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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Written by

Nev Fountain


34 minutes

Tropes (Potential Spoilers!)

Rewriting History


The TARDIS crew encounters a shameful secret of the Time Lords. History has been rewritten, and this time it's all the Doctor's fault.

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How to listen to Brightly Shone The Moon That Night:


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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday

A very bizarre way to end off this bizarre anthology. Werewolves already felt like a strange cliffhanger at the end of the last story, and they still feel out of place here. Joe finally gets a conclusion to his "character" if you could call it that. He actually does get some interesting material here and they way he switches from kind and caring to mean and threatening was a great bit of acting from Luke Allen-Gale. This entire anthology has definitely been more about Peri than the Doctor and this gives Nicola Bryant a lot of time to show off how good an actress she is. The actual plot is a bit disjointed and it's not exactly as satisfying a finale as I'd have liked it to be. The way it's connected all the various short stories throughout is massively impressive though. Overall though, this isn't a story I'll be revisiting at Christmas, or ever, for that matter.

Next Story: Plight of the Pimpernel


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And so this strange, vaguely Christmas-themed but really more Joe-themed audio comes to an end. It was certainly something. On the one hand, it feels like there are parts of this audio worth exploring in much greater detail. The Werelords are silly but could have been pretty cool. Instead, they are annoying, and it doesn't help that the howling sound effects dominate this audio in a way that is unrealistic, distracting, and repetitive to the point of being infuriating.

I'm not going to lie, I kind of hated this one. Were it not for the Sixth Doctor and Colin Baker kind of carrying this thing with his always reliable performance in Big Finish, I don't think Brightly Shone The Moon That Night or the entire Blood on Santa's Claws release is at all worth pursuing for fans. It feels very disappointing, even as the story does something kind of interesting by tying everything together and providing at least a decent explanation for why Joe just sort of appears in the TARDIS all of the sudden, along with a number of other dangling plot threads. In that regard, it is satisfying, and I really like the stuff where Peri is reunited with a number of characters from earlier, the return of many elements of Blood on Santa's Claws stories in general, or how the Doctor takes out the Werelords. There's a lot of potential here but, for one thing, I don't know why the story of Joe is at all a good idea for a Christmas release, and two, a story this short really doesn't have enough time for the Werelords, who have these thousands of years worth of history living on Earth and apparently doing nothing the whole damn time. Joe was at least a mystery to solve as a kind of plain companion, only to be made a worse villain who I found was just not good in this role at all. I just can't believe how disappointed I was in this one. It did not work for me at all.


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