Stories Audio Drama Once and Future Once and Future Coda – The Final Act 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 13 reviews 26 February 2025 · 177 words Review by ThePlumPudding 2 You know why you’re listening to this one. She delivers. Jo Martin immediately shows dominance over the audio medium, being the best thing in this throughout, despite Jonathan Carley and Lisa Bowerman giving stiff competition. Martin is so good at being steely, cold and compelling, and when the script calls for actual warmth, she does that well too. It’s not a bad plot either — about the two most morally dubious Doctors being manipulated into a large scale war against each other, all the while our hero Benny struggles to find who she knows is her best friend buried in the rage, sorrow and immaturity of these hidden incarnations. There’s actual substance in the three’s interaction, which is the thing Once and Future has been missing. Even though these characters have nothing to do with each other, we care about their relationships. I’ve no clue what the bit about who the villain was, I think it was a reference to another story, but honestly it isn’t relevant to this story’s success. ThePlumPudding View profile Like Liked 2 3 December 2024 · 371 words Review by Callandor Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! An ending of sorts Is It Worth It?: I'd say no. For $12, you can get much better audios. Prerequisites: This is kinda complicated. Despite being literally titled "Coda", it doesn't really rely on knowledge of what happened during Once and Future. You'll want knowledge of who the War and Fugitive Doctors are, but other than that you can go in mostly blind. Coda is... not great. For starters, I'm really not a fan of how it doesn't even attempt to serve as an actual epilogue to Once and Future. For being an event that occurs directly after The Union, there's barely any mention of the entire event (beyond a few brief references to degeneration). It just seems like a waste. Now, in terms of what the story here DOES do, it's also pretty underwhelming. Of course, there's the admittedly cool novelty of this being the first Fugitive Doctor audio (and it's fun hearing Jo Martin), but there's almost zero character work done here, either on War or Fugitive. Conceptually, it seems like a slam dunk; these Doctors have a lot in common thematically, but while the story has a brief line or two at the end affirming this, I really wanted that aspect to be explored. Instead, both Doctors act out of character, even in the context of the story, as the Council of the Last were apparently influencing their minds. Such a story decision removes a lot of weight from events that occur. Plus, I think it's pretty stupid to introduce an entirely new antagonist in the literal epilogue of a year-long story (and they've only shown up in exactly one audio before this one). Plus plus, Coda's script is just plain overstuffed. There are way too many characters, and most didn't even need to be here (why on Earth would you try to fit Bernice Summerfield, Vienna, the Voord, and Queen Elizabeth I into an hour-long story??). It's almost ridiculous at times. Come to think about it, there's really not that much I like about this story. Like Time Lord Immemorial, it seems like almost a textbook example of how *not* to do a multi-Doctor story. It's crazy, considering that this range has already had actual good multi-Doctor stories. Callandor View profile Like Liked 4 30 November 2024 · 144 words Review by BSCTDrayden 2 She's here!! I haven't listened to the rest of Once and Future but had to check this out for Jo Martin. And while a few lines delivered by here land a little flat to me, I think that's just because she's new to doing BF audio dramas. Overall she does a great job, and I love how they weren't toothless with making her a bit more ruthless than other Doctors! Jonathan Carley is, of course, amazing; and so hard to even differentiate from Jon Hurt at this point. Fab performances all round. Really loved Benny here, and the running joke with her name. Sadly I think the cameo fest, a few flat line deliveries, and how weirdly expository and on the nose this story could be at times all hold this back. Good story to introduce a new era though! Just not great imo. BSCTDrayden View profile Like Liked 2 25 November 2024 · 122 words Review by Bongo50 2 Like the rest of Once and Future, I'm quite dissapointed with this story. To me, it just feels lacking in substance and a bit directionless. Why are all of these characters here? Some of them feel very random, like the writer was given a list of characters and tasked with coming up with some way, any way, for them to all interact. (I also have this problem with some of the other Once and Future stories). I feel like the plot just happens. There's not much build up, or suspense, or mystery. This story didn't bore me, so there's that, but it's clear that this, like the rest of Once and Future, is not well suited to my taste in Doctor Who. Bongo50 View profile Like Liked 2 25 November 2024 · 344 words Review by Seagullslost 2 A year after ther Once and Future series ended, we have the last part. The Fugitive and War Doctors' are pitted against each other. It took me a few minutes before I realised I was listening to the War Doctor, I had wondered if it was susposed to be the first Doctor. I Have yet to listen to the War Doctor begins so this was my first time in hearing Jonathon Carley as the early War Doctor, and he's not bad. Jo Martin reprises her role as the Fugitive Doctor. The Fugitive of the Judoon episode was the first time in Jodie Whittakers era I sat up and took notice; something interesting was happening. Although, for me, the Timeless Child storyline isn't something I care for. But I am interested in where the character goes, however saying 'Yadda,Yadda,Yadda' was a bit of a turn off. It does raise some issues, the fact the Fugitive Doctor (and others) have been travelling around as the Doctor meeting people making friends, then how come the later Doctors' never met someone who knew them before? Maybe there's a plot point I've missed that covers this. (maybe as Steven Moffat did with the Eleveth Doctor and wiped all knowledge of the Doctor). Bernice Summerfield features aswell, and is trying to make sense of the two Doctors. Its a reasonable story, with the two versions of the Doctor both unknowing of who they're actually dealing with you do wonder what will happen if the one wipes out the other. As with other multi Doctor stories there are some of the usual tropes. The War Doctor, never quite met the expectations in audio, for me anyway. I had wanted a much darker anti hero type, but Big Finish are limited to a family audience, and what the TV series can allow. With the Fugitive Doctor I fear similar restrictions will apply, and she'll be 'just another Doctor' as with the War version. I'm not sure of what this adds to the Once and Future series, but it was enjoyable. Seagullslost View profile Like Liked 2 25 November 2024 · 53 words Review by Oz42 2 Listened to this today, it’s a pretty good conclusion to Once and Future. It still feels like they just chucked some random things together for the sake of it but it’s not too offensive here. Jo Martian really carries this story and it’s a fantastic intro to her on audio. 8/10 Oz42 View profile Like Liked 2 24 November 2024 · 480 words Review by MrColdStream Spoilers 4 This review contains spoilers! 📝8/10 → VERY ENJOYABLE! Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! THE FINAL ACT, or A GLORIOUS DEBUT! The Final Act is truly that—it sees the Fugitive Doctor sent out on a mission to take down the Doctor after his various meddlings throughout time and space in the previous parts. This sends the Doctor, in his War form, to find allies who will fight for him. Benny gets involved by bumping into Fugitive, looking for the Doctor. There’s certainly an aura of Big Finish Dartboard here again, but at least this is a pretty fun mix of characters. Vienna and Queen Elizabeth are the only characters whose inclusion isn’t really justified. The audio taps into the different nature of both War and Fugitive while placing Benny, who is very experienced with most incarnations of the Time Lord, in between them. We explore Fugitive and how she differs from the usual Doctor, together with Benny, and the story also draws comparisons between Fugitive and War. Sadly, there's not a lot of time devoted to actually pitting these two extreme reincarnations against each other before the story requires them to cooperate against a common enemy (which includes some of that tropical banter we get whenever multiple incarnations of the Doctor meet). The Doctors go head to head on the planet Coda—giving the name of the release a bit more weight. Most of the first half sees the two Doctors preparing for the battle to come, so there’s certainly a feel of a series finale here. Some of the scenes presented here, of the armies gathering and fighting and of the sky dragon attacking, are pretty vivid, thanks to Tim Foley’s writing and the sound design. I cannot quite express the sheer joy and excitement of hearing Jo Martin in Big Finish's story at last. It's similar to the glee I felt upon finally hearing Chris Eccleston return as the Ninth Doctor. Jonathon Carley is also flawless as the War Doctor, and I love how he perfectly sells the idea of this incarnation, borrowing Queen Elizabeth's army to fight against another incarnation of himself. And Lisa Bowerman is as sassy as ever as Benny; the best scenes in the audio are the ones where these three leads are interacting. Imogen Stubbs is such a perfect Queen Elizabeth. The Voord are an odd, and not entirely justified, addition to the story, but having them join the Fugitive’s side in the fight is certainly interesting. I love that they even bring in a proper dragon! The tail end of the story explains the entire Once & Future story arc—it’s quick and simple and not explored to its fullest, which makes me suspect there’s more to come. And then they hit the big reset button at the end again, which makes this entire series moot. MrColdStream View profile Like Liked 4 23 November 2024 · 92 words Review by TrakeniteAdventuress Spoilers 5 This review contains spoilers! A lovely introduction to Jo Martin's Fugitive Doctor on Audio, the final installment of Once and Future keeps the dartboard approach that has characterised the series so far, but manages to balance all the moving parts well. The final scenes with the Voord and Queen Elizabeth give me hope for the upcoming Fugitive series. Overall, despite not being the strongest of Once and Future, it manages to be on the stronger side, and I would recommend it to anyone who is even vaguely familiar with the set up of Once and Future TrakeniteAdventuress View profile Like Liked 5 23 November 2024 · 158 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 8 This review contains spoilers! Around the time of the first Out of Time multi-Doctor story I saw a fan coin the term “popcorn Who” which I think neatly fits the description of this audio. It’s a lot of fun, and more story led and substantial than some Big Finish throw-a-bunch-of-characters-together efforts. Oddly its Bernice Summerfield who steals the show through the sheer force of Lisa Bowerman’s charismatic performance, and how she bounces off of the two Doctors, who have been pitted against each other. The only thing I could have totally done without is the on the nose descriptions the Doctor’s give of each other: “capable of dark decisions”, “the one who has lost their memories”, “the one who has had a great lost”. I think given the audience’s familiarity with these characters they could have gone a bit further with building out their characters and how they interact with each other, which was pretty paint by numbers. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 8 22 November 2024 · 88 words Review by PsychicCircus 7 Easily the best of the bunch. Foley has GOT IT, he can GET IT, it is GOTTEN ever more. It felt like a celebration of the Wilderness Years, having that sort of weird ambitious vibe. Unlike the other Once and Futures, it took its characters on journeys and did interesting things with them; I especially liked the Vienna bit, doing something different with BF's best character. Also, the teases to the future were genuinely hype. It's very thrilling seeing the writer weave such a tapestry across his work. PsychicCircus View profile Like Liked 7 22 November 2024 · 17 words Review by Rock_Angel 6 Oh this story was actually so much fun dare I say the best of once and future Rock_Angel View profile Like Liked 6 22 November 2024 · 77 words Review by Jamie 9 definitely a more fun, and less intense ending to the once and future range. despite me thinking initially the range of characters in this would be too much, a lot of it was just cameos so it didn't feel crowded. the interactions between benny, fugitive and war were great and a real treat! it did feel like a set-up in some ways to the fugitive series, and i for one cannot WAIT for that to come out! Jamie View profile Like Liked 9 22 November 2024 · 106 words Review by Five_Hundredth_Drax Spoilers 10 This review contains spoilers! That was fun. The story does feel more standalone from the story arc, but I ended up having a good time anyway. I wish they addressed what happened to the Master, but eh... The interactions between characters were great - War and Fugitive being manipulated into fighting each other and Benny not having a clue who is who is so fun. For some it might seem that there is a lot going on, but in my opinion it doesn't feel overloaded. *The Union* is still my favourite out of the bunch, but this one wasn't as bad as it could've been. I had a good time. Five_Hundredth_Drax View profile Like Liked 10