Stories Television Doctor Who Series 1 Doctor Who S1 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dalek 2 images Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 10 reviews 16 February 2025 · 269 words Review by RandomJoke 1 One of the very best of the revival. Rob Shearman brings us classic after classic, the same goes with this. I always a fan for a good dalek story and when they are amazing, they REALLY are amazing. So is this! Similar to Power of the Daleks it explores the nature of the Dalek and shows how threading those pepper potts can be when used right. Sure it cools hearing 10.000 Daleks are here on a planet, but this is exactly why the daleks work so well. All the tension between 9 and the Dalek is just amazing. If somebody wasnt convinced yet by Eccelstons amazing perfomance, they certainly will be at this one. I also think Nick Briggs does one of his very best perfomance as a dalek, such a good one. I could praise the idea and the concept behind it. I could point to some lovely little details. I could write even more on this Episode, it’s amazing. Sure it’s a bit “overrated” and it’s by far not the best shearman has done with who, but still I think this one just works and is the moment where the series went from solid to great for me at least. But I’d agree with the sentinte that this Episodes gets seen in high regards of bringing back the scare factor of the Daleks, when their last proper story was rememberance and one of their very best, you’d think the way people talk about it, their last Outing was Destiny instead (I like destiny but it’s definietly a weaker outing of the beloved foes). RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 1 6 February 2025 · 3 words Review by goblinikov 1 ow! my feelings!! goblinikov View profile Like Liked 1 26 November 2024 · 44 words Review by Dullish Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! It's the first Nuwho Dalek episode. Pretty cool, the classic Cyberman head tease kills me knowing how the Cybusmen look. Testing on the Doctor is a pretty normal response to being told that they're an alien. As predicted the Daleks kills everyone, great episode. Dullish View profile Like Liked 3 11 October 2024 · 31 words Review by Bongo50 1 Dalek is a very solid episode with great characters and lots of interesting nuance. It keeps tension throughout. However, I feel that some bits of it are a little but rushed. Bongo50 View profile Like Liked 1 18 August 2024 · 7 words Review by captainjackenoch 1 This review has been flagged as inappropriate. captainjackenoch View profile Like Liked 1 16 June 2024 · 558 words Review by WhoPotterVian Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! It's weird to think that the Daleks nearly didn't return. That instead of 'Dalek', this episode could have been called 'Absence of the Dalek'. Thankfully, they did in a classic episode of the show many rightfully think of first when they think of Christopher Eccleston's series as the Doctor. In Dalek, the Doctor and Rose arrive in the year 2012 at a museum of alien artefacts owned by Henry VanStatten (Corey Johnson). The Doctor soon discovers that Henry is keeping a Dalek he calls 'Metaltron' prisoner, sending technician Simmons (Nigel Whitmey) to torture it in an attempt to get it to speak. What's brilliant about this episode is we essentially get to see the Doctor become a Dalek himself; he even uses their catchphrase 'exterminate' when pulling the lever to electrocute the Dalek. It's great to see the Doctor just lose it and fires the imagination as to what the character must have seen during the Time War to make him like this. Of course, the Doctor and the Daleks have a lot of history too which obviously counts for a lot of the hatred but let's not forget this is a character that couldn't destroy the Daleks when he had the chance in Genesis of the Daleks. This Doctor would have done it without the flicker of an eyelid. You also get to see it from Rose's side: someone who hasn't seen the Daleks in action and therefore has no existing hatred for them. Rose feels sorry for it and so touches the Dalek out of compassion, however her exposure to time travel regenerates it meaning she accidentally unleashes it on a killing spree. It's hard to not see Rose's point of view, even knowing that the Dalek's actions were inevitable and it really adds to the story to see a different point of view to the presence of a Dalek and establishes that the show's not just about the Doctor and his companion VS the latest monster/villain but can also be about one, the other or both trying to help the monster in the episode (something important to be established in the new series' first series). Dalek also sees the introduction of Bruno Langley as Adam Mitchell; unlike many, I actually enjoyed him in the role. Before The Long Game showed his true colours, he seemed a likeable character played superbly by Bruno Langley and one whom I hoped would become a companion at the end. Of course, he did and he wasn't very good at the companion lark. Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper are both on top form here, especially Christopher Eccleston showing the Doctor's built-up Time War rage. The writing is also impeccable; Robert Shearman is an excellent writer and it's crazy that he has never returned to the show, especially someone who can write lines like 'I can feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Rose, give me orders. Order me to die.'. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say Robert Shearman would make a great showrunner. Basically, if future showrunner Chris Chibnall gets Robert Shearman to write a story for his era then I for one certainly won't be shouting for him to go. Overall, Dalek is simply a masterpiece expertly written by Robert Shearman and featuring stunning performances from Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and Bruno Langley. WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 2 14 May 2024 · 181 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! Overall, Dalek is an extremely impressive episode. Knowing that it was possible the Daleks wouldn't have been in the rebooted series at all, and that this episode is what ultimately swayed the rights owners, is pretty interesting to have learned about. I quite like how thoughtful this story is, and how well it showcases the power of just one, single Dalek. I wish I could give this a perfect 10/10 since so much of this episode is done well. The writing is tightly paced and builds up the Dalek well while also teaching fans, new and old, so much about these aliens and their history with the Doctor. I do have to say some of the writing, acting, and effects don't hold up perfectly after so many years and such a limited budget from this era, but I still think Dalek almost completely holds up and is a great introduction to some of the larger aspects of Doctor Who. Definitely one of the stronger introductory episodes around series one, with a lot of memorable moments and a great showcase of Rose's character. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 3 2 May 2024 · 788 words Review by MrColdStream 1 Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! "DALEK: A TERRIFYING REINVENTION OF A CLASSIC FOE" Robert Shearman’s Dalek is a gripping reintroduction of the Doctor’s most iconic foes, drawing inspiration from his earlier Big Finish audio play Jubilee. A classic base-under-siege tale at heart, the episode modernises the format, injecting it with relentless tension, psychological depth, and a haunting exploration of trauma. Set against the backdrop of the Time War, this is not just another Dalek story—it’s a meditation on survival, vengeance, and what it truly means to be a monster. A DOCTOR PUSHED TO HIS LIMITS From the moment the lone Dalek is revealed, the episode makes a powerful statement. The Ninth Doctor’s reaction—shock, fear, and then unfiltered rage—is electric. Christopher Eccleston delivers one of his strongest performances, his Doctor oscillating between fury and anguish as he confronts the creature. The episode draws unsettling parallels between the Doctor and the Dalek, framing them both as war-torn survivors. The more the Doctor succumbs to his anger, the more he mirrors the enemy he despises, creating a compelling moral dilemma. Billie Piper’s Rose serves as the emotional counterpoint, her compassion driving the Dalek’s transformation. Though her role is more limited than in other episodes, her act of kindness is pivotal, leading to the Dalek’s existential crisis and eventual self-destruction. The DNA-feeding concept may stretch believability, but it remains essential to the episode’s emotional weight. A SINGLE DALEK MORE TERRIFYING THAN AN ARMY In a franchise known for overwhelming Dalek invasions, Dalek does something extraordinary: it makes a single Dalek utterly terrifying. Stripped of its fleet and support, the creature still wipes out entire squads with ruthless efficiency. The reveal of its ability to levitate up a staircase—a long-running joke among fans—is a triumphant moment that cements the Dalek’s unstoppable nature. Yet Shearman subverts expectations, making the Dalek not just a killing machine but a tragic figure. Tortured and alone, it is as much a victim of the Time War as the Doctor himself. By the end, it is no longer seeking conquest, but purpose. Its inability to reconcile its newfound emotions leads to the haunting realisation that the most dangerous thing in the universe is a Dalek with no orders to follow. A SATIRE OF POWER AND GREED Beyond the Dalek, the episode takes aim at the human capacity for cruelty. Corey Johnson’s Henry van Statten is the epitome of the arrogant billionaire—collecting alien artefacts with no regard for ethics or consequences. He serves as a cautionary figure, a man so obsessed with power that he fails to see the real danger lurking in his basement. His comeuppance, while satisfying, is almost too easy—Harriet Jones would have sorted him out in seconds! Meanwhile, Bruno Langley’s Adam is introduced as a prospective companion, but his self-serving nature is already evident. Unlike Rose, who sees wonder in the universe, Adam only sees opportunity—setting up his inevitable downfall in The Long Game. STRONG DIRECTION AND ATMOSPHERE Visually, Dalek makes the most of its confined setting. The underground bunker’s claustrophobic design amplifies the tension, trapping the characters in an escalating nightmare. The Dalek itself has never looked more menacing—sleek, polished, and utterly lethal. Murray Gold’s score enhances the drama without overpowering it. The episode’s best moments, however, are often defined by silence—the eerie hum of the Dalek’s eyestalk, the Doctor’s trembling breath as he faces his old enemy, and the quiet devastation of the Dalek’s final moments. 📝VERDICT: 9/10 A masterclass in reinvention, Dalek takes the show’s most famous monster and makes it scarier—and sadder—than ever before. Eccleston delivers a powerhouse performance, the tension is relentless, and the themes of trauma and identity elevate the episode beyond a simple action thriller. While some elements—like the Dalek’s emotional awakening—may divide purists, there’s no denying the impact of this story. This is Doctor Who at its most intense, intelligent, and unforgettable. RANDOM OBSERVATIONS: When the first season of a series takes place in a future that has long since passed in real life, you know it has been going on for a while. Here it is the wonderful year of 2012. A nice bit of fan service here: the Utah museum has the head of a Mondasian Cyberman on display. That remains the only onscreen encounter between the Ninth Doctor and a Cyberman. Davros is indirectly mentioned here by the Doctor. Following their latest appearance in Remembrance of the Daleks (1988), the Dalek is capable of levitating up a staircase, effectively ripping off the famous cliffhanger from the previously mentioned story. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 1 2 May 2024 · 311 words Review by DarthGallifrey Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! Dalek is a triumphant return of the titular monster. Dalek takes a single Dalek and makes it scary. Is Jubilee, the Big Finish audio this shares its roots with the superior story? Yes... and no. While the two stories share the same author and do share a backbone, they're both telling very different stories. *Jubilee* is focused on the desensitization and celebration of evil and how that often leads to a worse evil. In the audio, the Dalek/Nazi correlation is especially highlighted. Dalek has a much different purpose. Dalek's purpose is to introduce a new generation to the Daleks and make them a credible threat again. It's also the midpoint (-ish) of the season and thus has the job of revealing more about the Time War which has thus far been just barely floating around the perifery of the season. And, I think it succeeds. Robert Shearman is an excellent writer, but a lot of the success falls to both Eccleston who's excellent and in top form here, and to Nick Briggs who gives an excellent performance as the Dalek. The scene in the cage where the Doctor and the Dalek meet for the first time is rivetting and so well done. The stairs scene is brilliantly done, and the scene where the Dalek uses the sprinkler system to kill everyone is brilliant. In the end, this is a great episode. It's fun, effective, a great Dalek story, a really effective powerhouse performance from Christopher Eccleston and just the boost the show needed to keep people watching. Is it over-hyped? Maybe. And maybe as fans, there're better Dalek episodes and stories out there. But this is a story that you could use to show new fans how good this show can be. And that's a good thing. Within the context of Series 1, it's nearly perfect and boosts the season immensely. DarthGallifrey View profile Like Liked 4 26 April 2024 · 207 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 2 This review contains spoilers! I wake up in the middle of the night after drinking a little too much in a Paris cocktail bar. I’m on holiday. Dehydrated and unable to sleep for a little bit I stuck on Dalek, unaware that it was the 17th anniversary of this very story. I was blown away by how subversive a way to bring back the Daleks it was. Dr Who gets to be the baddie and the (individual) Dalek gets to be the goodie, reflecting a shared trauma. As a result you get genuine character development and insight for both. The Time War has changed The Doctor. It wasn’t just good on this level. I watched it go out live in 2005 with a group of school friends on a trip - we were 11/12. We thought it was the coolest thing we’d ever seen. Even a skeptical parent was won over “bloody hell, it never used to be this good!” So many people were watching to see what the Daleks would be like in the 21st century and possibly would have been satisfied with a runaround. They were given so much more than that, an era defining story with a convincing portrayal of a damaged man meeting his old torturer. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 2