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Adventures in a Pocket Universe

B.E.S. Begins

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Released Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Written by J.T. Mulholland
Publisher BBV Productions
Directed by Bill Baggs
Runtime 31 minutes
Locations Ecto-Space

Everyone has to start somewhere, right? But not everyone can say that they began life as a ship's computer turned bionic ferret…well, I can.
The name’s B.E.S. (Bionically Enhanced Synth) and yes, that really is my name – unfortunately. And the start of my career as an adventurer was anything but stress-free. Waking up with my memory wiped and my ship hijacked by psychotic cultists on a murderous rampage wasn’t exactly the best start to my day. And to top it all off, my fate rested in the hands of a mad woman claiming to be a Space/ Time traveller!