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2 reviews

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Order of Simplicity

I can't say I was expecting some Forge stuff in this one. I still don't like them but I do enjoy their constant reappearing, it makes them feel more like a real threat. I loved the stuff with Ace and her mother, I thought it was really sweet. We also get a bit of teasing about Hex's background.

The story itself isn't too remarkable, some guy steals a bunch of alien technology and it doesn't end well for him. Probably the most interesting one in this anthology, so far.

Next Story: The Word Lord


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Tirando os aprofundamentos dos dois companions Ace e Hex e o envolvimento da “The Forge” nessa história – O plot que compõe “Casualties Of War” é um completo vazio de nada, um contra tempo frio e sem graça que só não é algo que pode se considerar como pulavel por possuir alguns elementos importantes de continuidade (já citados inicialmente).


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