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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor

Breakfast at Tyranny’s

70% 191 votes

Released Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Written by Nick Abadzis
Publisher Titan Comics
Colourist Arianna Florean
Pages 44

The Tenth Doctor wakes up in the street without any memory of how he got there. Boris, a homeless man who knows the Doctor as "Smithy", explains that he has been there for four days and during that time he has been protecting him from the Wraith Hounds. Gabby Gonzalez struggles at work with pressure from her boss Hector only to be offered support and a shopping from her sister Blanca, while Cindy Wu searches for her dog Noobis with help from her girlfriend Cleo.

Signal Strength: 40%

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Also featuring:

Cindy Wu  Anubis