Stories Comic Doctor Who Magazine Comics Children of the Revolution 1 image Back to Story Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 1 review 24 February 2025 · 277 words Review by Yar_Nazarenko Spoilers This review contains spoilers! I always like it when the stories in Doctor Who revolve not so much around the danger to humans from aliens as the danger to aliens from xenophobia and human cruelty. It's always good when a writer wants to improve something in humanity with their script. And so is the xenophobia of the ‘old guard’ of neo-Daleks who have not fully reflected on their past. And that's why I'm excited about this story, but there are some buts... Firstly, I didn't really like the introduction of Kata-Phobus as a cause of xenophobia on both sides, as if trying to justify both humans and Daleks. As if xenophobia can only be introduced by some Big One, and not originate among ordinary people, most homophobes are not homophobes because of Big Brother, slave owners were not racist because of one person, russians hate Ukrainians not because of someone above them, sometimes large groups of people are just imperialists/racists/xenophobes in themselves and hate other groups of people just because, not because someone imposed this idea on them. Secondly, and actually very much related to the previous one, is the comment of the writer in Daleks: The Ultimate Comic Strip Collection Vol.2 about why he hosted Kata-Phobus: ‘People who stir up hatred between groups usually stand outside the conflict. They might be politicians, terrorists or tabloid editors, but their main goal is always to profit from other people's pain’ Because as I said above, no, sometimes groups of people are horrible people just because they are bad people, not because someone imposed it on them. But beyond all that, I really enjoyed the story and I'm excited about it. Yar_Nazarenko View profile Like Liked 0