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The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Star-Crossed • Episode 3


4.64/ 5 69 votes

Reviews and links from the Community

Review of Archipelago by twelvesoswald

really enjoyed how they fully fleshed out and explored nine and rivers dyanmic across the full set, especially here. the scene where he reads her diary? incredible. i liked that the predictable mind wipe was both ways and done differently for a change! really happy with this small arc and hope for more 9 arcs in future!

Review last edited on 14-07-24

Review of Archipelago by PexLives

Aside from a mediocre performance from Kingston, this is an incredibly impressive story from Tim Foley and Helen Goldwyn. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever heard the 9th Doctor as authentic as he appears on TV, but the finale of the 9th Doctor Adventures finally delivers an episode that far surpasses most of his TV episodes and actually delves deep into who 9 is. His brokenness and amazement at simple wonders is a juxtaposition no other doctor does quite like him. It feels right for him, and I’m so glad we finally got a story that focuses solely in on this part of the character, and it reminds me why I love dr who.

Review last edited on 28-06-24

Review of Archipelago by Rock_Angel

Best story of the set by far and honestly it’s amazing to see river and 9th in a different light

Review last edited on 29-05-24

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