we?DOCTOR: Earth. Utah, North America. About half a mile underground.ROSE: And when are we?DOCTOR: Two thousand and twelve. (He looks at a display case.) ROSE: God, that's so close. So I should be twenty six. (The Doctor finds the light switch, and things become more clear.) ROSE: Blimey. It's a great big museum.DOCTOR: An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust. That's the milometer from the Roswell spaceship.ROSE: That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm. It's been stuffed.DOCTOR: Oh, look at you.ROSE: What is it? (The head of a Cyberman.) DOCTOR: An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old.ROSE: Is that where the signal's coming from?DOCTOR: No, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out, calling for help. (The Doctor touches the display case and an alarm goes off. Armed guards rush in from all sides and cut them off from the TARDIS.) ROSE: If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A. [Corridor] TANNOY: Attention all personnel. Bad Wolf One descending. Bad Wolf One descending. (A helicopter has landed. Four armed guards line the corridor as a man and his aides stride out of a doorway.) POLKOWSKI: On behalf of all of us, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, sir. And the President called to convey his personal best wishes.VAN STATTEN: The President is ten points down. I want him replaced.POLKOWSKI: I don't think that's very wise, sir.VAN STATTEN: Thank you so much for your opinion. You're fired. Get rid of him.POLKOWSKI: What? (An armed guard drags Polkowski away.) VAN STATTEN: Wipe his memory, put him on the road someplace. Memphis, Minneapolis. Somewhere beginning with M. (A woman runs up to take Polkowski's place.) VAN STATTEN: So, the next President. What do you think? Republican or Democrat?GODDARD: Democrat, sir.VAN STATTEN: For what reason?GODDARD: They're just so funny, sir? (Van Statten stops.) VAN STATTEN: What is your name?GODDARD: Goddard, sir. Diana Goddard.VAN STATTEN: I like you, Diana Goddard. So, where's the English kid?ADAM: Sir! Sir! I bought ten more artefacts at auction, Mister Van Statten.VAN STATTEN: Bring 'em on, let me see 'em.GODDARD: Sir, with respect, there's something more urgent. We arrested two intruders fifty three floors down. We don't know how they got in.VAN STATTEN: I'll tell you how they got in. In-tru-da window. In-tru-da window. That was funny! (Obedient laughter.) VAN STATTEN: Bring 'em in. Let's see 'em. And tell Simmons I want to visit my little pet. Get to it! (Van Statten goes through a doorway. Goddard steps aside to use her headset.) GODDARD: Simmons? You'd better give me good news. Is it talking? [Cage] (Something with blue vision is watching a man wearing a protective suit wielding a chainsaw on itself.) SIMMONS: Not exactly talking, no. [Corridor] GODDARD: Then what's it doing? [Cage] SIMMONS: Screaming. Is that any good? [Office] (Adam is showing his boss the latest purchases.) ADAM: And this is the last. Paid eight hundred thousand dollars for it. (The Doctor, Rose and Goddard enter.) VAN STATTEN: What does it do?ADAM: Well, you see the tubes on the side? It must be to channel something. I think maybe fuel.DOCTOR: I really wouldn't hold it like that.GODDARD: Shut it.DOCTOR: Really, though, that's wrong.ADAM: Is it dangerous?DOCTOR: No, it just looks silly. (The Doctor reaches for the item, and firing bolts click all around him. Van Stratton hands him the curved, palm sized object.) DOCTOR: You just need to be (The Doctor strokes the artefact and it makes a note.) DOCTOR: Delicate. (He plays several different notes.) VAN STATTEN: It's a musical instrument.DOCTOR: And it's a long way from home.VAN STATTEN: Here, let me. (Van Statten's touch is harsher. Not nice sounds are produced.) DOCTOR: I did say delicate. It reacts to the smallest fingerprint. It needs precision. (Van Statten finally gets the hang of it.) DOCTOR: Very good. Quite the expert.VAN STATTEN: As are you. (Van Statton casually tosses it aside, onto the floor.) VAN STATTEN: Who exactly are you?DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. And who are you?VAN STATTEN: Like you don't know. We're hidden away with the most valuable collection of extra-terrestrial artefacts in the world, and you just stumbled in by mistake.DOCTOR: Pretty much sums me up, yeah.VAN STATTEN: The question is, how did you get in? Fifty three floors down, with your little cat burglar accomplice. You're quite a collector yourself, she's rather pretty.ROSE: She's going to smack you if you keep calling her she.VAN STATTEN: She's English too! Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy. Got you a girlfriend.ADAM: This is Mister Henry Van Statten.ROSE: And who's he when he's at home?ADAM: Mister Van Statten owns the internet.ROSE: Don't be stupid. No one owns the internet.VAN STATTEN: And let's just keep the whole world thinking that way, right kids?DOCTOR: So you're just about an expert in everything except the things in your museum. Anything you don't understand, you lock up.VAN STATTEN: And you claim greater knowledge?DOCTOR: I don't need to make claims, I know how good I am.VAN STATTEN: And yet, I captured you. Right next to the Cage. What were you doing down there?DOCTOR: You tell me.VAN STATTEN: The cage contains my one living specimen.DOCTOR: And what's that?VAN STATTEN: Like you don't know.DOCTOR: Show me.VAN STATTEN: You want to see it?ROSE: Blimey, you can smell the testosterone.VAN STATTEN: Goddard, inform the Cage we're heading down. You, English. Look after the girl. Go and canoodle or spoon or whatever it is you British do. And you, Doctor with no name, come and see my pet. [Outside the Cage] VAN STATTEN: We've tried everything. The creature has shielded itself but there's definite signs of life inside.DOCTOR: Inside? Inside what?SIMMONS: Welcome back, sir. I've had to take the power down. The Metaltron is resting.DOCTOR: Metaltron?VAN STATTEN: Thought of it myself. Good, isn't it? Although I'd much to prefer to find out it's real name.SIMMONS: Here, you'd better put these on. (gauntlets) The last guy that touched it burst into flames.DOCTOR: I won't touch it then.VAN STATTEN: Go ahead, Doctor. Impress me. (The Doctor steps through the heavy door.) VAN STATTEN: Don't open that door until we get a result. (Van Statten and Goddard go to a desk with monitors on it.) [Cage] (It is dark inside. The door clangs shut and locks.) DOCTOR: Look, I'm sorry about this. Mister Van Statten might think he's clever, but never mind him. I've come to help. I'm the Doctor. (A white light blinks next to a blue glow.) METALTRON: Doc Tor?DOCTOR: Impossible.METALTRON: The Doctor? (The lights come up to reveal a bad tempered pepperpot being held in chains.) DALEK: Exterminate! Exterminate! (The Doctor hammers on the door in terror.) DOCTOR: Let me out!DALEK: Exterminate! [Outside the Cage] GODDARD: Sir, it's going to kill him.VAN STATTEN: It's talking! [Cage] DALEK: You are an enemy of the Daleks! You must be destroyed! (Its gun arm twitches but nothing happens.) DOCTOR: It's not working. (The Doctor laughs as the Dalek looks at its impotent weapon.) DOCTOR: Fantastic! Oh, fantastic! Powerless! Look at you. The great space dustbin. How does it feel?DALEK: Keep back! (The Doctor stands inches away, staring into its eyepiece.) DOCTOR: What for? What're you going to do to me? If you can't kill, then what are you good for, Dalek? What's the point of you? You're nothing. [Outside the Cage] DOCTOR [on monitor]: What the hell are you here for?DALEK [on monitor]: I am waiting for orders. [Cage] DOCTOR: What does that mean?DALEK: I am a soldier. I was bred to receive orders.DOCTOR: Well you're never going to get any. Not ever.DALEK: I demand orders!DOCTOR: They're never going to come! Your race is dead! You all burnt, all of you. Ten million ships on fire. The entire Dalek race wiped out in one second.DALEK: You lie!DOCTOR: I watched it happen. I made it happen.DALEK: You destroyed us?DOCTOR: I had no choice.DALEK: And what of the Time Lords?DOCTOR: Dead. They burnt with you. The end of the last great Time War. Everyone lost.DALEK: And the coward survived.DOCTOR: Oh, and I caught your little signal. Help me. Poor little thing. But there's no one else coming 'cause there's no one else left.DALEK: I am alone in the universe.DOCTOR: Yep.DALEK: So are you. We are the same.DOCTOR: We're not the same! I'm not (pause) No, wait. Maybe we are. You're right. Yeah, okay. You've got a point. 'Cause I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. Exterminate. (The Doctor pulls a lever on a nearby console and the Dalek is lit up with electricity.) DALEK: Have pity!DOCTOR: Why should I? You never did. [Outside the Cage] VAN STATTEN: Get him out. [Cage] DALEK: Help me! (Guards grab the Doctor as he goes to ramp up the voltage again.) VAN STATTEN: I saved your life. Now talk to me. Goddamn it, talk to me! (Simmons turns off the electricity.) DOCTOR: You've got to destroy it! (The Doctor is dragged out.) VAN STATTEN: The last in the universe. And now I know your name. Dalek. Speak to me, Dalek. I am Henry van Statten, now recognise me! Make it talk again, Simmons. Whatever it takes. [Adam's workshop] ADAM: Sorry about the mess. Mister Van Statten sort of lets me do my own thing, so long as I deliver the goods. What do you think that is? (Adam gives Rose an inch think piece of metal.) ROSE: Er, a lump of metal?ADAM: Yeah. Yeah, but I think, well, I'm almost certain, it's from the hull of a spacecraft. The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet, spacecraft, aliens, visitors to Earth. They really exist.ROSE: That's amazing.ADAM: I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life.ROSE: I'm gobsmacked, yeah. And you do what, sit here and catalogue it?ADAM: Best job in the world.ROSE: Imagine if you could get out there. Travel amongst the stars and see it for real.ADAM: Yeah, I'd give anything. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Not in our lifetimes.ROSE: Oh, you never know. What about all those people who say they've been inside of spaceships and things and talked to aliens?ADAM: I think they're nutters.ROSE: Yeah, me too. So, how'd you end up here?ADAM: Van Statten has agents all over the world looking for geniuses to recruit.ROSE: Oh, right. You're a genius.ADAM: Sorry, but yeah. I can't help it. I was born clever. When I was eight, I logged onto the US Defence System. Nearly caused World War Three.ROSE: What, and that's funny, is it?ADAM: Well, you should've been there just to see them running about. Fantastic!ROSE: You sound like the Doctor.ADAM: Are you and him?ROSE: No, we're just friends.ADAM: Good.ROSE: Why is it good?ADAM: It just is.ROSE: So, wouldn't you rather be downstairs? I mean, you've got these bits of metal and stuff, but Mister Van Statten's got a living creature down there.ADAM: Yeah. Yeah, well, I did ask, but he keeps it to himself. Although, if you're a genius, it doesn't take long to patch through on the comm. system.ROSE: Let's have a look, then.ADAM: It doesn't do much, the alien. It's weird. It's kind of useless. It's just like this great big pepper pot. (They watch the Dalek screaming as Simmons takes a big drill to its casing.) ROSE: It's being tortured! Where's the Doctor?ADAM: I don't know.ROSE: Take me down there now. [Lift] DOCTOR: The metal's just battle armour. The real Dalek creature's inside.VAN STATTEN: What does it look like?DOCTOR: A nightmare. It's a mutation. The Dalek race was genetically engineered. Every single emotion was removed except hate.VAN STATTEN: Genetically engineered. By whom?DOCTOR: By a genius, Van Statten. By a man who was king of his own little world. You'd like him.GODDARD: It's been on Earth for over fifty years. Sold at a private auction, moving from one collection to another. Why would it be a threat now?DOCTOR: Because I'm here. How did it get to Earth? Does anyone know?GODDARD: The records say it came from the sky like a meteorite. It fell to Earth on the Ascension Islands. Burnt in its crater for three days before anybody could get near it and all that time it was screaming. It must have gone insane.DOCTOR: It must have fallen through time. The only survivor.GODDARD: You talked about a war?DOCTOR: The Time War. The final battle between my people and the Dalek race.VAN STATTEN: But you survived, too.DOCTOR: Not by choice.VAN STATTEN: This means that the Dalek isn't the only alien on Earth. Doctor, there's you. The only one of your kind in existence. [Doctor's cage] (So the Doctor is stripped and chained spread-eagled.) VAN STATTEN: Now, smile! (A painful laser scan runs down the Doctor's body.) VAN STATTEN: Two hearts! Binary vascular system. Oh, I am so going to patent this.DOCTOR: So that's your secret. You don't just collect this stuff, you scavenge it.VAN STATTEN: This technology has been falling to Earth for centuries. All it took was the right mind to use it properly. Oh, the advances I've made from alien junk. You have no idea, Doctor. Broadband? Roswell. Just last year my scientists cultivated bacteria from the Russian crater, and do you know what we found? The cure for the common cold. Kept it strictly within the laboratory of course. No need to get people excited. Why sell one cure when I can sell a thousand palliatives?DOCTOR: Do you know what a Dalek is, Van Statten? A Dalek is honest. It does what it was born to do for the survival of its species. That creature in your dungeon is better than you.VAN STATTEN: In that case, I will be true to myself and continue.DOCTOR: Listen to me! That thing downstairs is going to kill every last one of us!VAN STATTEN: Nothing can escape the Cage. (He blasts the Doctor with the laser again.) DOCTOR: But it's woken up. It knows I'm here. It's going to get out. Van Statten, I swear, no one on this base is safe. No one on this planet! (Van Statten runs the laser scan again, just to hear the Doctor scream.) [Outside the Cage] BYWATER: Hold it right there.ADAM: Level three access. Special clearance from Mister Van Statten. [Cage] ADAM: Don't get too close. (The door closes behind Rose and Adam.) ROSE: Hello. Are you in pain? My name's Rose Tyler. I've got a friend, he can help. He's called the Doctor. What's your name?DALEK: Yes.ROSE: What?DALEK: I am in pain. They torture me, but still they fear me. Do you fear me?ROSE: No.DALEK: I am dying.ROSE: No, we can help.DALEK: I welcome death. But I am glad that before I die I have met a human who was not afraid.ROSE: Isn't there anything I can do?DALEK: My race is dead, and I shall die alone. (Rose reaches for the Dalek's head.) ADAM: Rose, no! (A brief touch leaves a golden handprint which quickly fades. The Dalek becomes more animated.) DALEK: Genetic material extrapolated. Initiate cellular reconstruction! (The Dalek breaks its chains. Simmons enters.) SIMMONS: What the hell have you done? (He goes to the Dalek, carrying his drill. The Dalek raises its sink plunger.) SIMMONS: What are you going to do? Sucker me to death? (The sucker covers his nose and mouth and the Dalek creates a vacuum inside it. Ouch!) [Outside the Cage] ROSE: It's killing him! Do something!BYWATER: Condition red! Condition red! [Doctor's cage] GUARD [OC]: I repeat, this is not a drill!DOCTOR: Release me if you want to live. [Office] (The scene in the Cage is on a large wall TV.) DOCTOR: You've got to keep it in that cell.ROSE [on screen]: Doctor, it's all my fault.GUARD [on screen]: I've sealed the compartment. It can't get out, that lock's got a billion combinations.DOCTOR: A Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat. [Outside the Cage] (And that is precisely what the Dalek uses its sucker to do.) BYWATER: Open fire! [Office] VAN STATTEN: Don't shoot it! I want it unharmed.DOCTOR: Rose, get out of there! [Outside the Cage] BYWATER: De Maggio, take the civilians and get them out alive. That is your job, got that? (The woman guard obeys.) DE MAGGIO: You, with me. [Outside the Cage] (The Dalek glides up to the wall monitor and smashes it, absorbing the electricity. It's battered armour starts to mend, turning from brown to golden.) BYWATER: Abandoning the Cage, sir. [Office] GODDARD: We're losing power. It's draining the base. Oh, my God. It's draining entire power supplies for the whole of Utah.DOCTOR: It's downloading.VAN STATTEN: Downloading what?GODDARD: Sir, the entire West Coast has gone down.DOCTOR: It's not just energy. That Dalek just absorbed the entire internet. It knows everything. [Outside the Cage] DALEK: The Daleks survive in me! (The Dalek uses its weapon on its surroundings.) [Office] GODDARD: The cameras in the vault have gone down.DOCTOR: We've only got emergency power. It's eaten everything else. You've got to kill it now!GODDARD: All guards to converge in the Metaltron cage, immediately. [Corridor] DE MAGGIO: Civilians! Let them through! (Rose and Adam, and de Maggio, run through the incoming phalanx of guards.) BYWATER: Cover the north wall. Red division, maintain suppressing fire along the perimeter. Blue division argh! (The guard dies the traditional extermination death, by turning black and white and having his skeleton exposed. The guards open fire, but the Dalek just absorbs the bullets. It kills another man. More guards come up behind it, so it swivels its eyepiece around then its middle section turns to open fire on them. Back and forward it alternates, killing someone each time.) [Office] VAN STATTEN: Tell them to stop shooting at it.GODDARD: But it's killing them!VAN STATTEN: They're dispensable. That Dalek is unique. I don't want a scratch on its bodywork, do you hear me? Do you hear me? (The gunfire stops, but only because there is no one left to shoot. Goddard calls up a schematic of the base.) GODDARD: That's us, right below the surface. That's the cage, and that's the Dalek.DOCTOR: This museum of yours. Have you got any alien weapons?GODDARD: Lots of them, but the trouble is the Dalek's between us and them.VAN STATTEN: We've got to keep that thing alive. We could just seal the entire vault, trap it down there.DOCTOR: Leaving everyone trapped with it. Rose is down there. I won't let that happen. Have you got that? It's got to go through this area. What's that?GODDARD: Weapons testing.DOCTOR: Give guns to the technicians, the lawyers, anyone. Everyone. Only then have you got a chance of killing it. [Staircase] ROSE: Stairs! That's more like it. It hasn't got legs. It's stuck!DE MAGGIO: It's coming! Get up! (They run a flight and look down on the Dalek.) ADAM: Great big alien death machine defeated by a flight of stairs.DE MAGGIO: Now listen to me. I demand that you return to your cage. If you want to negotiate then I can guarantee that Mister van Statten will be willing to talk. I accept that we imprisoned you and maybe that was wrong, but people have died, and that stops right now. The killing stops. Have you got that? I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?DALEK: Elevate. (The Dalek glides up the stairs, just like its forebears did at Coal Hill School.) ROSE: Oh my God.DE MAGGIO: Adam, get her out of here.ROSE: Come with us. You can't stop it.DE MAGGIO: Someone's got to try. Now get out! Don't look back. Just run. (Despite the closing range, de Maggio doesn't hit the eyepiece. She suffers the usual fate.) [Office] VAN STATTEN: I thought you were the great expert, Doctor. If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate. There must be something it needs. Everything needs something.DOCTOR: What's the nearest town?VAN STATTEN: Salt Lake City.DOCTOR: Population?VAN STATTEN: One million.DOCTOR: All dead. If the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature. That's all it needs.VAN STATTEN: But why would it do that?DOCTOR: Because it honestly believes they should die. Human beings are different, and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose! The Dalek's surrounded by a force field. The bullets are melting before they even hit home, but it's not indestructible. [Loading bay] DOCTOR [OC]: If you concentrate your fire, you might get through. Aim for the dome, the head, the eyepiece. [Office] DOCTOR: That's the weak spot. [Loading bay] COMMANDER: Thank you, Doctor, but I think I know how to fight one single tin robot. Positions! (His men take cover behind various corners, packing cases, boxes and up on a catwalk with him. Rose and Adam run into view.) COMMANDER: Hold your fire! You two, get the hell out of there! (Rose and Adam run past a guard at the entrance. The Dalek enters, turns and zooms in on Rose's face. They get out of the bay.) [Outside the loading bay] ROSE: It was looking at me.ADAM: Yeah, it wants to slaughter us.ROSE: I know, but it was looking right at me.ADAM: So? It's just a sort of metal eye thing. It's looking all around.ROSE: I don't know. It's like there's something inside, looking at me, like, like it knows me. [Loading bay] COMMANDER: On my mark. Open fire! [Office] GODDARD: We've got vision.DOCTOR: It wants us to see. [Loading bay] (The hail of bullets is having no effect. Then the Dalek starts to rise straight up into the air. It zaps the fire alarm and the sprinklers are set off. Once the concrete floor is covered with a layer of water, it fires downwards and electrocutes every wet person on the ground.) COMMANDER: Fall back! Fall back! (The Dalek exterminates kills him and the rest of his men with another strategic shot, then continues to hang there, water pouring down its shell, crying in the rain.) [Office] VAN STATTEN: Perhaps it's time for a new strategy. Maybe we should consider abandoning this place.GODDARD: Except there's no power to the helipad, sir. We can't get out.DOCTOR: You said we could seal the vault.VAN STATTEN: It was designed to be a bunker in the event of nuclear war. Steel bulkheadsGODDARD: There's not enough power, those bulkheads are massive.DOCTOR: We've got emergency power. We can re-route that to the bulkhead doors.GODDARD: We'd have to bypass the security codes. That would take a computer genius.VAN STATTEN: Good thing you've got me, then.DOCTOR: You want to help?VAN STATTEN: I don't want to die, Doctor. Simple as that. And nobody knows this software better than me.GODDARD: Sir. (The Dalek is back on the ground.) DALEK [on screen]: I shall speak only to the Doctor.DOCTOR: You're going to get rusty.DALEK [on screen]: I fed off the DNA of Rose Tyler. Extrapolating the biomass of a time traveller regenerated me.DOCTOR: What's your next trick?DALEK [on screen]: I have been searching for the Daleks.DOCTOR: Yeah, I saw. downloading the internet. What did you find? [Loading bay] DALEK: I scanned your satellites and radio telescopes. [Office] DOCTOR: And?DALEK [on screen]: Nothing. Where shall I get my orders now?DOCTOR: You're just a soldier without commands.DALEK [on screen]: Then I shall follow the Primary Order, the Dalek instinct to destroy, to conquer.DOCTOR: What for? What's the point? Don't you see it's all gone? Everything you were, everything you stood for. [Loading bay] DALEK: Then what should I do? [Office] DOCTOR: All right, then. If you want orders, follow this one. Kill yourself. [Loading bay] DALEK: The Daleks must survive! [Office] DOCTOR: The Daleks have failed! Why don't you finish the job and make the Daleks extinct. Rid the Universe of your filth. Why don't you just die? [Loading bay] DALEK: You would make a good Dalek. [Office] (The screen goes blank.) DOCTOR: Seal the Vault.VAN STATTEN: I can leech power off the ground defences, feed it to the bulkheads. God, it's been years since I had to work this fast.DOCTOR: Are you enjoying this?GODDARD: Doctor, she's still down there. [Staircase] (Rose's phone rings.) ROSE: This isn't the best time.DOCTOR [OC]: Where are you?ROSE: Level forty nine. [Office] DOCTOR: You've got to keep moving. The vault's being sealed off up at level forty six. [Staircase] ROSE: Can't you stop them closing? [Office] DOCTOR: I'm the one who's closing them. I can't wait and I can't help you. [Staircase] DOCTOR [OC]: Now for God's sake, run. (The Dalek is at level fifty one.) [Office] VAN STATTEN: Done it. We've got power to the bulkheads.GODDARD: The Dalek's right behind them. [Level 46] ROSE: We're nearly there. Give us two seconds. [Office] VAN STATTEN: Doctor, I can't sustain the power. The whole system is failing. Doctor, you've got to close the bulkheads.DOCTOR: I'm sorry. [Level 46] (The Doctor hits Enter. A klaxon sounds and the bulkhead starts to lower.) ADAM: Come on! (Adam rolls under the bulkhead with eighteen inches to spare.) [Office] VAN STATTEN: The vault is sealed.DOCTOR: Rose, where are you? Rose, did you make it? [Level 46] ROSE: Sorry, I was a bit slow. (The Dalek comes round the corner.) ROSE: See you, then, Doctor. It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault. [Office] ROSE [OC]: And do you know what? [Level 46] ROSE: I wouldn't have missed it for the world. [Office] DALEK [OC]: Exterminate! (Zap!) DOCTOR: I killed her.VAN STATTEN: I'm sorry.DOCTOR: I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry? I could've killed that Dalek in it's cell, but you stopped me.VAN STATTEN: It was the prize of my collection!DOCTOR: Your collection? But was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Rose? Let me tell you something, Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore, to be part of something greater.VAN STATTEN: Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars!DOCTOR: You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them. You're about as far from the stars as you can get. And you took her down with you. She was nineteen years old. [Level 46] ROSE: Go on then, kill me. Why're you doing this?DALEK: I am armed. I will kill. It is my purpose.ROSE: They're all dead because of you.DALEK: They are dead because of us.ROSE: And now what? What're you waiting for?DALEK: I feel your fear.ROSE: What do you expect?DALEK: Daleks do not fear. Must not fear. (The Dalek shoots at either side of the bulkhead door.) DALEK: You gave me life. What else have you given me? I am contaminated. [Office] (Adam enters.) DOCTOR: You were quick on your feet, leaving Rose behind.ADAM: I'm not the one who sealed the vault!DALEK [on screen]: Open the bulkhead or Rose Tyler dies.DOCTOR: You're alive!ROSE [on screen]: Can't get rid of me.DOCTOR: I thought you were dead.DALEK [on screen]: Open the bulkhead!ROSE [on screen]: Don't do it!DALEK [on screen]: What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?DOCTOR: I killed her once. I can't do it again. (The bulkhead opens. Rose and the Dalek walk through.) VAN STATTEN: What do we do now, you bleeding heart. What the hell do we do?ADAM: Kill it when it gets here.GODDARD: All the guns are useless, and the alien weapons are in the vault.ADAM: Only the catalogued ones. [Adam's workshop] DOCTOR: Broken. Broken. Hairdryer.ADAM: Mister Van Statten tends to dispose of his staff, and when he does he wipes their memory. I kept this stuff in case I needed to fight my way out one day.DOCTOR: What, you in a fight? I'd like to see that.ADAM: I could do.DOCTOR: What're you going to do, throw your A-Levels at 'em? Oh, yes. Lock and load. [Lift] ROSE: I'm begging you, don't kill them. You didn't kill me.DALEK: But why not? Why are you alive? My function is to kill. What am I? What am I? [Office] ROSE: Don't move. Don't do anything. It's beginning to question itself.DALEK: Van Statten. You tortured me. Why?VAN STATTEN: I wanted to help you. I just, I don't know. I was trying to help. I thought if we could get through to you, if we could mend you. I wanted you better. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk! (Van Statten is backed up against the wall.) DALEK: Then hear me talk now. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!ROSE: Don't do it! Don't kill him! You don't have to do this anymore. There must be something else, not just killing. What else is there? What do you want?DALEK: I want freedom. (The Doctor is running up the stairs with his honking big gun.) [Level 1] (The Dalek blasts a hole in the roof, and a shaft of sunlight streams down straight onto its eyepiece.) ROSE: You're out. You made it. I never thought I'd feel the sunlight again.DALEK: How does it feel? (The Dalek opens its middle and dome sections to reveal the one-eyed mutant within. It holds out a tendril.) DOCTOR: Get out of the way. Rose, get out of the way now!ROSE: No. I won't let you do this.DOCTOR: That thing killed hundreds of people.ROSE: It's not the one pointing the gun at me.DOCTOR: I've got to do this. I've got to end it. The Daleks destroyed my home, my people. I've got nothing left.ROSE: Look at it.DOCTOR: What's it doing?ROSE: It's the sunlight, that's all it wants.DOCTOR: But it can'tROSE: It couldn't kill Van Statten, it couldn't kill me. It's changing. What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into?DOCTOR: I couldn't. I wasn't. Oh, Rose. They're all dead.DALEK: Why do we survive?DOCTOR: I don't know.DALEK: I am the last of the Daleks.DOCTOR: You're not even that. Rose did more than regenerate you. You've absorbed her DNA. You're mutating.DALEK: Into what?DOCTOR: Something new. I'm sorry.ROSE: Isn't that better?DOCTOR: Not for a Dalek.DALEK: I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die.ROSE: I can't do that.DALEK: This is not life. This is sickness. I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey!ROSE: Do it.DALEK: Are you frightened, Rose Tyler?ROSE: Yeah.DALEK: So am I. Exterminate. (The Dalek shuts its eye. Rose retreats as it closes up its armour again then rises into the air. The balls on its lower body spread out around it creating a forcefield, then it implodes safely.) [Corridor] (Van Statten is under guard, wherever they came from.) VAN STATTEN: What the hell are you doing?GODDARD: Two hundred personnel dead, and all because of you, sir. Take him away, wipe his memory, and leave him by the road someplace.VAN STATTEN: You can't do this to me. I am Henry van Statten!GODDARD: And by tonight, Henry van Statten will be a homeless, brainless junkie living on the streets of San Diego, Seattle, Sacramento. Someplace beginning with S. [Museum] DOCTOR: A little piece of home. Better than nothing.ROSE: Is that the end of it, the Time War?DOCTOR: I'm the only one left. I win. How about that?ROSE: The Dalek survived. Maybe some of your people did too.DOCTOR: I'd know. In here. (his head) Feels like there's no one.ROSE: Well then, good thing I'm not going anywhere.DOCTOR: Yeah.ADAM: We'd better get out. Van Statten's disappeared. They're closing down the base. Goddard says they're going to fill it full of cement, like it never existed.ROSE: About time.ADAM: I'll have to go back home.DOCTOR: Better hurry up then. Next flight to Heathrow leaves at fifteen hundred hours.ROSE: Adam was saying that all his life he wanted to see the stars.DOCTOR: Tell him to go and stand outside, then.ROSE: He's all on his own, Doctor, and he did help.DOCTOR: He left you down there.ROSE: So did you.ADAM: What're you talking about? We've got to leave.DOCTOR: Plus, he's a bit pretty.ROSE: I hadn't noticed.DOCTOR: On your own head. (The Doctor unlocks the TARDIS.) ADAM: What're you doing? She said cement. She wasn't joking. We're going to get sealed in. (The Doctor and Rose go inside the TARDIS.) ADAM: Doctor? What're you doing standing inside a box? Rose? (Adam creeps inside the TARDIS, and it dematerialises.) Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.