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Bernice Summerfield: Road Trip • Episode 1

Brand Management

3.65/ 5 52 votes

Released Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Written by Christopher Cooper
Runtime 69 minutes
Locations Lyndyaz

“You’re listening to Live Audio Stream G371, the only official source of government-approved easy listening entertainment, as sponsored by the Dominicci Corporation. It’s the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month, and that means just one thing, people - it’s time to PARTAYYY...!”

Bernice Summerfield needs a job. Professor Harry Burtenshaw thinks she’s just the ticket. But with the people of Lyndyaz celebrating their most important festival, and the ruling Dominicci Corporation maintaining control with draconian glee, has Bernice turned up in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Ratings are from TARDIS Guide members only.