Stories Movie The Stranger The Stranger Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Breach of the Peace 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking They are terrorists from another dimension. They have completed their mission on earth & now they want to leave. But they are trapped - & they are desperate [Warehouse corridor] PAYNE [OC]: In here, sir. (The door at then end opens and three men enter.) EGAN: Right then, Constable Payne, where exactly did the arrest of the suspect, Mister Ron Dace, actually happen?PAYNE: Well, sir, there was a bit of a tussle when we first came in. They, that's PC Bryant, he got hold of one of the heavies in an arm-lock, I got holdEGAN: Yes, well, when all the dramatics were over, where did DCI Sellers actually make the arrest?PAYNE: Er, DCI Sellers and DI Evans were about here when DCI Sellers arrested Ron Dace, sir.EGAN: You saw it all happen?PAYNE: Yes, sir.EGAN: Okay, thanks. [Outside the warehouse] EGAN: We know you saw Detective Chief Inspector Sellers arrest Ron Dace. All we've heard about is a little scrap you had with one of Dace's gorillas. I expect you're quite proud you stopped him from breaking your neck.PAYNE: Well, yes, sir.EGAN: But we're not interested in that, Payne. Detective Inspector Saul and I haven't come all the way from the Smoke to hear what a fine policeman you are.PAYNE: No, sir.EGAN: We spent the last five years in the drug squad, sometimes under cover. We've looked at the arse end of society, Payne, and jumped in, so stop messing up about.PAYNE: I don't quite follow you, sir.EGAN: Jesus. [DCI Seller's office] (Knock on door. Name plate says DCI Sellers even though cast list says Sellars. Tut.) SELLERS [OC]: Come! (Evans enters. Sellers is a familiar woman to 3rd Doctor fans, and she is on the telephone.) SELLERS: No, I don't care where they are. Well, if they're out there hassling Constable Payne, they're not in here hassling me. Look, Bob, I've had it up to here with them. No, I am not making an official complaint. Because I'd rather keep my job, that's why. Right, thank you. (call ends) What are they doing with Constable Payne?EVANS: They're just sniffing for dirt, Guv. [Outside the warehouse] SAUL: So let me get this straight. You and DI Evans bent down and turned away from DCI Sellers and Ron Dace.PAYNE: Yeah, that's right.EGAN: And there were no other officers in the warehouse at this time.PAYNE: That's right. They were all out by the van at that point.SAUL: So no one was looking at Detective Chief Inspector Sellers and Mister Ron Dace for, how long?PAYNE: Eh? I don't know. (Egan squats down with Payne.) EGAN: You're down here. I'm Evans. The box has fallen. What happened?PAYNE: Then he leaned over to me and saidEGAN: Don't be a prat, Payne, and then he helped you.PAYNE: Yes, sir. The box had split again, so as I got up he helpedSAUL: It's twenty seconds already.EGAN: Twenty seconds. Add a few more for fumbling about, let's say thirty seconds. For half a minute nobody saw what Dace or Sellers were doing.PAYNE: I suppose so, butSAUL: Long enough to exchange the Crown Jewel, if you ask me.PAYNE: What?SAUL: Now Mister Dace not only gets bail, he manages to skip and and flee the country.EGAN: Thank you, Constable. That'll be all for now. [House] (A dot-matrix printer is rattling away in the upstairs study, and the man formerly referred to as the Stranger is at a desk.) ROSE: Now, you know what you're doing, don't you? Yes, all right, 'course you do. Sorry. It's just the thought of picking up seven thousand copies.SOLOMON: So?ROSE: That's nearly twice as many as we usually sell. Right. Now, I've told the TV station about the rise in circulation and the national distributors. They seem quite interested. Apparently it ties in with a series of items they're doing about it at the moment. Anyway, they might phone, and if they do, tell them, tell them I'm at a meeting. No, don't say that, saySOLOMON: You'd do anything to tell the world about your magazine, wouldn't you?ROSE: Well, it is worth shouting about, isn't it?SOLOMON: If you say so. After all the work I've put in on it.ROSE: Yes, you're wonderful. Right, I'm late. See you later.SOLOMON: Bye. (Rose shuts the front door behind her.) [DCI Sellers' office] SELLERS: You spoke to Raven?EVANS: Yeah, but nothing doing. He's undergoing some kind of psychiatric care. He remembers getting the job at the night club and meeting someone who matches the description of Tamora Hennessey, but apart from that, he's had a breakdown or he's going through another one, I dunno.SELLERS: Great. And no sign of Tamora Hennessey or what about Norman what's-his-name, the caretaker?EVANS: No, Guv.SELLERS: So, the all-nighter was a waste of time.EVANS: Not necessarily. May be some good news there.SELLERS: Now there's a novelty. [Outside the printers] (Rose has just loaded boxes into the rear of her hatchback car when a horn sounds and another car pulls up next to her.) ROSE: Close enough for you? (Saul and Egan get out.) SAUL: Just a bit of entertainment. I'm Detective Inspector Saul. My colleague, DI Egan. (He flashes a warrant card.) ROSE: May I see that again, please? (She puts on large spectacles to study it.) SAUL: May I see your driving licence, please?ROSE: You're not local, then.SAUL: You're obstructing this door.ROSE: I'm a customer. It's a print works. I was just picking upEGAN: What's all this lot, then?ROSE: I was just about to tell you.SAUL: Let's have it open, then. Steady. (He takes out a copy of the newspaper.) SAUL: The Local.EGAN: Sounds like a pub. Come on.SAUL: You've got quite a lot of them, haven't you?ROSE: Yes, I'm the publisher. It's a local news and listings magazine. We cover local issues. We're always on the look-out for new stories. Environmental pollution, births, deaths, police harassment. My licence, please. (Saul drops it on the floor, they both bend down to get it, but he stands up with it again.) SAUL: Don't do it again, love.EGAN: Saul! (Saul laughs, then gets into the car and they drive away.) ROSE: Bastards. [Nottingham Central Police Station] (In the lift.) EGAN: Saul. Extraordinary way to travel. Coffee?SAUL: Yeah. (They get out of the lift and Saul gives Egan a fist full of small change for the coffee machine. Evans is pulling paper out his in-tray.) SAUL: Hello, been on the job all night, have we? It's way past your bed time, isn't it?EVANS: DCI Sellers reckons this one's a definite goer. Wants a written report straight away.SAUL: Looking for a bit more luck this time, is she? Mind if I er (Egan plonks a cup of machine coffee onto his paperwork, splattering it.) EGAN: Oh, sorry Evans.EVANS: That's all right. By the way, the Chief would like a word with you when you have a moment.EGAN: I've always got a moment for the lovely Diana. (leaves)SAUL: So, what's the score, then?EVANS: Pornography, stolen goods, drugs. All we need now is illegal arms trading to make the jackpot.SAUL: Good evidence?EVANS: Very.SAUL: When's the raid?EVANS: Not cleared yet. [DCI Sellers' office] SELLERS: Of course I understand that you have been given special authority, and that my handling of the last case is under investigation.EGAN: Good.SELLERS: But I am suggesting that the more, how shall I put it, the more active style of your investigation is changing the operational dynamics of this station.EGAN: A university education is a wonderful thing, Diana.SELLERS: I'd prefer if we kept this on a professional level, Detective Inspector.EGAN: Of course, ma'am. May I give you a bit of friendly advice? Someone somewhere thinks you seriously screwed up last time. I'm here so they can rest assured that it won't happen again. I would like to give them that assurance. Will there be anything else, Detective Chief Inspector?SELLERS: Yes. It has come to my attention that DI Saul has been using the information desk at this station.EGAN: Oh?SELLERS: You weren't aware of this?EGAN: No.SELLERS: Or rather, he's been using the time of DC Sandra Hawkin unofficially. He's quite a charmer with the ladies, I hear. Exhaustive searches for someone called Solomon have been conducted through the missing person's index. Various versions of a description have been entered, to no avail. Detective Inspector Egan, are you conducting a criminal investigation here without my permission?EGAN: I'm afraid I can't say, Diana. [House] (Rose pulls up in front of her terraced home. There is a note on the small television set - Reviews on floppy. Gone to the canal! Love Preston.) ROSE: Brand new issue, hot off the press. Preston? (She sees the note.) [Saul's car] SAUL: (driving) Recognise it? (A photograph of the night club from The Terror Game. Egan is in the back seat, scanning for something with his palm-held computer.) SAUL: It's Sellers' latest case. Started off as a routine missing persons investigation.EGAN: The caretaker.SAUL: Now it turns out the place was probably stacked out with illegal porn. Sellers wants to raid it.EGAN: When?SAUL: No word yet.EGAN: No hurry then. We'll take a look tomorrow, just in case there's anything that'll draw the DCI's attention to us. We wouldn't want to confuse the old bitch, would we. I thought you said you were getting some kind of signal round here.SAUL: Off and on, very faint.EGAN: Well, there's nothing now.SAUL: Hello, look who it is. (They drive past Rose as she is getting the boxes out of her car and sound the horn, before illegally parking on double yellow lines with fifteen feet of a junction.) ROSE: Bastards. (Indoors, she looks up a phone number on the Police page of the directory, and dials it.) [Street] EGAN: You see? I told you, nothing.SAUL: Shit. What do we do now? [Outside Sellers' office] (Evans knocks on the door, Sellars comes up behind him.) SELLERS: Mike, hang on. (Her phone is ringing.) [DCI Sellers' office] SELLERS: Sellers. I don't deal with complaints from the public. Get Inspector (she takes a proffered cigarette) Oh, I see. Grants Industrial Estate. Oh, that'd tally with Constable Payne's encounter. Rose O'Neill. What magazine? Oh, The Local. Yes, I've seen that. I see. And she says she's coming in tomorrow. Cheers, Bob. (Call ends. She looks through the file Evans has with him.) SELLERS: Lovely. I want to get this one moving, Mike. I'll get a search warrant sorted, and then we should be able to go by the time you come back on this evening, okay?EVANS: Okay, Guv.SELLERS: Sorry. Go home. Go to bed, Mike. Mike, could you get us a copy of The Local? It's a magazine.EVANS: Yeah, sure, Guv.SELLERS: What is it?EVANS: Is all this anything to do with Egan and Saul?SELLERS: Are you sure you want to ask me that question?EVANS: I just thought you might like to know that Saul was a bit interested in the night club. Oh, I dunno. It was just a bit strange, that's all. Sorry, tired. See you later, Guv.SELLERS: Yeah, bye. [Canal] (Saul is being photographed scanning by the canal.) EGAN: Oh, this is ridiculous.SAUL: Definitely had something.EGAN: The Protectorate don't actually leave portals hanging around for their enemies to pop into, do they?SAUL: No, but we might find a breach.EGAN: It's not going to work. The only way we're going to get out is to find Solomon!SAUL: Too much for you, is it?EGAN: Oh, you don't have to spend all day with that tight-arsed bitch Sellers. She's sharp. She doesn't know what she suspects, but she suspects something. So you're going to have to get it into your fat head that this cover is not going to last for much longer.SAUL: I know.EGAN: And it doesn't help with you getting your hand down DC Sexpot's blouse.SAUL: You want a go?EGAN: You disgust me. [Canal lock] (Rose joins Solomon, leaning on a footbridge railing overlooking a canal lock.) SOLOMON: Get the magazines all right?ROSE: Fine. Still on the brink of something vast? That's what you told me once, about how you feel when you stand here. But then you say to yourself no, this is the place for me, for now. Is that wrong?SOLOMON: I didn't realise you were so attentive.ROSE: Yes, you did. Well, I am.SOLOMON: Is something the matter?ROSE: No.SOLOMON: There is. What is it?ROSE: Let's get back. I'll tell you over a cup of tea. No, better still, make that a bottle of wine. [Saul's car] SAUL: You said they'd installed that new National Police Computer set-up.EGAN: (driving) Yeah?SAUL: Came on line this week.EGAN: Yes, we'll hack into it tonight, see if there are any clues.SAUL: Don't know why you're so sure he's here, Egan.EGAN: Because we are, Saul. He killed Raven then tried to get out, like we did.SAUL: Suppose Solomon doesn't know the way out?EGAN: He's our cell leader. He'll have recovered by now. He'll know.SAUL: Then he's probably gone on without us.EGAN: No! [Garden] ROSE: It was these two bastards.SOLOMON: (laughs) Oh, I'm sorry. What two bastards?ROSE: Well, they were policemen. Plain clothes policemen. Detective Inspectors, can you believe it? I was parked outside Millers the printers like I usually do, and they just pulled up like something out of the Sweeney andSOLOMON: And what?ROSE: I don't know. Started harassing me. It was a load of crap really.SOLOMON: Oh.ROSE: Anyway, I said I'd go to the police station tomorrow, and I took some photos of them. They turned up by the canal earlier on. Maybe they're following me? [DCI Sellers' office] (Knock on door.) SELLERS: Yep.EVANS: Right, Guv, everything's ready.SELLERS: Right then, let's go. [House] (Dashing into the kitchen to get out of the rain.) ROSE: Any news from the local telly people?SOLOMON: No.ROSE: Who's the camera-shy boy, then? Oh, tomorrow I must slip out to get those photos developed. You know, the harassment squad in action.SOLOMON: You're not really going to run a story about how two policemen gave you a hard time about parking your van, are you?ROSE: You've got to take risks now and again. Anyway, I'll be a bit more subtle than Police Harass Your Editor, The Local says cut their balls off. [Nottingham Central Police Station] (Saul buzzes himself in at the end of the day shift.) SAUL: Goodnight.PAYNE: Goodnight, sir. (He finds an unused computer and dials up a connection to the central mainframe. Oh, happy memories.) [House] (After dinner.) ROSE: Do you know what I wonder?SOLOMON: What?ROSE: I wonder how long you'll stay here.SOLOMON: Ah, you want me to move out?ROSE: And when you go, well, whether I'll be any the wiser.SOLOMON: There's nothing to be any the wiser about. Nothing that really means anything.ROSE: Like that answer. Don't worry, I'm not getting at you. It's justSOLOMON: I'm lucky I found you?ROSE: Yes.SOLOMON: You're not really going to the police to complain tomorrow, are you?ROSE: Why not? Yes.SOLOMON: They're probably just bored.ROSE: So? That's no excuse. They were being obnoxious and intimidating.SOLOMON: You were blocking the doorway.ROSE: With the owner's permission.SOLOMON: You don't think you're being perhaps just a little over-hostile because of what happened to you before?ROSE: That was different. I'd done something wrong. I went to prison for it. I don't blame the police. I can't believe you brought that up.SOLOMON: I'm sorry.ROSE: God! At least I face up to my past. Sorry. No, bugger it. I know you've done something bad. I know that. You had that look about you when I first saw you in the pub. It was like looking into the mirror.SOLOMON: Rose, I (long pause) have to deal with my own problems in my own way. They're no one else's responsibility.ROSE: But it doesn'tSOLOMON: And being here gives me the breathing space. Time to think, to make decisions, peace and quiet.ROSE: But it doesn't matter how bad it is, Preston. Just tell me.SOLOMON: I know you're a good person.ROSE: Yes.SOLOMON: I'm very flattered. I'm also very knackered. (He stands, she hugs him.) ROSE: Oh, shut up and go to bed. [Nottingham Central Police Station] EVANS: Right, let's have them down here. Come on. (Lots of evidence boxes are put down. Saul wanders up.) EVANS: Sleeping in, are we?SAUL: Late night turned into early morning.EVANS: What do you get up to in there?SAUL: What's all this lot?EVANS: Contraband. Naughties from the night club. We caught in the armourer as well. He was round the back burning dirty magazines. Got to say, when DCI Sellers wants to move, she moves it.SAUL: What you got? (takes a video tape)EVANS: We found these by a VCR connected up to a monitor and a load of security cameras. Can't think anyone would be stupid enough to video their own criminal antics, but you never know your luck. (takes tape back)SAUL: No. Seen DI Egan this morning?EVANS: Yeah, he's in with the Chief.SAUL: Thanks. [DCI Sellers' office] (The folder is labelled Vice Squad - Bobby Brown's night club.) SELLERS: I've no operational responsibility to you. I was not suspended from duty, and this is an entirely different case, of which I am in charge.EGAN: It is possible that this case has some relevance to the matter that I am investigating.SELLERS: Well, that's news to me.EGAN: So I would appreciate it if you could keep me fully informed, ma'am. I could look favourably on any such cooperation.SELLERS: What the hell's going on here?EGAN: I'm afraid it's a matter I am not empowered to discuss. (Saul enters.) SELLERS: Do come in, Detective Inspector Saul. (Phone rings.) SELLERS: Yes? Right, thanks. (call ends.) Seems we're about to have a little video show. Do come along if you like. You may be interested to know that a member of the public has made a complaint about the both of you.EGAN: So?SELLERS: Do you know, I really don't know what you two think you're up to. Coming?EGAN: What's this video thing? [Corridor] SAUL: That night club was full of security cameras. They've got the tapes.EGAN: That was three months ago. They wouldn't still have them, would they? Did you find out anything on Solomon?SAUL: Well, tapped into the modem, jumped the codes, straight into the fibre-optic network, right into the new Police Database set-up. Not a thing.EGAN: Shit! [Squad room] (Video playing, woman making appropriate moaning noises on the soundtrack.) EVANS: We may be charging for tickets. (Sellers fast-forwards the porn.) SELLERS: PatheticEVANS: It's illegal. What more could you ask for? Fair enough.SELLERS: Someone kidnapping Norman the caretaker. We'd better check through the rest of those, just in case.EVANS: I'm sure I can find some willing volunteers.SELLERS: Well done, everyone. It's a good result.EVANS: Wait a minute, Guv!SELLERS: What the hell? (Very bad video of a figure, then the porn restarts.) EVANS: He's got a gun. Who is he? Someone must have interrupted the duplication run, and that was on the tape before.SELLERS: What, was it a murder?EVANS: Well, it was the night club, by the office upstairs.SELLERS: All right. DI Egan, do you know anything about this?EGAN: Nothing at all, ma'am.SELLERS: These have got dates on them. Let's take a look at an earlier copy. Fast forward. (Saul whispers to Egan.) SELLERS: I'd keep looking if I were you. (There's Solomon on the screen.) SELLERS: You two, my office. Now. [House] ROSE: So, bike's on its way to take copies to the typesetter. I'll collect the typing from the bureau on the way back from the police station. You'll do a phone-in with that local director chappie.SOLOMON: What?ROSE: Ask him about all those bums in his last film. Go on. And here are the photos of those two charming policemen. Picked them up this morning. And if the people from East Midlands Today ring (Phone rings.) ROSE: Answer it.SOLOMON: Why?ROSE: Be my secretary. Go on.SOLOMON: Sure? (puts on a voice) Good morning, The Local. Miss O'Neill's secretary speaking. Hold on a moment please. (covers mouthpiece) Stardom beckons.ROSE: (sotto) Thanks. (into phone) Hello? Right. Oh, sure, fine. I do have a couple of appointments today. Lovely. See you then. (call ends) They're coming! I'm off to the cop shop. [DCI Sellers' office] SELLERS: Sit down. You'd better tell me. (silence) Come on, or do I get straight on the phone to your superiors?EGAN: You wouldn't do that. You're still under investigation.SELLERS: Am I? I haven't heard one shred of evidence that indicates anything went wrong with the Ron Dace operation other than bad luck. You know what I think? I think something else is going on here. Explain to me your obvious interest in that video tape in there.EGAN: As I said before, I am not empowered to saySELLERS: Crap! Sit down! (They obey.) SELLERS: This has nothing to do with assessing DCI Sellers' progress, so what are you investigating? This is my case, and I demand to know what is going on. This Solomon, what's he got to do with it? (no reply) God, I've see pick-pockets who are better liars than you two. (Phone rings.) SELLERS: Yes? Tell her to wait. On second thoughts, get Evans to do it. I know what I said before. I have other things on my plate just now. Thank you. (call ends) The question isn't going away, gentlemen. [Corridor] ROSE: I wouldn't usually make a complaint, but those two policemen were particularly vile yesterday.EVANS: Well, obviously, you know, you can put in a complaint [DCI Sellers' office] SELLERS: So, who is this Solomon?EGAN: It's someone we've been after for a very long time.SELLERS: Why haven't you mentioned it before? What's his connection with this case? (silence) Right then. I'll find out for myself. I'll have Solomon found and brought in. Sounds like I'll be doing us all a favour. I take it he's still in the area as far as you know?EGAN: We have reason to believe so.SELLERS: What kind of form has he got? What are we dealing with here? Is he violent? Could that have been him on the video tape with a gun?SAUL: Could have been.SELLERS: Right then. Armed and dangerous. Members of the public should not approach this man. I'll have the boys lift an image from the video tape, put up a poster, and then we'll see what we can get. Thank you, gentlemen. Feel free to continue holding my career in the balance. (Saul scoffs.) SELLERS: This had better be a hundred percent legitimate, because you two have been making my life and the lives of every officer in this station a bloody misery for the last three months. Oh, I do beg your pardon. I think I saw DC Hawkin with a smile on her face last Tuesday. So be warned, gentlemen. I am not the forgiving type. You may go. [House] (Solomon finally gets around to looking at the photographs, and of course recognises Saul and Egan. He is on the way out when a reporter turns up.) REPORTER: Oh, hello. Emma Rayner from BBC television. I'm here to see Rose O'Neill.SOLOMON: I'm afraid Miss O'Neill isn't here at the moment. I'm sorry. If you'll excuse me, I really must er sorry (He goes back inside and closes the door. Rose arrives.) ROSE: Hello. Hello, sorry I'm late.REPORTER: Hi, Miss O'Neill?ROSE: Yes.REPORTER: Emma Rayner, BBC television.ROSE: Hello.REPORTER: Hi.ROSE: He's a bit camera-shy. I'm sorry I'm late. I've been at the police station. [Gent's toilets] (A uniformed constable is encouraged to leave quickly.) SAUL: Well, if they do bring him in, he won't tell them much.EGAN: They think he's armed. What if he panics, then they blow his head off by mistake?SAUL: Ah, he'll be all right.EGAN: Listen! Are you going to take this thing seriously? Do you realise what's at stake here?SAUL: Okay.EGAN: No, it's not okay. You've been having a fine old time, haven't you, dabbling in the local delights, enjoying yourself. Just get it into your head. Our time is running out. We have to get away!SAUL: Yeah. Yes.EGAN: Now, we have to grab Solomon the moment they bring him in.SAUL: How are we going to get him away from Sellers?EGAN: Oh, don't worry. I've got something that'll stop that bitch in her tracks. I want you to do a bit of research. (Gets out the palm-top computer then hides it again as Evans enters.) EVANS: All right, lads? [House] SOLOMON: Gone then, have they?ROSE: God, you're a miserable git, aren't you? Still, they got you on camera, didn't they? Didn't they? Preston's beautiful mug is going to be on the news, isn't it? Sorry, but this could be the start of something big. I can see it now. The orders will be flooding in, circulation will go through the roof. We'll be in direct competition with the Sunday Times.SOLOMON: Meanwhile, back on EarthROSE: Oh, all right, all right. Look, if I finish the work on the computer, will you do the fish fingers?SOLOMON: Okay. And don't forget to alter the date and issue number this time, eh?ROSE: Mister Perfection. Hey, guess what?SOLOMON: What?ROSE: I'm on at 6:30. We can watch it over fish fingers. [Squad room] (Playing the dodgy video.) SELLERS: Donkey jacket. Suit.EVANS: GuvSELLERS: Mike, I don't think those two people are one and the same. The clothes are different.EVANS: You mean Solomon's not the one with the gun?SELLERS: Oh, I can't be sure.EVANS: Guv, there's a reporter from the BBC outside. She's got a tape, and she says it's something to do with the video still we sent to them earlier on.SELLERS: About Solomon?EVANS: Yeah.SELLERS: Well, get her in here! [House] ROSE: You're on the wrong channel. This is it. [Squad room] (The camera takes Solomon unaware in the little upstairs office.) SELLERS: Solomon.SOLOMON [on TV]: Look, I'm sorry. Rose! (He tries blocking the view with a clipboard or something.) REPORTER: The moment we saw it was the same man, we pulled the report.SELLERS: Wait a minute.ROSE [on TV]: Circulation's been growing all the time, but it's just leapt up to seven thousand, which is pretty marvellous.EVANS: Rose O'Neill.SELLERS: The woman complaining about Egan and Saul?EVANS: Yeah.REPORTER: Did we do the right thing?SELLERS: You did. Do you have Miss O'Neill's address?EVANS: We have it on the complaints fileSELLERS: Great.EVANS: Right, thanks very much. If you'llREPORTER: I'll be in touch.SELLERS: Right, thanks.EVANS: See her out, Bob.SELLERS: Mike, I want two armed men down there straight away.EVANS: Right, Guv. [House] (Washing up after dinner.) ROSE: Typical. How did they go to all that trouble and then not show it?SOLOMON: Maybe they'll show it tomorrow.ROSE: Maybe they just thought I was a boring ex-con. (The armed police are sneaking in round the back. Rose gives Solomon the fish finger packet to put in the bin. He goes outside.) SOLOMON: Rose! Bin liners!ROSE: I know.POLICEMAN: We're armed police officers. Keep your hands where they are.ROSE: What?POLICEMAN: Drop the weapon. Drop it, now.ROSE: It's bin liners. (Egan and Saul are there to watch Solomon being taken away. There is a brief but fruitless scuffle.) [Interview room] SELLERS: Interview commences at 20:04. Present DCI Sellers, Constable Bryant andSOLOMON: Where's Rose? She hasn't done anything.SELLERS: But you have?SOLOMON: I didn't say that. What are you going to do with her?SELLERS: Calm down, Mister Solomon, we're not going to do anything with her.SOLOMON: Then what were those two doing outside her house?SELLERS: I beg your pardon?SOLOMON: Egan and Saul, your two new recruits, no doubt.SELLERS: Do you know Detective Inspectors Egan and Saul?SOLOMON: What are they going to do with her?SELLERS: How do you know them? (Silence. Sellers holds up the photo of the night club.) SELLERS: Recognise this?SOLOMON: Not sure. I think so, yes. It's a night club.SELLERS: What were you doing there?SOLOMON: What makes you think I was there?SELLERS: You see, we've got security video footage of you sitting in the bar. Do you know Tamora Hennessey? What about Norman Turner, the caretaker? We also have footage of you shooting someone.SOLOMON: What? [House] (Hammering on the door. Rose opens it.) SAUL: Mind if I come in?ROSE: How dare you! Get out!SAUL: Make yourself comfortable.ROSE: I think you should know I (Saul pushes her onto the sofa.) SAUL: Siddown! [Interview room] SELLERS: Right, you've admitted that you've been living under an assumed name. You've admitted that you were at the night club. Now, that's a good start, Mister Solomon. By the way, is it your first or second name?SOLOMON: It's just Solomon.SELLERS: Is it. Okay. Right, interview suspended at 20:19. [Squad room] (Sellers gets herself some coffee.) EVANS: Any luck, Guv?SELLERS: How's it going with the night club owner?EVANS: Definite result. He's fingered the supplier, distributor and even the bloody Spielberg who directs the things.SELLERS: Well done, lad. Does he know Solomon?EVANS: Says he doesn't.SELLERS: Do you believe him?EVANS: Yeah, I do. Solomon just doesn't seem to fit in, Guv.SELLERS: I know. I think the pornography racket is one thing, which we've cracked by the sound of it. And Solomon, the man with the gun, I think that's just coincidental, unconnected. Can't get a word of sense out of him. (Egan is at the end of the corridor.) EVANS: So where do we go from here?EGAN: I think you need my help.SELLERS: Really?EGAN: Yes. But first I'd like to speak to him alone.SELLERS: No way.EGAN: Diana, this is out of your league.SELLERS: This better be worth it, Egan. [Interview room] EGAN: Piss off. (The Constable leaves.) EGAN: If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't want us to find you.SOLOMON: Where's Saul?EGAN: With your friend.SOLOMON: He'd better not harm her.EGAN: Oh, formed an attachment there, have we? Huh. I had to tell Saul off for that sort of thing. Mingling with the natives. (Solomon pushes Egan against the wall.) EGAN: That's the Solomon I know. Still got some fight in you.SOLOMON: What do you want?EGAN: As if you didn't know. You are cell leader. You know the way back.SOLOMON: Do I? And what if I don't want to go back?EGAN: You've completed the mission. You killed Raven. There's no need to stay.SOLOMON: I didn't kill Raven. (Egan grabs Solomon, then) EGAN: Oh! Shit!SELLERS: What the hell's going on?EGAN: Leave this to me.SELLERS: No!EGAN: I hope your friend's all right. [Squad room] SELLERS: I'll not tolerate behaviour of that kind in my station.EGAN: I'll be straight with you, Diana.SELLERS: Oh, that'll make a change, Detective Inspector.EGAN: This case touches on things which are beyond your sphere of influence.SELLERS: I don't believe I'm hearing this.EGAN: It's classified.SELLERS: I'm sorry, but I shall need official notification of this.EGAN: You'll be receiving it from my superiors within the hour. In the meantime I insist that the prisoner be locked up. Nobody must see him.SELLERS: What if I need to question him further?EGAN: You don't. Ma'am. [House] (The phone rings. Saul and Rose both get a hand on it, but he wins.) SAUL: Yeah? Right. I'll send it, then. (He uses the palm top computer. Later a car pulls up outside.) SAUL: Soon.ROSE: What's going on? (Egan brings Solomon in.) ROSE: Preston, who are these two?EGAN: Preston?SOLOMON: Are you all right?ROSE: Me? Yes. What about you?SOLOMON: I wanted to make sure you were all right.ROSE: Make sure?EGAN: Solomon!ROSE: Solomon? You sound as if you're going somewhere.SOLOMON: I am, I suppose.ROSE: Are you sure?EGAN: He has a prior engagement.ROSE: Preston, what's going on?EGAN: I see you need persuading. Saul. (Saul grabs Rose by the throat.) SOLOMON: All right. [Canal path] EGAN: Where is it?SOLOMON: There have always been places like this in the web. I remember them from before the fighting. I thought everything had changed. It was me that had changed.ROSE: Preston, what's going on?EGAN: Quiet!SOLOMON: The pathways are clear to those of our people who intend no harm. It's a condition of travel.EGAN: Our people?SOLOMON: The Preceptors, the Protectorate, there's no difference really. It's just history. Forget the hatred and the breach becomes clear. If you can't, well.SAUL: You smug bastard.EGAN: What's happened to you?SOLOMON: I've learnt the worth of individuals apart from myself, apart from my own kind.EGAN: You can't turn your back on all the killing. It's part of you. Forget this human identity. What would happen if I told her what you've done, eh?ROSE: I don't care what he's done. You don't know what you're talking about.EGAN: He's killed!ROSE: So have I! So have I.SOLOMON: Rose. (Egan storms off to look over the footbridge railings for the breach.) ROSE: The accident I told you about. They don't put people in prison for dangerous driving, you idiot. I killed a mother and two kids. I was angry, I was in a hurry, I didn't care about anyone else. I just put my foot downSAUL: Will you shut her up!ROSE: It doesn't matter what you've done wrong. It's in the past.EGAN: Show us the breach. We'll follow.SOLOMON: I'm not ready to go through. Not yet. You two, you're not fit.EGAN: I think you'll change your mind. (He picks Rose up by the neck and squeezes. Solomon walks off and he drops her. When she looks up, Solomon, Egan and Saul have vanished.) [Corridor] EVANS: Guv, Solomon's gone and there's no sign of Egan or Saul either. (Sellers hands him a piece of paper.) EVANS: No further investigation on this matter is to be undertaken by you or any of your officers.SELLERS: Words from on high. Well, we got the porno videos, got the drugs, got the night club owner. Got our case.EVANS: But what about Solomon?SELLERS: What about Tamora Hennessey? What about Norman Turner? Apparently ours is not to reason why, only keep our noses clean. Night, night.EVANS: Night. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.