Stories Audio Drama The Eighth Doctor Adventures (S1-4) The Eighth Doctor Adventures Episode 1b Blood of the Daleks Part 2 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite THE DOCTOR: Sounds like they put you on a witness protection scheme. LUCIE: Oh yeah. THE DOCTOR: And dumped you on me. Oh, I should have known. Who else could have shot you right into the heart of my TARDIS? Who else could have erected a shield in the vortex itself to keep me from taking you home? (Louder) And who else would presume to meddle in my life like this? LUCIE: Yeah, they said you'd get a proper nark on about it. I remember that. THE DOCTOR: Well, I'm not going to stand for it. Take her away. Come on, if you can ... if you can go to all the trouble of breaking down the TARDIS's defences to dump her on me, you can lift her off this godforsaken planet with no trouble at all. Come on! — Blood of the Daleks Part 2 Link to Quote Favourite DALEK: Describe him. LUCIE: About the same age as me Dad. DALEK: Be specific. LUCIE: I don't know. About forty something. You know - old. But - he wears funny stuff, like ... like an old hippy, or, you know, something you'd see in some boring film. Long hair, velvet jacket, funny collar, big cravat, waistcoat. Probably thinks he's smart but looks like he's never shopped anywhere trendy in his life. DALEK: All citizens of Red Rocket Rising will be watchful. If you see the Doctor, bring him to us, your new allies and friends... — Blood of the Daleks Part 2 Link to Quote Favourite THE DOCTOR: Whatever - as Lucie Miller would say, but you were scared Martez might have somehow mobilised his mutant Daleks, weren't you? Afraid they might be a force to be reckoned with, hence the softly-softly approach. (Imitating a Dalek) "We have come to help. Fish and chips for all." — Eighth Doctor, Blood of the Daleks Part 2