Transcript Needs checking
[On Christmas Day 2005, directly after David Tennant appeared as The Doctor for the first time in The Christmas Invasion, he was seen in costume in a unique interactive adventure where the television viewer is given puzzles and requires to make a decision. The script changed depending on whether the viewer had made the right or wrong choice. The two different versions are presented here.]
(Doctor Who theme music starts.)
begins in ...
(below this a clock counts down from 30 to 00.)
(Briefly in white and blue background beneath this, are instructions.)
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
Use the arrow buttons and number keys when the Doctor tells
Don't change channel or your adventure will be over.
Press 0 for help at any time, OK/SELECT to continue
(The two doors of the Police Box are opened by the new Doctor as played by David Tennant.)
THE DOCTOR: Aha! I need your help.
(He inclines his head to behind him.)
THE DOCTOR: So fancy a trip in the TARDIS?
(He rushes in and stops up the steps.)
THE DOCTOR: Oh. More of a bus person, are we? Yeah, I see.
(He rushes over to the console, the camera still by the doorway.)
THE DOCTOR: Well, come on! What are you waiting for?
(The camera moves closer to the console. THE DOCTOR operates controls on the console, the dematerialisation starts, and THE DOCTOR turns to you, hands in pockets, and grins.)
[NOTE: There is a slight sound loss when he says "Well, come on."]
(Doctor Who title sequence.)
by Gareth Roberts
(The console, THE DOCTOR using the pump.)
Ashley Way
THE DOCTOR: You've been watching my adventures...
(He circles round the console.)
THE DOCTOR: And I've been watching some of yours.
THE DOCTOR: Including you, mate. Where do you get the energy?
(Moving back to the console.)
THE DOCTOR: So ... challenge. Reckon you can hack it as my companion?
(He points at you.)
THE DOCTOR: I only take the best, remember. Like Rose. Dropped her off for a bit. Nineteen Seventy-Nine, Abba at Wembley.
(He breathes out through his lips - he doesn't understand why Abba either, but is prepared to take a chance on you.)
THE DOCTOR: So, it's all gonna be down to you, right? Okay, then.
(He searches inside his jacket pocket.)
THE DOCTOR: Hold out your remote control. I'm linking it to the sonic screwdriver, now.
(He activates the sonic screwdriver, blue concentric circles come out to you, then he switches it off and puts it away.)
THE DOCTOR: All the power of the sonic is yours now. So, don't let a cat sit on it. You really wouldn't want that.
(He throws a switch.)
THE DOCTOR: Let's go!
(TARDIS dematerialisation sound.)
(The Police Box travels through the blue vortex.)
(The TARDIS comes to a halt.)
THE DOCTOR: I'll patch you into the TARDIS screen.
(On the monitor, a family in a living room with Christmas decorations dotted around, Christmas presents being looked at.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Looks like any old Christmas, and it is. No, joking, it isn't. One of these people isn't human, but an alien impostor. A changeling. There are two cameras in the room. The girl's got a camcorder for Christmas.
(She is looking at BOY through the video screen.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Plus I'm looking out through their TV, 'cause I'm clever. Use the arrow keys on your remote to flick between the views.
(Along the bottom of the screen, USE THE ARROW KEYS TO CHOOSE. On the screen the GIRL is seated on the settee beside GRANDMA but DAD who is dark-skinned and is wearing a blue sweater comes over and motions for her to move, she stands and he sits there.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Look closely at each person. One of them is the alien, but which one? Work them eyeballs.
(They are all talking at once and "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" is playing in the background. Along the bottom of the screen it says USE THE ARROW KEYS TO CHOOSE and you can see the same scene from two different angles.)
GIRL: Christmas video time! I want to test the camera.
(Changes to her looking at GRANDMA seated in pink blouse and red party hat sitting on the settee.)
GIRL: So, can everyone get together? Gran!
BOY: Dad, I can't find this part for the game. I need it. Dad?
(MUM walks over to the BOY and her eyes glow yellow briefly as she does. If you are looking at this from a different angle, you won't see this as the GIRL has her camcorder on GRANDMA.)
MUM: Harry, will you put that in the box.
BOY: What are you doing, Mum...?
MUM: You can play with it later...
BOY: Oh no...
MUM: Will you tell your son, please?
DAD: What? You think he listens to me?
GIRL: Come on, gran.
(GRANDMA gets up.)
GIRL: Stand over there, okay?
GRANDMA: Over there?
GIRL: Yes.
(GRANDAD has a box of chocolates.)
GRANDAD: Oh, my favourite one. Do you think this is it? No...
GIRL: Grandad?
GRANDAD: All right, all right, I'm coming.
BOY: I really can't find it.
DAD: Well, if this place was clean...
GRANDAD: By the way I got vouchers.
(GRANDMA comes over to the BOY.)
GRANDAD: I'm sure they're saying I have no personality. I quite wanted a...
BOY: Look. Look at this...
(The BOY is showing GRANDMA one of his presents, opening a flap on it)
BOY: Look, there's a little person inside...
(GRANDMA laughs in amazement at the BOY's present.)
GRANDAD: ... a foot spa. I do have a personality.
MUM: Ridiculous.
GIRL: (sighing.) Mum, just stand there, will you?
(If you are watching this from a different angle, this is the only other point where MUM's eyes briefly glow yellow. She smiles and leans across the back of the sofa to GRANDAD. From the other angle you can't see this as DAD leans over between BOY and GRANDAD briefly and blocks your view of MUM's eyes glowing.)
MUM: Wrappers in the bin, Dad.
MUM: Not back in the box. It causes confusion and disappointment. People think they're reaching for their favourite, and discover it's only an empty wrapper.
GRANDAD: Sorry darling, I'm sorry.
DAD: You are not plugging it in until tomorrow.
BOY: Oh, but...
DAD: When no-one's watching telly, then you can plug it in.
(The TV is turned off.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Okay, time's up. Here's the list.
(A picture of the six posing for the camera and smiling. MUM, then GRAN, then GRANDAD. At the front seated, DAD, BOY, and GIRL.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) So, is it Mum, Dad, Gran, Grandad, Girl, or Boy?
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) If you think it's Mum, press 1. If you think it's Gran, press 2. Reckon it's Grandad, press 3. Or is it Dad? Press 4. The Boy, 5. The Girl, 6. I'll give you ages to decide. No I won't! Make your mind up!
(You are required to press 1, and fail to do so. The clock showing 05 counts down: 04, 03, 02, 01, 00, then dings as time runs out.)
(You see a view across the console to THE DOCTOR who is sitting on a settee with his feet up on the console.)
THE DOCTOR: Oh, you fluffed it! It was Mum - you missed her eyes glowing!
(Indicating his eyes.)
THE DOCTOR: Dead giveaway. Early days, though. But why are they glowing? That's what I'm here to find out.
(A hooter alarm sounds on the console.)
THE DOCTOR: What's that?
(He looks over. A flashing blue light on the console.)
(In the family's lounge, MUM and DAD move away. The BOY is sitting reading a book with pictures on and GRANDAD is seated on the settee. In the dining section of the room, MUM holds DAD back. A small creature about three feet eight in height materialises, standing on the table. It has a black suit, a pink/brown face and its gnarled head has three tentacles growing from the back of it. It makes throaty sounds. DAD looks on in disbelief. The alien, a GRASKE, fires from a device it has in its hand. DAD is enveloped by a blue light, writhing, losing his party hat, and also his personality as it seems to travel in the form of a blue glow into the GRASKE's device. The GRASKE gives a throaty laugh, moves back and vanishes. DAD stares ahead, then his eyes glow green as he turns to MUM.)
(THE DOCTOR busies himself at the console.)
THE DOCTOR: That creature was a Graske. They take over a planet by replacing its population. I can follow the trail of that one, but can you fly the TARDIS?
(We see a close up of the console and hear THE DOCTOR's voice.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Here are some basics. Use your remote to activate the different controls, quickly when I tell you. Number 1's the Dimensional Stabilizer...
(We see this device and the name DIMENSIONAL STABILIZER. The handle moves to show it in operation.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) ... there. Number 2 is this baby, the Vector Tracker.
(Description VECTOR TRACKER beside two instruments, one like a compass and one like the dial on an oven, you see the compass needle of one moving as the dial is turned on the other.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) And this is number 3, the Vortex Loop.
(Description VORTEX LOOP as a handle moves in and out like a bicycle pump. THE DOCTOR moves over from the console to look at you.)
THE DOCTOR: Got it? Right, let's go!
(Police Box travelling through multi-coloured vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Switch on the Vortex Loop. Come on. Which one is it?
(It shows all 3, USE THE NUMBER KEYS TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE, and you the viewer must press 3 before the clock counts down, and you fail to do so.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Wrong one.
(Travelling through the vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now, the Dimensional Stabilizer.
(You the viewer fail to press 1.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We're counting down.
(Time runs out. THE DOCTOR makes a sound like the wrong answer on Family Fortunes)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) "Uh-uh"! I'll get it, then.
(It moves into position. Travelling in the multi-coloured vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You've got it. Quick sticks, the Vector Tracker, press it.
(You the viewer need to press 2, and you fail to do so.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Nah! I'll sort it.
(Travelling through the vortex. Inside the control room, landing with a slight jolt.)
THE DOCTOR: Bit of a bumpy ride, but we've arrived, and ahead of that Graske. Now. When is this?
(He looks at the monitor. An image of the Earth in space.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We've gone back in time, about a hundred and twenty years. The Graske will be here any minute. If we don't spot him, we'll lose the trail.
(Closing in on the UK, then shows a grid of 9 hexagons all joined together, and numbered.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) This grid's tuned to the Graske's DNA trace. It's marked 1 to 9. When you the DNA blip pop up, press the button for that number on the grid. Be quick. It'll only be a flash.
(USE THE NUMBER KEYS TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE. A blip flashes on grid 8, so you are required to press 8, and you don't.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Can you see him?
(The ding as the clock reaches 00.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Bad luck. Lucky I spotted him, aren't you?
(The screen moves in closer to England and the same grid of 9.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now we're in closer. Fingers on buttons. We need to spot him again. Make a choice.
(A blip appears at the bottom of grid 3, so you need to press 3 before the time runs out, but you do not.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Missed him. Let's go closer in.
(A snow-covered street as seen from above as though on a high roof looking over.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) It's another Christmas. Christmas Eighteen Eighty-Three. We're right on top of him.
(A lower-down angle.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) He's hiding somewhere. Watch out for him.
(An OLDER MAN in a top hat rings a bell. In the background Ding Dong Merrily On High is being sung by a choir.)
OLDER MAN: Come along, come along. Have some mulled wine!
(People walk past.)
OLDER MAN: A Merry Christmas, one and all!
(He raises his top hat. Someone takes his offered cup of wine.)
OLDER MAN: Long live Queen Victoria.
(He looks over to a red pillar box marked with the Queen Victoria insignia.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Where's he hiding?
(The OLDER MAN goes over to a table where he has the wine in a cauldron and cups to put them in.)
OLDER MAN: ... of the Empire. Have some mulled wine. All you dollymops, dippers, and butthunters.
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Keep those eyes peeled.
(A woman walks past, a boy holding out his hand to beg.)
URCHIN: I'm ever so hungry, Missus, since the orphanage fell down.
(A brazier fire is burning beside a large Christmas tree.)
URCHIN: Give a lad a penny.
(He tries a passing man.)
URCHIN: Give a lad a penny. I'm saving up for a Satsuma.
(He tries a man closing a large wicker basket, but to no avail.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Can you see him?
URCHIN: ... and they smashed the handles.
(A dressed-up musical hall YOUNG WOMAN singer trying to pass out flyers to passing people.)
YOUNG WOMAN: Come to the Music Hall Christmas Day, Guv'nor. I'll be singing all the big hits of the year. "Cover It Over Quick, Jemima ..."
(... which is a genuine music hall song made famous by Harry Champion. A partially-visible GRASKE is looking out from behind a stack of wicker cases.)
YOUNG WOMAN: "She Hits Him On The Head With Her Hammer." And everyone's favourite tune, "Auntie Maud ..."
(Her voice fades away. The wheels of a horse-drawn carriage. A man sitting on the seat, a white horse waiting.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Where's he hiding?
(It shows a grid of 9, with the cases in grid 3 which you the viewer require to press, but you don't.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Press your button, now.
(After the bell dings for time up, a close-up of the cases.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Missed him! Here he is.
(A choir sings "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." As you close in on the GRASKE, the GRASKE growls and rushes off, the YOUNG WOMAN singer looking on, dropping her advertisement flyers, people screaming. The OLDER MAN looks on in horror. The URCHIN approaches. The GRASKE fires its device at him, he glows with light, the light of the URCHIN's personality travels to the GRASKE's device, then the URCHIN stands still as though held suspended like a puppet. A woman screams. The GRASKE looks round, and vanishes.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) There he goes, with another victim.
YOUNG WOMAN: Oh! Love a duck!
OLDER MAN: Strike me dead.
(The URCHIN's eyes glow green, then the URCHIN looks around him.)
(Console room, THE DOCTOR stands arms folded)
THE DOCTOR: Phooh, that all went a bit mango-shaped. Mango? Do I like mangoes? Good job somebody locked onto him. Me! Now, let's get after that Graske.
(He goes over to the console and pulls a lever.)
(Police Box travelling in the vortex, red vortex then blue. Back in the console room)
THE DOCTOR: At last. Griffoth. The legendary planet of the Graske.
(An image of the planet on the monitor, moving in closer.)
THE DOCTOR: We've got a chance to stop them. There's an entrance but it's shielded. I'll take us as close as I can.
(The central column stops.)
THE DOCTOR: Well, get out there! You're the star of this show.
(He reaches inside his jacket and takes out his sonic screwdriver.)
THE DOCTOR: I'll guide you from in here through the sonic screwdriver. A good shout will only give you away. I don't want to get you eaten. Not at Christmas.
(The viewer moves out of the TARDIS door to a darkened space.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Ah, an airlock protected by code.
(We see a door entry with three symbols on the readout and you see the three-dimensional versions of the 3 possible choices.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) See those symbols on that panel? Look closely. You'll have to work out the next shape in the sequence. It's giving you the options. Which one comes next? Press the number of the right shape on the remote.
(The three symbols already supplied are different. Option 1 and 3 are the same as you already have - although turned round - and option 2 is the only one which is not. You are given 10 seconds and therefore need to press symbol 2, but you do not.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Quick, work it out.
(A ding as time runs out. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Nope. I'll whizz it open, shall I?
(We travel through a darkened room with detached cables hanging down, turning a corner until you come to another door entry.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Another lock, another code. The Graske must have a thing about porches.
(On the read out it says 56-67-78- and the three choices are 79, 98 and 89.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) This one's a number code. Work out the next number and press that button.
(The clock ticks down from 10.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We're counting down...
(You need to press 3 for choice 89, but you don't. A ding as time runs out. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) I'll key in the right number. Maths. Not your best subject, is it? Bet you write lovely poetry though.
(Walking through the darkened room.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) What's next?
(The viewer comes to another door.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Got as many doors as Jim Morrison.
(Three keys numbered 1, 2 and 3 and a 4-point hole the key has to fit into. Shown 3-dimensionally, key 1 has 4 points, key 2 has 2 points and key 3 has 3 points.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Here's a selection of keys. but which one fits into that lock?
(10 seconds count down. You need to press 1, and you don't.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Time's ticking away.
(A ding as time runs out.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) I'll do it.
(Key 1 fits in the lock and turns it. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Have you been at the Advocaat?
(Inside are multiple GRASKE and a number of containers with people inside visible through the glass. One of the GRASKE adjusts the controls on one.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) These pods contain the originals of all the changelings from around the universe. They need to keep them alive to sustain the copies.
(A green creature is visible inside one.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That's a Slitheen.
(The GRASKE moves into another control room.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) And that's the Graske you chased from Earth. Earth will be doomed. Soon every man, woman and child will be stolen by the Graske.
(The GRASKE fits the device he used to steal people's personalities into his control panel, and presses one of the many nodules on the panel beside it which lights up. It shows behind two frosted glass containers DAD and the URCHIN.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) There are his two latest victims trapped forever unless you can stop him.
(The GRASKE operating controls turns to you the viewer.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) He's spotted you. Get down!
(The GRASKE fires, but the camera moves indicating that you ducked. The shot ricochets across the room, hitting the control panel and the pods. An alarm goes off. The glass of the pod containing the Slitheen smashes and it bursts out, looking round then rushing off.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) The Slitheen's out.
(The GRASKE fires, then rushes off, chased by the Slitheen.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now's your chance. Only time to do one of two things.
(The Slitheen bumps off one of the panels as it chases after the GRASKE.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You can reverse the settings. That'll destroy the duplicates, free the prisoners, and teleport them to wherever in the universe they were snatched from. Or...
(A view of the pods.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You can use the Graske's stasis control against them. Apart for you, freeze everybody and everything here.
(The control panel showing red and blue flashing buttons.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That control panel, take a look.
(The centre has two buttons with a yellow centre.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) These two buttons are all you need. Press 1 to teleport, 2 for stasis. Make your choice.
(You the viewer are required to select 1 or 2 and the clock counts down from 05 to 00, and you select option 2.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Time's running out. It's all down to you!
(The Slitheen is chasing the GRASKE beside the pods, and suddenly everything in the scene turns blue and they freeze.)
THE DOCTOR: Right, so you've gone for stasis. You've stopped time, so everyone's staying right where they are. That's everyone .
(You see a view of the unmoving GRASKE and the people inside the pods, not moving.)
(Ding Dong Merrily On High playing in the background. DAD seated beside GRANDMA and GRANDAD, MUM seated on another settee, the GIRL beside her and the BOY on the floor.)
DAD: This is the best Christmas ever.
MUM: Isn't it just?
(The BOY and the GIRL look on, puzzled.)
DAD: Why don't we go for a brisk jog in the cold?
MUM: And I need to cut my toenails.
GIRL: Are we ever going to do my Christmas video then?
(Silence from MUM and DAD. The GIRL gets up.)
GIRL: Christmas is ruined, I'm going to my room!
(She storms off. MUM's eyes glow green, then DAD's. The GIRL walks oout of the room irately. The Christmas tree wobbles and the BOY moves back as it falls over onto the floor.)
(THE DOCTOR leaning, arms folded against the console, scowling.)
THE DOCTOR: Pig's ear. Dog's dinner! You've left the victims frozen in time!
(Indicating with his thumb)
THE DOCTOR: And worse, you've sent that girl off to her room in a right old tizz. Still, it's the taking part that counts. Let's get you back home.
(He turns back to the console.)
(Travelling through the vortex, and a message on the screen)
(In the console room, a lever pulled up by THE DOCTOR.)
(He reaches inside his jacket.)
THE DOCTOR: Better disconnect the screwdriver from your remote. Hold it out.
(He points it at you. The sonic screwdriver emanates a blue light, and this time the concentric symbols travel backwards.)
THE DOCTOR: Sorted. Back to normal.
[Note: In the right choice version he says "Smart" here.]
(He puts his screwdriver away.)
THE DOCTOR: Though...
(He leans over closer to you confidentially.)
THE DOCTOR: There is a risk that if you switch to ITV tonight, the galaxy may implode. So...
(He scratches the back of his head, unimpressed.)
THE DOCTOR: You're not good enough. Yet. But you weren't that bad, so have another go.
(Turning back to the console.)
THE DOCTOR: I'd better go and get Rose. Merry Christmas.
(He operates the controls and the dematerialisation starts up as you move back to the door.)
(Closing credits and closing music.)
(The rest of the production credits continue.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That's the end. Or is it? No it isn't. Fancy another go at impressing me? You can! Attack Of The Graske is in a time loop. That means it starts again, right here, in one minute.
(The production credits end with)
Executive Producers
Russell T Davies
Julie Gardner
BBC Wales
(then it shows the BBC ONE symbol and you go back to the start.)
(Doctor Who theme music starts.)
begins in ...
(below this a clock counts down from 30 to 00.)
(Briefly in white and blue background beneath this, are instructions.)
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
Use the arrow buttons and number keys when the Doctor tells
Don't change channel or your adventure will be over.
Press 0 for help at any time, OK/SELECT to continue
(The two doors of the Police Box are opened by the new Doctor as played by David Tennant.)
THE DOCTOR: Aha! I need your help.
(He inclines his head to behind him.)
THE DOCTOR: So fancy a trip in the TARDIS?
(He rushes in and stops up the steps.)
THE DOCTOR: Oh. More of a bus person, are we? Yeah, I see.
(He rushes over to the console, the camera still by the doorway.)
THE DOCTOR: Well, come on! What are you waiting for?
(The camera moves closer to the console. THE DOCTOR operates controls on the console, the dematerialisation starts, and THE DOCTOR turns to you, hands in pockets, and grins.)
[NOTE: There is a slight sound loss when he says "Well, come on."]
(Doctor Who title sequence.)
by Gareth Roberts
(The console, THE DOCTOR using the pump.)
Ashley Way
THE DOCTOR: You've been watching my adventures...
(He circles round the console.)
THE DOCTOR: And I've been watching some of yours.
THE DOCTOR: Including you, mate. Where do you get the energy?
(Moving back to the console.)
THE DOCTOR: So ... challenge. Reckon you can hack it as my companion?
(He points at you.)
THE DOCTOR: I only take the best, remember. Like Rose. Dropped her off for a bit. Nineteen Seventy-Nine, Abba at Wembley.
(He breathes out through his lips - he doesn't understand why Abba either, but is prepared to take a chance on you.)
THE DOCTOR: So, it's all gonna be down to you, right? Okay, then.
(He searches inside his jacket pocket.)
THE DOCTOR: Hold out your remote control. I'm linking it to the sonic screwdriver, now.
(He activates the sonic screwdriver, blue concentric circles come out to you, then he switches it off and puts it away.)
THE DOCTOR: All the power of the sonic is yours now. So, don't let a cat sit on it. You really wouldn't want that.
(He throws a switch.)
THE DOCTOR: Let's go!
(TARDIS dematerialisation sound.)
(The Police Box travels through the blue vortex.)
(The TARDIS comes to a halt.)
THE DOCTOR: I'll patch you into the TARDIS screen.
(On the monitor, a family in a living room with Christmas decorations dotted around, Christmas presents being looked at.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Looks like any old Christmas, and it is. No, joking, it isn't. One of these people isn't human, but an alien impostor. A changeling. There are two cameras in the room. The girl's got a camcorder for Christmas.
(She is looking at BOY through the video screen.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Plus I'm looking out through their TV, 'cause I'm clever. Use the arrow keys on your remote to flick between the views.
(Along the bottom of the screen, USE THE ARROW KEYS TO CHOOSE. On the screen the GIRL is seated on the settee beside GRANDMA but DAD who is wearing a blue sweater comes over and motions for her to move, she stands and he sits there.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Look closely at each person. One of them is the alien, but which one? Work them eyeballs.
(They are all talking at once and "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" is playing in the background. Along the bottom of the screen it says USE THE ARROW KEYS TO CHOOSE and you can see the same scene from two different angles.)
GIRL: Christmas video time! I want to test the camera.
(Changes to her looking at GRANDMA seated in pink blouse and red party hat sitting on the settee.)
GIRL: So, can everyone get together? Gran!
BOY: Dad, I can't find this part for the game. I need it. Dad?
(MUM walks over to the BOY and her eyes glow yellow briefly as she does. If you are looking at this from a different angle, you won't see this as the GIRL has her camcorder on GRANDMA.)
MUM: Harry, will you put that in the box.
BOY: What are you doing, Mum...?
MUM: You can play with it later...
BOY: Oh no...
MUM: Will you tell your son, please?
DAD: What? You think he listens to me?
GIRL: Come on, gran.
(GRANDMA gets up.)
GIRL: Stand over there, okay?
GRANDMA: Over there?
GIRL: Yes.
(GRANDAD has a box of chocolates.)
GRANDAD: Oh, my favourite one. Do you think this is it? No...
GIRL: Grandad?
GRANDAD: All right, all right, I'm coming.
BOY: I really can't find it.
DAD: Well, if this place was clean...
GRANDAD: By the way I got vouchers.
(GRANDMA comes over to the BOY.)
GRANDAD: I'm sure they're saying I have no personality. I quite wanted a...
BOY: Look. Look at this...
(The BOY is showing GRANDMA one of his presents, opening a flap on it)
BOY: Look, there's a little person inside...
(GRANDMA laughs in amazement at the BOY's present.)
GRANDAD: ... a foot spa. I do have a personality.
MUM: Ridiculous.
GIRL: (sighing.) Mum, just stand there, will you?
(If you are watching this from a different angle, this is the only other point where MUM's eyes briefly glow yellow. She smiles and leans across the back of the sofa to GRANDAD. From the other angle you can't see this as DAD leans over between BOY and GRANDAD briefly and blocks your view of MUM's eyes glowing.)
MUM: Wrappers in the bin, Dad.
MUM: Not back in the box. It causes confusion and disappointment. People think they're reaching for their favourite, and discover it's only an empty wrapper.
GRANDAD: Sorry darling, I'm sorry.
DAD: You are not plugging it in until tomorrow.
BOY: Oh, but...
DAD: When no-one's watching telly, then you can plug it in.
(The TV is turned off.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Okay, time's up. Here's the list.
(A picture of the six posing for the camera and smiling. MUM, then GRAN, then GRANDAD. At the front seated, DAD, BOY, and GIRL.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) So, is it Mum, Dad, Gran, Grandad, Girl, or Boy?
THE DOCTOR: If you think it's Mum, press 1. If you think it's Gran, press 2. Reckon it's Grandad, press 3. Or is it Dad? Press 4. The Boy, 5. The Girl, 6. I'll give you ages to decide. No I won't! Make your mind up!
(You are required to press 1, and do. The clock showing 05 counts down: 04, 03, 02, 01, 00, then dings as time runs out.)
(You see a view across the console to THE DOCTOR who is sitting on a settee with his feet up on the console.)
THE DOCTOR: Well done. Yeah, it was Mum. You must have spotted her eyes glowing.
(Indicating his eyes.)
THE DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dead giveaway. But why are they glowing? That's what I'm here to find out.
(A hooter alarm sounds on the console.)
THE DOCTOR: What's that?
(He looks over. A flashing blue light on the console.)
(In the family's lounge, MUM and DAD move away. The BOY is sitting reading a book with pictures on and GRANDAD is seated on the settee. In the dining section of the room, MUM holds DAD back. A small creature about three feet eight in height materialises, standing on the table. It has a black suit, a pink/brown face and its gnarled head has three tentacles growing from the back of it. It makes throaty sounds. DAD looks on in disbelief. The alien, a GRASKE, fires from a device it has in its hand. DAD is enveloped by a blue light, writhing, losing his party hat, and also his personality as it seems to travel in the form of a blue glow into the GRASKE's device. The GRASKE gives a throaty laugh, moves back and vanishes. DAD stares ahead, then his eyes glow green as he turns to MUM.)
(THE DOCTOR busies himself at the console.)
THE DOCTOR: That creature was a Graske. They take over a planet by replacing its population. I can follow the trail of that one, but can you fly the TARDIS?
(You see a close up of the console and hear THE DOCTOR's voice.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Here are some basics. Use your remote to activate the different controls, quickly when I tell you. Number 1's the Dimensional Stabilizer...
(You see this device and the name DIMENSIONAL STABILIZER. The handle moves to show it in operation.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) ... there. Number 2 is this baby, the Vector Tracker.
(Description VECTOR TRACKER beside two instruments, one like a compass and one like the dial on an oven, you see the compass needle of one moving as the dial is turned on the other.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) And this is number 3, the Vortex Loop.
(Description VORTEX LOOP as a handle moves in and out like a bicycle pump. THE DOCTOR moves over from the console to look at you.)
THE DOCTOR: Got it? Right, let's go!
(Police Box travelling through multi-coloured vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Switch on the Vortex Loop. Come on. Which one is it?
(It shows all 3, USE THE NUMBER KEYS TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE, and you the viewer must press 3 before the clock counts down, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Brilliant.
(Travelling through the vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now the Dimensional Stabilizer.
(You need to press 1, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We're counting down.
(Time runs out.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Here we go.
(It moves into position. Travelling in the multi-coloured vortex.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You've got it. Quick sticks, the Vector Tracker, press it.
(You the viewer needs to press 2, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Good work, pilot.
(Travelling through the vortex. Inside the control room, landing with a slight jolt.)
THE DOCTOR: Bit of a bumpy ride, but we've arrived, and ahead of that Graske. Now. When is this?
(He looks at the monitor. An image of the Earth in space.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We've gone back in time, about a hundred and twenty years. The Graske will be here any minute. If we don't spot him, we'll lose the trail.
(Closing in on the UK, then shows a grid of 9 hexagons all joined together, and numbered.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) This grid's tuned to the Graske's DNA trace. It's marked 1 to 9. When you the DNA blip pop up, press the button for that number on the grid. Be quick. It'll only be a flash.
(USE THE NUMBER KEYS TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE. A blip flashes on grid 8, so you the viewer are required to press 8, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Can you see him?
(The ding as the clock reaches 00.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Yes! Well done, old Hawkeye. Where did he go?
(The screen moves in closer to England and the same grid of 9.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now we're in closer. Fingers on buttons. We need to spot him again. Make a choice.
(A blip appears at the bottom of grid 3, so you the viewer need to press 3 before the time runs out, and you do, and you are rewarded by the Doctor's Status Quo quote)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Yes! Right, third level. Down, down, deeper and down.
(A snow-covered street as seen from above as though on a high roof looking over.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) It's another Christmas. Christmas Eighteen Eighty-Three. We're right on top of him.
(A lower-down angle.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) He's hiding somewhere. Watch out for him.
(An OLDER MAN in a top hat rings a bell. In the background Ding Dong Merrily On High is being sung by a choir.)
OLDER MAN: Come along, come along. Have some mulled wine!
(People walk past.)
OLDER MAN: A Merry Christmas, one and all!
(He raises his top hat. Someone takes his offered cup of wine.)
OLDER MAN: Long live Queen Victoria.
(He looks over to a red pillar box marked with the Queen Victoria insignia.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Where's he hiding?
(The OLDER MAN goes over to a table where he has the wine in a cauldron and cups to put them in.)
OLDER MAN: ... of the Empire. Have some mulled wine. All you dollymops, dippers, and butthunters.
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Keep those eyes peeled.
(A woman walks past, a boy holding out his hand to beg.)
URCHIN: I'm ever so hungry, Missus, since the orphanage fell down.
(A brazier fire is burning beside a large Christmas tree.)
URCHIN: Give a lad a penny.
(He tries a passing man.)
URCHIN: Give a lad a penny. I'm saving up for a Satsuma.
(He tries a man closing a large wicker basket, but to no avail.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Can you see him?
URCHIN: ... and they smashed the handles.
(A dressed-up musical hall YOUNG WOMAN singer trying to pass out flyers to passing people.)
YOUNG WOMAN: Come to the Music Hall Christmas Day, Guv'nor. I'll be singing all the big hits of the year. "Cover It Over Quick, Jemima ..."
(... which is a genuine music hall song made famous by Harry Champion. A partially-visible GRASKE is looking out from behind a stack of wicker cases.)
YOUNG WOMAN: "She Hits Him On The Head With Her Hammer." And everyone's favourite tune, "Auntie Maud ..."
(Her voice fades away. The wheels of a horse-drawn carriage. A man sitting on the seat, a white horse waiting.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Where's he hiding?
(It shows a grid of 9, with the cases in grid 3 which you the viewer require to press, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Press your button, now.
(After the bell dings for time up, a close-up of the cases.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You spotted him!
(A choir sings "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." As you close in on the GRASKE, the GRASKE growls and rushes off, the YOUNG WOMAN singer looking on, dropping her advertisement flyers, people screaming. The OLDER MAN looks on in horror. The URCHIN approaches. The GRASKE fires its device at him, he glows with light, the light of the URCHIN's personality travels to the GRASKE's device, then the URCHIN stands still as though held suspended like a puppet. A woman screams. The GRASKE looks round, and vanishes.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) There he goes, with another victim.
YOUNG WOMAN: Oh! Love a duck!
OLDER MAN: Strike me dead.
(The URCHIN's eyes glow green, then the URCHIN looks around him.)
(Console room, THE DOCTOR spreads his hands)
THE DOCTOR: Brava, brava! No idea why I said that. Perhaps I like opera. He's getting away, but you did well. We're locked onto him. Now, let's get after that Graske.
(He goes over to the console and pulls a lever.)
(Police Box travelling in the vortex, red vortex then blue. Back in the console room)
THE DOCTOR: At last. Griffoth. The legendary planet of the Graske.
(An image of the planet on the monitor, moving in closer.)
THE DOCTOR: We've got a chance to stop them. There's an entrance but it's shielded. I'll take us as close as I can.
(The central column stops.)
THE DOCTOR: Well, get out there! You're the star of this show.
(He reaches inside his jacket and takes out his sonic screwdriver.)
THE DOCTOR: I'll guide you from in here through the sonic screwdriver. A good shout will only give you away. I don't want to get you eaten. Not at Christmas.
(The viewer moves out of the TARDIS door to a darkened space.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Ah, an airlock protected by code.
(We see a door entry with three symbols on the readout and you see the three-dimensional versions of the 3 possible choices.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) See those symbols on that panel? Look closely. You'll have to work out the next shape in the sequence. It's giving you the options. Which one comes next? Press the number of the right shape on the remote.
(The three symbols already supplied are different. Option 1 and 3 are the same as you already have - although turned round - and option 2 is the only one which is not. You are given 10 seconds and therefore need to press symbol 2, but you do not.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Quick, work it out.
(A ding as time runs out. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Correct. Let's go through.
(We travel through a darkened room with detached cables hanging down, turning a corner until you come to another door entry.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Another lock, another code. The Graske must have a thing about porches.
(On the read out it says 56-67-78- and the three choices are 79, 98 and 89.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) This one's a number code. Work out the next number and press that button.
(The clock ticks down from 10.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) We're counting down...
(You need to press 3 for choice 89, and you do. A ding as time runs out. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Well done. You're good with numbers. I bet you can even do long division.
(Walking through the darkened room.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) What's next?
(You come to another door.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Got as many doors as Jim Morrison.
(Three keys numbered 1, 2 and 3 and a 4-point hole the key has to fit into. Shown 3-dimensionally, key 1 has 4 points, key 2 has 2 points and key 3 has 3 points.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Here's a selection of keys. but which one fits into that lock?
(10 seconds count down. You need to press 1, and you do.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Time's ticking away.
(A ding as time runs out. Key 1 fits in the lock and turns it. The door opens.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That's the one, and it's the final door. You're in.
(Inside are multiple GRASKE and a number of containers with people inside visible through the glass. One of the GRASKE adjusts the controls on one.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) These pods contain the originals of all the changelings from around the universe. They need to keep them alive to sustain the copies.
(A green creature is visible inside one.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That's a Slitheen.
(The GRASKE moves into another control room.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) And that's the Graske you chased from Earth. Earth will be doomed. Soon every man, woman and child will be stolen by the Graske.
(The GRASKE fits the device he used to steal people's personalities into his control panel, and presses one of the many nodules on the panel beside it which lights up. It shows behind two frosted glass containers DAD and the URCHIN.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) There are his two latest victims trapped forever unless you can stop him.
(The GRASKE operating controls turns to you the viewer.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) He's spotted you. Get down!
(The GRASKE fires, but the camera moves indicating that you ducked. The shot ricochets across the room, hitting the control panel and the pods. An alarm goes off. The glass of the pod containing the Slitheen smashes and it bursts out, looking round then rushing off.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) The Slitheen's out.
(The GRASKE fires, then rushes off, chased by the Slitheen.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Now's your chance. Only time to do one of two things.
(The Slitheen bumps off one of the panels as it chases after the GRASKE.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You can reverse the settings. That'll destroy the duplicates, free the prisoners, and teleport them to wherever in the universe they were snatched from. Or...
(A view of the pods.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You can use the Graske's stasis control against them. Apart for you, freeze everybody and everything here.
(The control panel showing red and blue flashing buttons.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That control panel, take a look.
(The centre has two buttons with a yellow centre.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) These two buttons are all you need. Press 1 to teleport, 2 for stasis. Make your choice.
(You the viewer are required to select 1 or 2 and the clock counts down from 05 to 00, and you select option 1.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) Time's running out. It's all down to you!
(The Slitheen chasing after the GRASKE in the pods area vanishes, then all the people in the pods vanish one by one.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) You've gone for teleport. Look at 'em go. Everyone heading back to where they belong.
(MUM vanishes, then DAD and the URCHIN.)
(The flash comes down to MUM and DAD. They look at each other. "Rock And Roll Christmas" is playing in the background. GRANDMA and GRANDAD are sitting on the settee and nearby BOY and GIRL are playing.)
DAD: Are we all sat down?
(The BOY and the GIRL look up at him. GRANDMA and GRANDAD sitting.)
DAD: It's Christmas, isn't it? Get the game plugged in!
(The BOY and GIRL beam with delight.)
MUM: And get the sherry out.
GIRL: Let's do my video.
(MUM rushes out.)
MUM: Yes, come on, come on. Come here...
(They all rush to sit with GRANDMA, GRANDAD and DAD on the settee.)
DAD: (chuckling) Right, Grandad?
FAMILY: Merry Christmas!
(They all smile and pose for the GIRL with her video camera.)
(THE DOCTOR leaning, arms folded against the console, smiling.)
THE DOCTOR: Wahey! Right choice. There'll always be another chance for someone - could even be me - to deal with the Graske, and you've saved their Christmas!
(He smiles, impressed.)
THE DOCTOR: Let's get you back home.
(Travelling through the vortex, and a message on the screen)
(In the console room, a lever pulled up by THE DOCTOR.)
(He reaches inside his jacket.)
THE DOCTOR: Better disconnect the screwdriver from your remote. Hold it out.
(He points it at you. The sonic screwdriver emanates a blue light, and this time the concentric symbols travel backwards.)
THE DOCTOR: Smart. Back to normal.
[Note: In the wrong choice version he says "sorted" here.]
(He puts his screwdriver away.)
THE DOCTOR: Though...
(He leans over closer to you confidentially.)
THE DOCTOR: There is a risk that if you switch to ITV tonight, the galaxy may implode. So...
(Turns to think then back to you.)
THE DOCTOR: Now ... I only take the best, and...
(He scratches the back of his head, impressed.)
THE DOCTOR: You were amazing. I might just pick you up one day.
(Turning back to the console.)
THE DOCTOR: Well, I'd better go and get Rose. Merry Christmas.
(He operates the controls and the dematerialisation starts up as you move back to the door.)
(Closing credits and closing music.)
(The rest of the production credits continue.)
THE DOCTOR: (voice over) That's the end. Or is it? No it isn't. Fancy another go at impressing me? You can! Attack Of The Graske is in a time loop. That means it starts again, right here, in one minute.
(The production credits end with)
Executive Producers
Russell T Davies
Julie Gardner
BBC Wales
(then it shows the BBC ONE symbol and you go back to the start.)
Transcribed by David Tait
Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.