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September 1997

Written by

Gary Russell



Time Travel


Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Video Games

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England


A security force with no official identity... a managing director with no name... a sinister creature on guard patrol resembling some kind of hellhound... SenéNet is no ordinary multinational company.

The Doctor arrives in Brighton, 1989, travelling alone. He soon discovers his old friend, the Brigadier, has gone missing investigating SenéNet, whose new interactive games console is soon to be released at an absurdly reasonable price. He was last seen at their headquarters — based in the picturesque Ashdown Forest...

Investigating further, the Doctor becomes more and more entangled in a deadly web of intrigue. Together with Mel, a plucky computer programmer from Pease Pottage, the Doctor must overcome the conspiracy of silence, rescue the Brigadier and save the world once again — something that would be a lot easier if he just knew where to start...

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Together in Eclectic Dreams

Yep, you're reading it right. The reviews are making a rare stop into prose. Normally I'd avoid books like the plague but since this is the only depiction of Mel's first story I decided why not?

It's a quite a fun story, nothing incredibly unique but thanks to Gary Russell's prose it's an entertaining read and at no point does it get boring. There are, however, a lot of inexcusable flaws with it. Specifically it's really edgy. There's a lot of character deaths and if I'm being honest I didn't mind at the start, the way Russell made me care about all these one-off side characters by mentioning their last thoughts being all these various mundane things was genuinely fairly haunting.

The real issue starts towards the later half where you're forced to read descriptions of a man being brutally tortured (it wasn't relevant to the plot) or 12 year old children being suffocated by sentient plastic toys. There was really no need for any of that and if it weren't for a good ending I would have given this story 2 stars. It's more of an issue with wilderness years books in general so I can't blame this one too heavily but still.

One thing I will credit Gary Russell for is his characterisation for 6 was on point. It was obviously a little more arrogant and harsh than his Big Finish portrayal but it never felt out of character for the Doctor like his characterisation did on TV. Mel was also a really fun character, I enjoyed the insight into her character that you can only really do with prose.

Next Story: The Queen of Clocks


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