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Sarah Jane Smith S1 • Episode 1


72% 188 votes

Released Wednesday, July 31, 2002
Written by Terrance Dicks
Runtime 60 minutes
Time Travel Present

Six months after the last part of her undercover investigative TV series for Planet 3 Broadcasting went out, Sarah Jane Smith is running scared. Living under false names, her true identity compromised, she has few friends and fewer clues as to her pursuers.

Enter three people who will change her life: the mysterious Mr Harris, old friend Ellie Martin and a guardian angel in the shape of the roguish Josh Townshend.

Now, all roads lead to the village of Cloots Coombe in Wiltshire but will she find answers she needs there?

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Josh Townsend  Natalie Redfern