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this blew me away, the doctor confronting his inner demons and going to therapy just to mess it all up while trying to do the right thing. story wise its nice to get a break away from conflict politics monsters etc and really give us an insight into this doctor and his turmoils. really strong performance from everyone including annette badland (her voice is so recognisable everytime). phenomenal!!!


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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time!


Asking For a Friend brings the Unbound Doctor face-to-face with his psychiatrist, forcing him to confront the heavy burdens he carries: being the President of the Universe and betraying Benny’s trust.

The story alternates between sharp, tense interviews with the psychiatrist and more dramatic, emotionally charged dialogues between the Doctor and Benny. These scenes vividly showcase the Doctor's flaws, highlighting the mounting stress he’s under and his tendency to make poor decisions that only escalate the situation.

As the narrative progresses, Benny begins attending therapy sessions herself, while the Doctor drowns his sorrows in alcohol. The story unfolds as a series of two-character exchanges, which slows the pacing but offers valuable insights into the characters and their personal struggles.

However, the plot doesn’t seem to lead anywhere substantial. Despite strong performances, I found it hard to fully connect with the characters or their emotional turmoil, which diminished the impact of the story for me.


  • It’s amusing that the Unbound Doctor is reprimanded for cheating during therapy and doing it out of order. But, as the Fifteenth Doctor quipped in The Giggle, doing therapy out of order is just what Time Lords do.


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