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[Path by river]

(Walking under a pair of impressive viaducts.)

NATASHA: Look at me, Lockwood. Look at me. Giant octopuses don't just vanish into thin air.
LOCKWOOD: Oh, so you're some kind of expert, are you?
NATASHA: You can't turn your back on what you've done. You have to tell me the truth.
LOCKWOOD: You don't understand.

(They arrive at Natasha's 2CV.)

NATASHA: Try me.


LOCKWOOD: No, I don't feel in control. I feel old.
NATASHA: You're not safe here.
LOCKWOOD: I'm not safe anywhere.
NATASHA: Shall we go back, then?
LOCKWOOD: Natasha.
NATASHA: Whatever happened on Sentinel Island isn't over. You're part of it now, Lockwood. It's part of you.
LOCKWOOD: It's for that very reason I can't go back. How long do you think my head would stay connected to the rest of my body?
NATASHA: But UNIT wouldn't
LOCKWOOD: There are fairies at the bottom of my garden too.
NATASHA: You're right.
LOCKWOOD: I tried to contain that thing here. (taps head) But all I did was give it a route back.
NATASHA: All the more reason why you should come with me.
LOCKWOOD: I've made a terrible mistake.
NATASHA: Lockwood?

(In a shopping centre, purple energy lances young men, making them disappear. Then energy balls float off through the air.)

[Millhampton Hospital and Clinic]

(A patient is walking along the rose bed, making notes on a clipboard.)

NURSE: Mister Winslet. Mister Winslet? Graham? What are we doing out here in our jim-jams again?


NURSE: Come along.

(Whoosh, boom, Scream. An Auton enters. It sends purple energy out of its eyes and turns the nurse into a ball of light. Winslet slides down the wall.)

WINSLET: No. No. It's coming back. It's coming back for me. No. No.

[Palmer's office]

(At UNIT Containment HQ, Sally Arnold is escorted along a corridor to -)

PALMER: Thank you, Dalby.

(Dalby leaves.)

PALMER: Sit down, Doctor Arnold. My name is Palmer. You are in my custody now. A lot's been happening, Doctor Arnold. Catch up.

(He throws a file across the desk.)

PALMER: New York Stock Exchange, all systems wiped. NASDAQ's in free-fall. Aeroflot flight 496 fell out of the sky over Berlin, computer malfunction. Perth Australia, sixteen patients in intensive care, their respirators just happened to turn themselves off at the same time.
SALLY: Just what does this have to do with me?
PALMER: It started when Lockwood left Sentinel Island, and it hasn't stopped. In fact, it's getting worse. By the middle of next week there won't be a computer left on the planet that hasn't malfunctioned. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of what's happening at Millhampton. Are we smelling the coffee yet, Doctor Arnold?

[Country lane]

(Lockwood is sitting leaning against a shed. Natasha walks up with a plastic bag.)

NATASHA: Look what I found. I thought it was best to let you sleep.
LOCKWOOD: Yeah, sleep. Dreams. No, thank you. I've got enough rubbish inside me as it is without adding to it.
NATASHA: It's out of you now.
LOCKWOOD: Let's take stock, shall we? An ancient elemental force buried deep below the surface, waiting for a signal to re-emerge. A paranoid and secretive governmental paramilitary team, desperate to get its hands on me, well, what's inside me, before the enemy does. How am I doing so far?
NATASHA: UNIT, the Nestenes, I bet you never felt so popular.

(She closes her eyes and winces.)

LOCKWOOD: Someone cut through the wrong cable at the psychic exchange? Try something a little more conventional.

(The UNIT R/T.)

NATASHA: No, wait. There is something. Friends.

[Palmer's office]

PALMER: Lockwood left the door open for them, Doctor Arnold. Just when was it you realised he'd changed sides?
SALLY: Just before I was dragged off by the ISD. You need me. Why should I help you, when I've been wired up in that dungeon of delights, interrogated for three weeks solid?
PALMER: You're a close associate of Lockwood's. Now, the question is, just how close?
SALLY: What do you want from me?

(Palmer puts his hand on Sally's forehead.)

[Sentinel Island church - flashback]

AUTON-VICAR: When we last met, a seed was planted in your mind. Your very, very special mind, Lockwood.
LOCKWOOD: You're too kind.
AUTON-VICAR: It's been germinating.

[Sentinel Island woods - flashback]

RAMSAY: Why are you investigating Lockwood? He's UNIT's best operative.
NATASHA: We're investigating him because his special abilities are a two-way street. He may have permanent access to the sum total of UNIT's acquired wisdom through a piece of hardware in his brain, but that means someone, somewhere in this great organisation is watching over his every thought.

(Whoa, that line wasn't in Auton 2.)

[Outside Sentinel Island church - flashback]

NATASHA: Now listen to me, you stubborn old bastard. Don't let that smooth-talking piece of plastic let you wallow in self-pity. Look into my mind. I know what it's like to be the outsider, but we make ourselves outsiders. The trick is to let people in. Lockwood, I'm letting you in.

(The Nestene disappears. Later, on the boat -)

NATASHA: Where did that creature go? It hasn't gone, has it. Lockwood, what have you done? Whose side are you on?

[Palmer's office]

(Palmer takes his hand away.)

SALLY: So you're psychic too. You read Natasha's mind. What did she mean? From what you're showing me, Lockwood destroyed the thing.
PALMER: Not destroyed, absorbed.
SALLY: Into his mind?
PALMER: Pure mental energy.
SALLY: So what happened in Millhampton, when they got back to the mainland?
PALMER: We don't know.
SALLY: You've lost contact with Natasha. And Lockwood.
PALMER: You care for him.
PALMER: Then help me.

[Outside the hospital grounds]

LOCKWOOD: Millhampton hospital. Are you sure?
NATASHA: Yes. They're here.
LOCKWOOD: Ramsay? The team?
NATASHA: No. Them.
LOCKWOOD: The psychiatric unit. Of course. This is where we sent the real Winslet to recuperate. Clever bastards.

(A pair of Autons are walking along a path behind them.)

LOCKWOOD: Even you, Miss Alexander? No one else could have kept me as effectively hidden from UNIT and be reeled in without even noticing.

(Natasha walks over to the Autons.)

LOCKWOOD: I was always the last boy picked at games. Nothing changes. If I can't get out then I'm not going to let you in!

(The Auton energy hurts Lockwood's head.)

LOCKWOOD: Time to sleep. To sleep. To dream.

[Shopping precinct]

(The place is deserted. Sally and two UNIT soldiers walk slowly, wearing gas masks and scanning for something. Sally takes off her gas mask and nods. They walk towards the front of a medieval market hall. Seagulls can be heard. Dalby tries his R/T and just gets interference.)

DALBY: Transmission cut out.
RAMSAY: Damn it. What did Palmer have to say, anything useful?
DALBY: Only the air content was normal on the west side of the town.

(They carry on, and the beeping gets faster, so they retreat to cover in the medieval arcade. Six Autons are walking down the road, stop, the run.)

RAMSAY: Run for it!

(They get cornered behind a department store, and run into a car park.)

[Car park]

(Three Autons follow them. Ramsay fires his laser. It takes two shots to destroy an Auton.)

RAMSAY: Open fire.

(Two more Autons are vaporised.)

SALLY: Not quite what I expected. Nice to know all my research paid off, though.
RAMSAY: Come on, Sal.
SALLY: Just a minute. Power surge.

[Shopping precinct]

(A purple wormhole opens in the sky, and a Nestene appears.)

RAMSAY: Greyhound One to Greyhound Leader. Palmer, it's Ramsay. We need rein

(Interference. The Nestene sends a ball of light down to the ground, and a whole battalion of Autons appear. One opens fire and kills Dalby. Sally and Ramsay take cover behind a car and they exchange weapons fire. This time the Autons are protected by a forcefield of some kind.)

SALLY: Looks like they've cranked up the power.
RAMSAY: Run for it. Run for it, Sal!

(Sally runs, Ramsay gives covering fire then follows. He bumps into another Auton, who fires. We hear Ramsay scream.)

[Hospital ward]

(Autons are standing guard everywhere. One enters the building. Lockwood is sitting up on the only bed in the room.)

LOCKWOOD: Natasha? Ah, more dreams. Amazing what goes on in the mind at the point of death.
NATASHA: Lockwood, wake up. We've got to get out of here. You don't remember what happened. Lockwood, please.
LOCKWOOD: You can't distract me. You're only a dream. I wonder who else I shall dream about?

(Winslet enters. Lockwood laughs.)


(A man grabs Sally as she runs around a corner.)

SALLY: Oh, Palmer. Have you seen Ramsay? What about the rest of your team? Oh, running behind schedule, are we?
PALMER: Got to find Lockwood.
SALLY: That's what we're here for, isn't it? Look, you asked me to help you.

(Palmer puts his hand over her mouth.)

PALMER: We must find Lockwood.

[Hospital ward]

NATASHA: The others have arrived. I knew he'd come.
WINSLET: You have a connection with him. He reads your thoughts.

(Winslet grabs Natasha.)

[Shopping precinct]

(Outside a closed shop with a Southampton area telephone code on the signage, Palmer suddenly stops.)

SALLY: Are you sensing something? Natasha? Maybe you're not tuning into her, but she's tuning in to you.

[Hospital ward]

(An Auton carries the unconscious Natasha away.)

WINSLET: Lockwood.
LOCKWOOD: More dreams. Only dreams.
WINSLET: Lockwood. You know you can't resist us.
LOCKWOOD: Your breath smells, Mister Winslet. Like rubber.
WINSLET: You are like us. Linked to a greater intelligence, and yet part of it. You rely on it, it is part of you. You communicate with it. You can't shut it out, Lockwood.
LOCKWOOD: If you want the implant, you could always crack my skull open and cut it out.

(Winslet grabs the back of Lockwood's neck.)

LOCKWOOD: Ah, but then it wouldn't be of any use to you, would it? Needs a mind to operate it. Sorry, old chap. Nice try. Any chance of a cup of tea?
WINSLET: Soon, Lockwood. Soon.

(Ramsay is running with an injured leg. He stops under a hedge to catch his breath and check his weapon. There is a main road nearby so he heads for it to try and flag down a vehicle. An Auton sees him and Ramsay encounters a purple forcefield. Winslet is communing with an energy unit.)


RAMSAY: Greyhound One to base. Greyhound One to base. Over.



SALLY: Do you think it's the same creature? The one from Sentinel Island?
PALMER: Possibly. There's more of those creatures on the planet, you know. These sites have always been feared, revered and worshipped.
SALLY: Ancient sites linked by ley lines, like the one on Sentinel Island. And this is another one, is that what you're saying?
PALMER: Perhaps.

(Ramsay's Auton tracker takes him to the little hospital. Meanwhile, Sally and Palmer are hiding from other Auton patrols.)

SALLY: How are your psychic powers, Mister Palmer? Have you sensed anything yet from your protégé, Natasha Alexander the Great?
PALMER: I'm waiting.
SALLY: What for, reinforcements? We should have brought a bigger team with us in the first place.
PALMER: Do you think that would have made any difference?
SALLY: We're still alive, aren't we?
PALMER: Yes, we are.
SALLY: So is Natasha, isn't she?
PALMER: I think so.
RAMSAY [OC]: Anyone receiving? Over.

(Sally answers the R/T.)

SALLY: Hello.

(Palmer takes it from her.)

PALMER: This is Greyhound Leader. Come in. Over.
RAMSAY [OC]: Palmer! Palmer, is that you?
SALLY: Ramsay!

[Hospital ward]

(Winslet is listening in via the energy unit. Lockwood can hear too.)

RAMSAY [OC]: This is Greyhound One. Anyone receiving? Over.
SALLY [OC]: Ramsay!
LOCKWOOD: Sal. Doctor Sal. Bit of a maverick.
PALMER [OC]: This is Greyhound Leader. Come in. Over.
LOCKWOOD: This other chap. Now who's he?
WINSLET: Yes. Who?
LOCKWOOD: No. I think a little mystery is healthy, don't you, Mister Winslet?
SALLY [OC]: This is Sal. Can you hear me?


RAMSAY [OC]: Sal, is that you?
SALLY: Yes, yes, it's me. Oh God, James, I thought you were dead. Where are you?


RAMSAY: Listen, there's a kind of energy barrier. I think they've cut off the entire town. We can't get out.

[Hospital ward]

RAMSAY [OC]: I've come back as far as the hospital. There's a lot of Auton activity here. I'm going to take a look, find out what they're up to.
WINSLET: Oh, quite a lot, Mister Ramsay.
SALLY [OC]: Where exactly is it, James? Can you give us your position so we can get to you? Over.

(Lockwood starts shaking.)

RAMSAY [OC]: North west of the city centre. On the outskirts.

(Winslet sets up the interference again.)


RAMSAY: Sal? Sal, come in. Over!

[Hospital ward]

(An Auton enters with a cup of tea for Lockwood.)

WINSLET: How do you find your dream now, Lockwood?

(Lockwood knocks the cup out of the Auton's hand.)


(A figure covered in a sheet is wheeled along a corridor.)

WINSLET: Oh, you're trying so very hard, aren't you, Lockwood? But for what? The miserable speck of cosmic dust you call home? No. No, I don't think so. For pride, medals, pats on the back from your worthless superiors? No. No, that's not your style.

(Winslet puts on Lockwood's spectacles, then imitates his voice.)

WINSLET: (Lockwood) I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in.
LOCKWOOD: Oh, Granny, what trite cultural references you have. Never were any good at being human, were you?
WINSLET: The form suffices, but it is constraining. It never fails to surprise me how humans can live in something so obsolete and small.
LOCKWOOD: The form suffices.
WINSLET: (angry) You are an insect, Lockwood. You think your existence will make one iota of difference to our colonisation of this world, when we have waited a thousand million years, seen the suns of million systems grow old and die, watched life crawl from the slime and stand on its hind legs on a trillion worlds? We are time, Lockwood, and you are but a nano-second in the history of my species. (softly) Dream away, Lockwood. Dream away. Dawn, a new dawn, will soon be here.

[Hospital room]

(Ramsay tries a hospital outer door, and two Autons approach. He runs, they walk fast. Meanwhile, Palmer and Sally are trying car doors. They find an unlocked people carrier. Ramsay gets inside the hospital, into a room with a covered body. He lifts the sheet.)

RAMSAY: Natasha.

(She wakes and sits up.)

NATASHA: Sergeant Ramsay, isn't it?
RAMSAY: What happened to you?
NATASHA: Sentinel Island, the church. We got back to the mainland.
RAMSAY: Is Lockwood still alive?
NATASHA: Yes, I think so. You think I'm an Auton.
RAMSAY: Would you know if you were? Would you tell me?
NATASHA: Does that thing work on humans?

(Ramsay shakes his head.)

NATASHA: Well, let's find out.

(Ramsay fires the laser at Natasha.)


(Palmer senses Natasha's presence as he starts the engine.)

SALLY: You all right?
PALMER: I'm fine.

[Hospital room]

(Ramsay stops firing. Natasha is alive.)

NATASHA: So what does that prove?
RAMSAY: I don't know. It shouldn't have affected you.
NATASHA: But it did, didn't it?


SALLY: It's what, head north west?

(Autons approach.)

SALLY: Not exactly hurrying, are they? Just gently nudging us in the right direction.

(They drive off, and the Autons stop.)

[Hospital ward]

(Winslet uses the energy unit like a crystal ball.)

WINSLET: Now, Natasha. bring Ramsay to us.

[Hospital grounds]

(Ramsay helps Natasha out of the room, and she walks off.)

RAMSAY: What the hell are you doing?

(He follows her as she heads into a service area. The Nestene is in the boiler house. Natasha goes in, Ramsay stays outside. He swears to himself, then spots something on the ground and puts it in his pocket. He leaves her there.)

[Boiler room]

NESTENE: Well done. Please don't struggle, Natasha. Stay with us.

(It reaches for Natasha with its tentacles.)


(Palmer stops the people carrier.)

SALLY: What is it?
PALMER: It's Natasha. She's with them. Not exactly. Voices. Thousands of voices.
SALLY: What do you mean?
PALMER: The town, the people. All of them. Anguish, pain.
SALLY: Break the link with Natasha. Break it!
SALLY: You stupid bastard, don't you see? They've got to you through your psychic link with Natasha. You're just like Lockwood. You've sold out without knowing it. They must have wanted you to come here.
PALMER: That's why I'm here.
SALLY: What? You knew this was going to be a trap?
PALMER: You'd rather I'd authorise strategic nuclear action and wipe this city off the map? Do you honestly think that would have worked? And what about Lockwood?
SALLY: What about Natasha? Maybe they were relying on your
PALMER: Connection with her?
SALLY: And through Lockwood to every computer network in the world.
PALMER: You finally see the bigger picture.
SALLY: Why do I suddenly feel like a small piece on a very big chess board?

[Hospital ward]

LOCKWOOD: Natasha? Ah, you're back. What happened to Ramsay?
NATASHA: Ramsay, Sal, Palmer, they're coming to see me.
LOCKWOOD: Sal? Palmer? I mustn't ask questions. I'm dreaming, and I must never wake up.
NATASHA: We all have to wake up sometime. You're only human after all, Lockwood. Special, perhaps, with alien technology embedded in your mind, giving you access to so much knowledge, but you're still only human.
LOCKWOOD: I've always felt a bit of a non-starter in the human race.
WINSLET: It's only a matter of time.

(Lockwood shakes.)

NATASHA: I can see them.
NATASHA: Friends. I knew he'd come.


(Ramsay stops the van.)

RAMSAY: Get out! I'm driving!
PALMER: No, you don't understand.
SALLY: It's a trap, James. He's known all along. He's led us into a bloody trap.

(Ramsay pushes Palmer into the back of the van.)

RAMSAY: Get in. Get in! I've had enough of this psychic crap.


(Ramsay accidentally put it into reverse.)

SALLY: The Autons.
RAMSAY: Bastard. You sold us out.
PALMER: It's the hospital. We've got to go there.
SALLY: Are you absolutely sure?

(Winslet smiles. The Autons reach the people carrier.)

RAMSAY: Too late. They're going to kill us.
PALMER: No, I don't think they are.
RAMSAY: Shut up.
PALMER: Listen, they've had plenty of opportunities already. They could have finished us off a half a dozen time by now, but they haven't, have they. Well, don't you see? Well, look. Look at them. They can't do it. They can't kill us.
RAMSAY: What the hell gives you that idea? They tried to kill me, didn't they?
SALLY: No, wait, James, he's right. They have stopped.
PALMER: It's because they need us alive. They must do.
SALLY: But why? What's so special about us?
PALMER: If we've any chance whatsoever of stopping them, that's exactly what we've got to find out, isn't it? Come on, let's say hello to them, shall we?
RAMSAY: After you, Mister Palmer.


(Palmer gets out.)

PALMER: Shall we go?

(The Autons raise their hands, the fingers drop.)

SALLY: Palmer!

(All three Autons shoot at Palmer. White-out. View of the Nestene.)


(Ramsay wakes up sitting on the floor.)

SALLY: You all right?
RAMSAY: Difficult to say.
SALLY: Did you hear those voices?
RAMSAY: (nods) Any idea where we are?
SALLY: No. But look what I found.

(The real Winslet curled up in the corner of the little room, on the other side of the bed.)

[Another room]

(Palmer strokes Natasha's cheek, and she kisses him.)

NATASHA: God, I hoped you'd come and find me, Ross. I knew you would.
PALMER: How could I not come looking for you?
NATASHA: Always in each other's minds.

(Palmer tries to pull his hand away from her forehead, but she holds it tight. He finally breaks free.)

PALMER: What have they tried to do, Natasha?


(Ramsay and Sally get the terrified Winslet onto the bed.)

SALLY: It's the real Winslet.
RAMSAY: The one the Nestenes copied in the first place? What the hell's he doing here? I thought he was dead.
SALLY: He was in a coma for about a year, then he came out of it. Of course. Millhampton Psychiatric Hospital.
WINSLET: The life came again. They said it wouldn't come back, the doctors and nurses. They said I was asleep, that I'd woken up. But it did come back. Am I asleep again? Why can't I wake up?
RAMSAY: What have they dredged him up for? And what are we doing here? And where's that bastard Palmer?

[Another room]

PALMER: Come on, Natasha. You can fight it. I know your mind's strong enough. Tell me!

(He slaps her.)

PALMER: Listen to me. We've got to find Lockwood before the Nestene energy starts flowing through his implant. Where is he!


WINSLET: Doctor Arnold. As a matter of fact, I have found a large number of crates with the same serial code. Triple A stroke RH stroke 2961. Some of them have the letters A U T O N written on them. I'm told. Auton. But I couldn't think what, I couldn't see, I couldn't. I could see everything it could see, like a nightmare. Who's Lockwood?
SALLY: Lockwood? Where is he? Have you seen him?
WINSLET: He, he is, he is dying.
SALLY: Dying? What do you mean? What have they done to him?
RAMSAY: Where is he?
WINSLET: He, he's, he's asleep. He can't wake up. But if he doesn't wake up, he'll die.

[Another room]

NATASHA: Lockwood absorbed the energy of the creature on Sentinel Island, but it broke free. It's buried deep.
PALMER: They need me.
NATASHA: Awakening.
PALMER: Awakening? What do you mean, awakening?

[Hospital ward]

LOCKWOOD: Dreams and nightmares.
AUTON-WINSLET: Shush. I'm listening.


WINSLET: He's, he's your friend.
SALLY: Yes, of course he is.
RAMSAY: He's a one-off.
SALLY: Do you know where he is?

[Hospital ward]

AUTON-WINSLET: Bring them here. Destroy the others.

[Another room]

PALMER: What is it?


(An Auton enters.)

RAMSAY: What now?

(Sally and Ramsay are escorted away, Human Winslet follows at a distance.)

[Another room]

NATASHA: My mind's not strong enough, but yours is. They sensed your mind in mine. We haven't got much time. Read me.

(He does. An Auton bursts in. Natasha clutches her pendant and concentrates. The Auton staggers.)

NATASHA: I can't keep this up for ever. You know where he is. Now go!
PALMER: Not without you.
NATASHA: I'm not strong enough to. Please go.

(Palmer runs out. Natasha can't hold the Auton any more. Palmer hears the weapon shot as he runs along a corridor. His watch beeps.)

[Hospital ward]

LOCKWOOD: Hello, Sal.
SALLY: Lockwood.
LOCKWOOD: More dreams.
SALLY: No, not dreams. James and I are real enough.

(She strokes his hand.)

LOCKWOOD: You're real. Oh, Sal, what have you done?
SALLY: What?
AUTON-WINSLET: Thank you, Doctor Arnold.

(Nestene energy streams out of Lockwood's head, through the hospital roof and up to a satellite, from whecen it branches out to others and down to the Earth again. Palmer bursts in.)

SALLY: Palmer! What the hell's going on?
PALMER: We were right. They are using Lockwood's implant. Using it as a means of transmitting their energy. Awakening.
PALMER: Lockwood's been trying to keep them out of his mind all this time. They tried to use Natasha's psychic abilities to break his resolve, but it didn't work. But they sensed in me psychic powers that even Natasha didn't possess. They thought I'd do it for them, but it was you two, his friends.
RAMSAY: And now we've buggered everything up.
AUTON-WINSLET: We're activating a billion Nestene creatures buried throughout your world. They're coming back to life. Awakening. You have served your purpose. You are no longer necessary.

(Human Winslet enters.)

WINSLET: I won't let you use my mind. Not again. I won't let you!

(Palmer throws his watch to Ramsay.)

PALMER: Get close to him. Right hand button, three times.

(Nestene energy from under the floor spears Ramsay, but Lockwood takes the watch from him.)

SALLY: Oh, Lockwood, no!
LOCKWOOD: That's the trouble with dreams. However nice they are, you always have to wake up.

(He presses the button three times. A quick zap of energy to his head, and the Nestene energy stream stops. The satellites explode and the ground shakes. Autons tumble. Auton-Winslet falls to his knees and the Nestene in the boiler room flails around before retreating back down the hole it had made in the floor. Sally goes to Lockwood and discovers blood on the back of his head. He is dead.)

PALMER: It's over.

[Sally's office]

(Sally is pacing behind the desk.)

SALLY: Did you ever stop to consider the risk to Lockwood? Your best operative, UNIT's star performer, that's what you made him believe. And all the time you were planning to drive him like a sheep through a mine field.
PALMER: It was the only course of action left open to me. As far back as the warehouse we knew Lockwood had been compromised.
SALLY: He wasn't compromised, he was fighting it. Instead of sending spooks to try and catch him out, did it never cross your mind to ask him what was going on?
PALMER: It may have escaped your notice, Doctor Arnold, but we've just been fighting a war. There's no room for sentiment in a war.
SALLY: You used my feelings, my feelings for Lockwood. You knew perfectly well what taking me there would do.
SALLY: Oh, get him out of my sight.

(Palmer is escorted out.)

Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.