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[Shadow Palace]

RANNUS: The anchor is prepared,Your Majesty. Once I attach it, it will hold the heart in your body and you will be whole again. The results should be immediate.

(Corakinus cries out as the blue glowing thing joins with him. A heart flips back and forth through a small rift.)

RANNUS: And there, the anchor is set.
CORAKINUS: It's failing, failing!

(He punches his doctor.)

CORAKINUS: The heart still leaves my body. The anchor has not worked. The connection is even stronger. Do you believe this to bean acceptable state of affairs for a king of the Shadow Kin? He who leads the War of the Underneath?
RANNUS: No, Majesty. (a sword at his throat) Ah!
CORAKINUS: Name your failure.
RANNUS: We were unable
RANNUS: I believed an anchor of our lifeblood would hold the heart in our world. It did not. I deserve death.

(Corakinus kills him.)

CORAKINUS: I can hear her thoughts. I can feel her stronger than ever.

[April's room]

(April has a pain in her chest, and sees parts of the dead Shadow Kin doctor on the floor, while she is holding a Shadow sword.)

APRIL: Oh, my.

(After the title sequence. a delicate orchid blossom-like thing drifts down from the sky and alights on the window frame as April plays a vigorous violin tune. A spring snaps, cutting her hand. As she puts her instrument away, a blue flush heals the cut.)

JACKIE [OC]: Break a string?

(Her mother enters.)

JACKIE: That was emphatic. Something you want to tell me, April?
APRIL: What? No, nothing. Why?
JACKIE: He's out.
APRIL: I know.
JACKIE: He contacted you?
APRIL: He's even got the same number.
JACKIE: What did he say?
APRIL: I didn't answer. I'm okay, Mum, really.

[Charlie's room]

(Matteusz is fascinated by the Cabinet.)


[Ram's home]

VARUN: You seem like you've been feeling a bit better.
RAM: I'm doing okay, Dad. Better. I made some new friends. You haven't told Mum about my leg, have you?
VARUN: You asked me not to.
RAM: I just don't want her worrying, Dad.
VARUN: I don't like the thought of you facing anything alone. We'll always fight for you, and with you, if you let us. Still, as long as this business is all finished and there are no more actual aliens still hanging about.

[Charlie's room]

(The Cabinet seems to be a gateway to another place, where flickers of light exist in a mud-brown landscape.)

MATTEUSZ: You lied.
MATTEUSZ: Because sometimes princes have to lie?
CHARLIE: Because these are the souls of every Rhodian who's ever lived, everyone I've ever known. My family, people I love. I'm in charge of protecting them.
MATTEUSZ: And because it is not empty, it is also a weapon.
CHARLIE: It's also a weapon.

[Outside Coal Hill Academy]

RAM: April.
APRIL: Oh, hey.

(Awkward silence.)

RAM: So I guess I'll see you later, then.
APRIL: Yeah, bye. Oh, no, wait, Ram!

[Coal Hill Academy]

(Six more names are added to the In Memoriam board below those of teachers Pink and Oswald. Williams, K; Chapman, R;  Caroll, C; Volkon, P; Dawson, T; Armitage, F.
QUILL: I never found out what the F stood for.
DOROTHEA: Francis. Miss Quill, I believe.
DOROTHEA: I've been wanting to meet you. Dorothea Ames, new headteacher.
QUILL: Right. That was quick.
DOROTHEA: True, but people who go missing from Coal Hill have a distressing tendency to stay that way, don't you find?
QUILL: I don't know. I've only been here a few months.
DOROTHEA: Don't listen to an old gossip like me. But I particularly wanted to meet you, Miss Quill.
DOROTHEA: The governors speak highly of you.
QUILL: The governors?
DOROTHEA: My dear, if you're going to answer everything I say with a question, well, then we'll be fine friends because I do like being the one with the answers.
QUILL: But I've never met the governors.
DOROTHEA: They think you're a frightfully useful member of staff. Must get on.


TANYA: So you've never had a parents' evening?
CHARLIE: Princes tend not to.
MATTEUSZ: My parents always come, but this time
TANYA: Well, maybe Quill can have a meeting with herself about the both of you and be done with it.
CHARLIE: We do have other classes. I'd like to know my progress, how I can improve. Don't we want to be better students with the help of our parents? What?
TANYA: You know, I don't think Quill's going to go for that.
CHARLIE: Ah, I'll just order her to. I mean, my future improvement is a kind of personal protection.

(Charlie leaves.)

TANYA: It's not hard to forget he's an alien, is it?
MATTEUSZ: Yeah, it's true.
TANYA: Is he all human? You know, like down there? No? Okay, well, I'll see you later then, bye.

[Miss Shah's classroom]

(April's hand still bothers her.)

SHAH: So I just know that you'll all have done your reading. Context for discussion of today's topic is the mind-set of a soldier. 338,000 men evacuated, 100,000 of them straight from the beach, and you are one of them. What are you thinking as the boats arrive?
BOY STUDENT: Am I going to get bombed?
SHAH: Well, the Wehrmacht cut them off, and they very well could have been bombed at any time. So, rescue is on the horizon,but are you going to make it?
GIRL STUDENT: Yeah, but that's what war is, though, isn't it? You're always waiting to die.
APRIL: (sotto) You have no idea what war is.
SHAH: Sorry, what was that, April?
APRIL: We sit here and talk about war like we have the first clue. The mind-set of a soldier. How can anyone here even guess?
SHAH: Well, imagination is an act of empathy. Of course we don't know what it was actually like.
APRIL: No, you don't.
SHAH: But we can try to put ourselves in their shoes.
APRIL: And why would anyone want to have empathy for that bunch of cowards?
SHAH: Well, it's true the evacuation was not without its controversies, but we're going to talk about that later on.
APRIL: If you sign up for war, you sign up to die.
BOY STUDENT: That's harsh.
SHAH: Yeah, that is a bit.
GIRL STUDENT: My dad's in the Army. He didn't sign up to die, he signed up so other people wouldn't die.
APRIL: Don't you think that the other soldiers signed up for the same thing? Somebody always dies in war.
SHAH: Well, yes, and that's what we're after, April. We're trying to get inside the fear that those soldiers
APRIL: Fear? What use is a soldier with fear? Cowards should be weeded out of every single army. The soldiers at Dunkirk should've stayed and fought and died! Cos who'd want to live as a coward anyway?
GIRL STUDENT: Most human beings. What is your problem?
APRIL: I don't, er, what was I saying?


(April struggles to open her locker, hits it and the door breaks. A blue glow appears in the centre of her left palm. Then her phone rings - caller ID is Dad. She declines it.)

RAM: What's wrong?
APRIL: Something weird's happening.
RAM: Want to skip class?

[Miss Quill's Classroom]

(The students are watching a video. Quill and Charlie talk quietly at the back.)

NARRATOR: All the matter in its core is crushed into an infinite void of blackness.
QUILL: You want me to what?
CHARLIE: Parents' evening. It's apparently quite common.
QUILL: I'm not going to your other teachers hat in hand to ask after your well-being.
CHARLIE: Your job is to protect me. This protects my future prospects.
QUILL: Hello? They're not even supposed to know we live together.
CHARLIE: You'll figure something out. You're always going on about how clever you are.
QUILL: If we had ever met on the battlefield
CHARLIE: We didn't and we won't. Do this. I command it.

[Ram's car]


APRIL: I don't want to die, Ram.
RAM: You're not going to die. I'll tell the others. I'll tell Quill. She's the one who had the gun. There'll be a way to fix this. You're not going to die.
APRIL: But it's just what happens now, isn't it? We killed the coach. We killed that Lan Kin thing.
RAM: Anyone who wants to kill you is going to have to come through me.
APRIL: Oh, Ram, they probably will.

(A man walks up and leans on the bonnet.)

RAM: What? Who is that?
APRIL: Oh, no.
RAM: That's your dad?
APRIL: Stay here.

(April gets out of the car.)

APRIL: How dare you? How dare you just show up?
HEW: You won't answer any of my phone calls, you won't respond to any of my letters.
APRIL: You're breaking the law. You know you're not supposed to contact me except by letter, and even then
HEW: April, I just, I just want
RAM: Maybe you should leave! (gets out of car) Maybe you should leave right now.
APRIL: I can handle this, Ram. Because that's what you don't know. You expect me to be afraid of you
HEW: No! I don't.
APRIL: I'm not. You have no idea of the things that I've seen.
HEW: I just, I, I wanted, I needed to apologise.
APRIL: For trying to kill us? For paralysing Mum?
HEW: I miss my daughter. I miss my family.

(He tries to touch April. She grabs his wrists and her eyes glow.)

HEW: Ow!

(Now she is holding Shadow Kin swords. Hew backs away and falls over.)

APRIL: Maybe you should run.

(Hew runs. The swords vanish.)

RAM: It's okay.
DOROTHEA: I'm fairly certain this isn't school grounds. I believe you both should be in Miss Quill's physics lesson right now, correct?
APRIL: I'm sorry, who are you?
DOROTHEA: Your new headteacher.
RAM: Oh. We were just
DOROTHEA: Helping out a student who's under the weather. Good citizenship, Mister Singh. Please, take Miss MacLean home. Hope you feel better soon, and we'll see you tomorrow.
APRIL: How does she know what classes we're in on, like, her first day?
RAM: Alien.
APRIL: Can you take me home?
RAM: Yeah, absolutely.

(Dorothea picks up one of the blossoms that had accumulated on the ground by Ram's car. It draws blood on her palm.)

[Outside Coal Hill Academy]

(Lunch break. Quill is eavesdropping.)

MATTEUSZ: How does it work?
CHARLIE: It only responds to the Rhodian leader. I activate it, and each soul finds one of the people you wish to eliminate.
MATTEUSZ: Do not use that word. It's a word very bad governments use.
CHARLIE: Fine, it's to kill. And each Rhodian soul burns that other soul out of existence.
MATTEUSZ: And there are billions in the Cabinet? So you could kill billions more.
CHARLIE: Yes, but only once. They burn themselves out while doing it. The whole idea is it's a single-use weapon you never have to use.
MATTEUSZ: And you never would destroy a planet, all those lives.
CHARLIE: My planet was destroyed.


QUILL: Move! Out of the way.

[April's room]

RAM: So it's different than a vision?
APRIL: Yeah. It's like he's taking me over and I can't stop it.
RAM: That's not true. You didn't attack your dad.
APRIL: But I wanted to. I wanted to kill him. And I could have.
RAM: The Shadow Kin wants your heart, and that's one battleground where I can guarantee you he is going to lose.
APRIL: That was so cheesy. I know I should be laughing, but I'm touched.
RAM: I mean it.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: Majesty?
CORAKINUS: How many worlds have I made submit? How much life have I extinguished with shadow?
KHARRUS: Never enough.
CORAKINUS: Never enough. We are a trick. We are an accident. We should never have been born into a universe of light. But we were.
KHARRUS: Yes, Majesty.
CORAKINUS: This war cannot be paused because its leader is sharing his heart with a little girl. Your Majesty is in need of you, Kharrus.
KHARRUS: And I will fulfil His Majesty's needs. I have a different way to cure your heart.

[April's room]

RAM: We need to tell the others. We can help you, April, I'm sure we can.
APRIL: I know. It's just I'm frightened.
RAM: I've been frightened non-stop for the last month. I actually found a grey hair yesterday.
APRIL: Hey, Ram?
RAM: Hmm?
APRIL: You know that war I told you I was fighting every day?
RAM: Against the world breaking.
APRIL: I'm losing.

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: How far to the girl's world?
KHARRUS: Space travel will take 9,000 years, which is why we're searching for the cracks that lead to it instead.
CORAKINUS: Still. You found the system. How?
KHARRUS: The frequency and wavelength at which Your Majesty's heart disappears. It suggests a specific distance. There were 27 systems that fit the criteria, but this one is the only one that plausibly matches our experiences there.
CORAKINUS: Kharrus, you fought with us.
KHARRUS: Yes, Majesty. I am a warrior in His Majesty's horde.
CORAKINUS: Somewhere there this heart beats.
KHARRUS: And Rannus did one thing right. His anchor is going to lead us right to it.

[April's room]

RAM: But the difference now is you're not fighting this alone.
APRIL: Is that a line?
RAM: Is that a what? Oh, April.

(They kiss.)

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: The heart itself must slip through a tear in space and time in order to beat. It's only a matter of tracking it properly.
CORAKINUS: Your work impresses, Kharrus. Argh. I
KHARRUS: Majesty? Are you unwell, Majesty?
CORAKINUS: I can feel her.

[April's room]

RAM: April, is this really okay?
APRIL: I'm afraid all the time. You are one of the only things that makes me feel safe, because you've seen everything that I have.
RAM: You make me feel safe, too.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: Shall I? Majesty. You are showing the colours of the mate.

(They hiss at each other like Klingons.)

[April's room]

(I hope somebody has condoms.)

RAM: I'm not hurting you, am I?
APRIL: No. Am I hurting you?
RAM: The opposite, I think.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: Are you not into it?
CORAKINUS: No, it's just
KHARRUS: You're regretting it. As is the King's prerogative.
CORAKINUS: No. It's not that. It's the girl.
KHARRUS: I trust Your Majesty is satisfied.
CORAKINUS: I don't suppose we could have a moment of cuddling.

[April's room]

(Afterwards, in bed.)

APRIL: You're shaking again.
RAM: It's been a weird month.

(April gasps and sits up, her eyes glowing red.)

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: She's influencing me somehow. Rannus's anchor is making the connection stronger. I will not have it!
KHARRUS: Now it is not injured. Ah!
CORAKINUS: But it's not the heart of a Shadow Kin.
KHARRUS: I may have a solution, Majesty.

[April's room]

APRIL: I think it's passed. I think it's passed.
RAM: Okay. But that's it. I'm calling the others right now.

(Jackie enters and Ram hides his embarrassment with a pillow.)

[Outside Coal Hill Academy]

MATTEUSZ: Isn't this the wrong season for blooming?
CHARLIE: I don't know. I've yet to see the seasons here.
TANYA: I don't think I like how you order Miss Quill around.
TANYA: It's a punishment, isn't it?

(Matteusz picks up a blossom, then sucks his bleeding finger.)

TANYA: She's meant to protect you, not be your servant. Or your slave.
CHARLIE: I know. I don't know how many times I've had this exact conversation with her myself.
TANYA: My dad used to say people don't set out to be monsters. They start by getting a little taste for it and then they like it, so they taste some more. And then before you know it
CHARLIE: I'm not being monstrous. I'm being just. Please don't question the morality of my culture.
MATTEUSZ: He doesn't like it when you do that.
TANYA: If the morality of your culture keeps on looking like slavery, you're not really going to stop me from asking questions.
CHARLIE: You don't know what she did. You don't know what we suffered. And my control over the creature inside her head may be the only thing keeping us all alive.
TANYA: But she's helping us, here. And the world which you both may have done things on is gone.
CHARLIE: Miss Quill is my business and I'll thank you to stay out of it.
TANYA: Oh, I really don't think you want to go talking to me like royalty, Prince.
MATTEUSZ: There is something weird here.
CHARLIE: With flower petals?

[Head Teacher's Office]

(Dorothea has collected a bowl of the unseasonal blossoms.)

QUILL: What do you want? There's something urgent I need to sort at home.
DOROTHEA: I assume you'll be performing the parent and teacher duties at parents' evening for Charlie. Charlie Smith, is it? I don't see so many Smiths these days. It's rather like John. Have you noticed no-one under the age of 35 is called John any more? Please sit, I won't bite. It is interesting, though. The work I had to do to track down your story.

[April's home]

JACKIE: Does he at least have a name?
RAM: It's Ram.
JACKIE: I wasn't asking you.
APRIL: Mum, it's okay.
JACKIE: Really? You should still be on your way home from school. Did they give you a note for this?
APRIL: We didn't plan it.
JACKIE: Do I even need to ask if you used protection?
RAM: It's okay. I had some condoms.
RAM: I didn't want her to think bad of you. She saw her dad.
RAM: He just showed up at the school where he wasn't supposed to. She was upset. I took her home. That's all I've got to say.
JACKIE: Don't let this chair fool you. If you hurt my daughter, I will kill you.
RAM: April is my friend. If you need me.

(Ram leaves.)

JACKIE: What did your dad say? I'm calling the police.
APRIL: Mum, no, just leave it.
JACKIE: Leave it? What is going on today? You've never even mentioned that boy's name to me, April.
APRIL: We've got stuff in common.
JACKIE: I'll bet that's what he says.
APRIL: Mum, he's not Dad.
JACKIE: Oh, Sweetie, neither was your dad at first.


(Ram makes a phone call.)

RAM: Tanya. April is in trouble.

(Hew has heard this, and heads for the house, leaving behind a disembowelled grey squirrel amidst blossoms.)

[Head Teacher's Office]

DOROTHEA: All this fascinating information and the only thing I keep thinking to myself is, you don't really seem like an Andrea.
QUILL: Yeah, well, everyone calls me Quill. Look, is this about the parents' evening, because I
DOROTHEA: This isn't the 1950's. Trust me when I say I've seen more unusual housing arrangements than yours and Charlie's. Guardianship is quite common.
QUILL: Yeah.
DOROTHEA: Slightly tricky with Matteusz, but he's 17 and that's borderline on his own wishes versus those of his parents. And if they threw him out
QUILL: How do you know all this?
DOROTHEA: The governors like a well-run school.
QUILL: Ah, yes, well, I've seen some of the resources of the governors.
DOROTHEA: Yes, robots are rather expensive. Not going to be easy to replace. Tell me, Miss Quill, have you seen any squirrels today?
QUILL: Pardon?
DOROTHEA: Or birds. Heard any birdsong this morning?
QUILL: Are you quite insane?

(In the background, the bowl of blossoms seems to be brimming over.)


MATTEUSZ: Are there more of them than a moment ago?
CHARLIE: Why are you giving me such a hard time about this? It's the duty of a prince to save his people.
MATTEUSZ: Duty is another word of bad government. And how is this saving? They're souls, they've already lived their lives. What? What else are you not telling me?
CHARLIE: The children's story. In the hands of the right person, the Cabinet isn't just a weapon. It's a way of bringing them all back.
CHARLIE: In the hands of a hero, the souls take over the bodies instead of just burning them. So all of Rhodia is reborn in a different shape.
MATTEUSZ: An entire race is still killed.
CHARLIE: I know.
MATTEUSZ: And you think you are this hero?
CHARLIE: No, no, I told you, it's a children's story, a way of believing in heaven.
MATTEUSZ: So you don't believe it.
CHARLIE: It's hope. I know it's stupid and childish, and no adult Rhodian ever believes in it, but it's hope. Of course I'm not this hero, but if I can keep the Cabinet safe, maybe, one day.
TANYA: Ram said April's body has been taken over by the Shadow Kin. His voice sounded kind of funny. I think they had sex.
CHARLIE: Ram and the Shadow Kin?

[Head Teacher's Office]

(Dorothea carefully picks a blossom from the bowl.)

DOROTHEA: Inert. No apparent intelligence, nothing we can argue with. Just a plant with an appetite. (It takes a bite from her finger.) Watch. (suddenly there are two blossoms, then twelve) I fed one of these an hour ago, and from that single drop of blood, it's doubled, doubled, doubled again.
QUILL: And it's eating squirrels?
DOROTHEA: Probably all it can manage at this point, but not for long. We think a single petal slipped in through a crack in space-time, just last night, and look how it's proliferated. And it's not stopping. Doubled, doubled, doubled again.
QUILL: So those of us that it doesn't eat
DOROTHEA: Will be swamped, suffocated. We are quite doomed. Unless you help us. Oh, there's a way, trust me. And I have been authorised to say that if you help us solve our little problem here, we may well be able to help you solve yours.
QUILL: Mine?
DOROTHEA: How would you like to get that little creature out of your head once and for all? How would you like your own free will back, to do with whatever you please?

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: Rannus hoped the anchor on the heart alone would be enough to keep it in this world.
CORAKINUS: I know this, Kharrus.
KHARRUS: But he was too cowardly to go the extra step, to attach the body of Your Majesty to the anchor as well.
CORAKINUS: So if the heart goes, I go with it? Or it brings her here.
KHARRUS: Or you may both die as your shared heart is torn in two. That was why he hesitated. That was why he failed.
CORAKINUS: You are here to make sure that does not happen.
KHARRUS: I understand, Your Majesty.

[April's home]

(April walks out.)

JACKIE: We are not finished speaking, young lady.
APRIL: I can't leave it that way with Ram.

(She opens the back gate to reveal Hew.)

HEW: Jackie, I'm, I'm
JACKIE: You're not welcome here. You know the rules of the court order.
HEW: I'm here because there's something wrong with our daughter.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: There will be constant injuries to you while I link the anchor to your body and the heart beats in and out of it. I will be constantly healing you, but the pain will be great. Are you ready?

[April's home]

JACKIE: You will not speak to me of my daughter.
HEW: Our daughter!
JACKIE: And that is exactly how you will not speak of her.
HEW: She threatened me today! With these swords!
JACKIE: Swords?
APRIL: They're more like scimitars.

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: Should you succeed, there is room on the throne by my side.
KHARRUS: You honour me, Majesty.
CORAKINUS: Yes, I do. Now!

[April's home]

JACKIE: Still waiting for an answer.

(April collapses onto the decking in pain.)

JACKIE: April! April! April!
APRIL: No! No! No!

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: I can feel it. I can feel her.

[April's home]

APRIL: He's trying to take it.
JACKIE: Who's trying to take what? Your father?
HEW: No! Baby, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.

(April gets up, holding the swords.)

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: She's fighting it.
CORAKINUS: She is a girl,you are one of the Shadow Kin! You will beat her.
KHARRUS: Yes, Majesty.

[April's home]

APRIL: No! No, you can't have it.

(April smashes the back gate to firewood. Ram has parked on double yellow lines.)

APRIL: We don't want you.
JACKIE: April, what's happening?
HEW: Jackie, call the police. Call an ambulance.

(April cuts his phone in half.)

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: It isn't working. She's imposing her will.

[April's home]

APRIL: You took everything from us.
HEW: I know I, I, I can never apologise enough.
APRIL: You should still be in prison.
JACKIE: April, please!
APRIL: You put her in that chair!
HEW: I know, but, love
APRIL: Don't treat me like your daughter!

(She cuts his arm. Ram knocks on the front door, then runs around to the back.)

APRIL: You did teach me one thing, though, Dad. Stop moving! You made me strong because I had to be. You are not my father any more. You are not a part of this family.
HEW: All right, I deserve that. And I will go away, if you want me to. I'll never come back.
APRIL: It's too late for that.
CORAKINUS: You have failed.
APRIL: You have failed.
JACKIE: April. What the hell is going on?

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: The science has failed.You have made things worse.
KHARRUS: Your Majesty,I have not yet finished.
CORAKINUS: Yes, you have. Her heart is strong.
APRIL: My heart is strong.
CORAKINUS: It fights back like mine used to.

[April's home]

APRIL: It fights back. It always has.
RAM: April, don't!
APRIL: Why not? He tried to take his life and ours with it. Why shouldn't I finish the job?
RAM: Because that's not what April would do.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: Majesty, please! If you would only let me

[April's home]

APRIL: You have no idea what I would do. You have no idea what I'm capable of!
RAM: I know exactly what you're capable of. But you are April because you choose not to do it. You told me you wouldn't let him break you.
APRIL: And I won't. I'll break him instead.
JACKIE: April! April, no, please. Don't do this.

[Shadow Palace]

KHARRUS: You, you will be merciful.

[April's home]

RAM: April, don't!

(April and Corakinus both swing their swords, roaring. Kharrus lies in pieces, but Hew is intact. The swords are gone.)

APRIL: You took from us. You took so much. You made me hate you.
HEW: I'm so sorry.
HEW: So sorry.

(Tanya, Charlie and Matteusz run in.)

TANYA: April! April, what's going on?
APRIL: I don't think that you can save me.
RAM: April.
APRIL: (to Jackie) Forgive me.

(April plunges her arm into Jackie's abdomen in a sizzle of blue light. Jackie screams.)

RAM: April, what are you doing?
JACKIE: April!

(April pulls her arm out in a puff of black smoke. Jackie falls out of her wheelchair to the ground. Corakinus slumps to his knees, roaring. Jackie moves a foot.)

JACKIE: What have you done? My God, April, what have you done?
RAM: What have you done?
APRIL: I. (gasps) He knows. He's found me.

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: I know where she is. And I know the cracks to get to her. What do you know? You succeeded.

[April's home]

APRIL: Our connection. He's followed the trail. He's coming here. He's going to kill us all. I can't let him do that.

(The swords reappear in April's hands. Tanya gasps.)

[Shadow Palace]

CORAKINUS: Prepare for war. We are going to her planet and we are going to kill everyone on it!

[April's home]

APRIL: He knows where I am. But I know where you are and how to find you.
RAM: April.

(April slashes at the air and creates a rift.)

CHARLIE: That's their home.That's the realm of the Shadow Kin.
RAM: April, what are you doing?
APRIL: I'm going to go get my heart back.
TANYA: April, no!

(April takes a run and leaps through the rift, which starts to close up.)

RAM: Tell my dad.
TANYA: Ram? Ram, what are you doing?
RAM: Following!

(Ram dives head first through the closing gap, then it is gone.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.