Stories Television K9 K9 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Angel of the North 1 image Back to Story Transcript Needs checking [Corridor] (Inspector 1’s vidcom rings. He answers it.) DUBOIS: (Over vidcom) Inspector, Dubois here. I’ve got a problem. I can’t get this thing to come apart. It won’t budge. [Fallen Angel room] (Dubois is crouched. A CCPC walks past behind him.) INSPECTOR 1: (Over vidcom) Sit tight. I’m on my way. [Corridor] (Inspector 1 heads down the corridor) [Fallen Angel room] (Dubois puts his hand into some slime. When he pulls it out, he sees something. He screams.) [The main hall] (Gryffen is working on the STM. There is a distortion.) GRYFFEN: What’s going on, K9?K9: Investigating, but I’m finding it difficult to keep still. I’m coming up with Earth coordinates. Does 48 north by 120 mean anything to you?GRYFFEN: Can’t think of…K9: It’s extreme north. Canada.GRYFFEN: The Angel. That’s where it crashed. Something’s happening up there. It’s affecting the STM and you.K9: It would seem so, but why?GRYFFEN: Well, the STM came from the ship. That would explain why it’s being affected, but, as to why you’re being affected… You travelled here through the STM.K9: So, there is perhaps some lingering effect?GRYFFEN: That could explain it.K9: But what could be disturbing the ship this way?GRYFFEN: Its being disturbed.K9: The disturbance from the ship is being caused by the ship being disturbed? Your logic is faultless, professor, but less than helpul.GRYFFEN: No, I’m think that all this time the ship has been quiet. Not a thing from it and now this. It’s as if something has been awakened. As if some element has been activated. Do you think it could be…?K9: The temporal stabiliser.GRYFFEN: It’s always been the missing element, the reason we haven’t been able to master the STM. What if…? What if when they brought the STM here, they missed it? What if it’s still up there?K9: And something has now caused it to activate.GRYFFEN: Exactly. I need to find it.K9: Except for the fact that you would need to be at the ship, which is not located anywhere in this house.GRYFFEN: But think of it, K9. If we could get this thing working properly, you could go home. I could go back…K9: You know as well as I do, professor, trying to change the past is highly, highly dangerous.GRYFFEN: Of course it is. (Gryffen smiles.) K9: Have I done something amusing?GRYFFEN: You. You could go get it. Why not?K9: I am curious to find out why I was affected by the ship but not curious enough to go.GRYFFEN: Come on, K9.K9: If I detect a sufficiently fascinating reason, I will reconsider. (K9 leaves.) GRYFFEN: It’s all in the subconscious. This can be done. Mind over matter. (Gryffen heads downstairs to the front door. He opens it and looks out.) I can do this. Mind over matter. (He goes down several steps, then panics and returns inside. Darius arrives and helps him up.)DARIUS: Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. I’ve got you, prof.GRYFFEN: I’m alright, I’m alright! Thank you, Darius. It’s good of you to help.DARIUS: What were you doing?GRYFFEN: Just going for a walk.DARIUS: Outside?GRYFFEN: I know. Ridiculous, isn’t it? Good man. (Gryffen walks away.) DARIUS: Did you want anything?GRYFFEN: No, not at the moment, thank you. [Camo] (June is at a screen. Thorne is working behind her.) JUNE: Gryffen.GRYFFEN: (On monitor) Morning, June. Something rather urgent has come up. I need to get to the Fallen Angel. I believe the temporal stabiliser is still lodged in there. It’s the element I need to finally master the STM. If I get the temporal stabiliser, it means I’ll be able to finally get this thing working accurately. Do you see what I’m saying? We’ll be able to control it.JUNE: Yes, I understand what mastering means, but how do you propose getting to the ship? [The main hall] GRYFFEN: I was thinking of that travel suit that you once told me about. [Camo] JUNE: That travel suit is still at a rather experimental stage and it’s a very hazardous journey. (Thorne leaves.) Leave it with me for now. [Lomax’s room] (Lomax is silhouetted behind a screen.) THORNE: He said he could get the STM working accurately if he had this stabiliser device.LOMAX: Interesting. Do you think he’s right?THORNE: He seemed very excited by it. I would say it’s worth a shot.LOMAX: Then assist him in every way possible. You travel with him. Keep an eye on him at all times. We don’t want him meddling in anything.THORNE: I understand, sir.LOMAX: That will be all, Thorne. (Thorne leaves.) [Street] (Thorne oversees two CCPCs as they carry a heavy box to the manor. Darius looks out from the garage.) [The main hall] (The CCPCs lift the lid from the box. Gryffen lifts a helmet.) GRYFFEN: My goodness.K9: What is it? Please explain.THORNE: Hold off. This is official Department business. Inspector Turner and I have agreed to assist the professor on a trip to the Angel. The suit is to help him get over his problem. (Thorne takes out another section of the suit.) K9: Are you willing to accept this, professor?GRYFFEN: It’s the only way I can get to the ship. Is it…?THORNE: Perfectly safe. It’s a virtual reality encasement suit. Passed the highest-level safety tests...K9: Why does this not fill this unit with confidence?THORNE: It is designed to make you feel indoors when actually you are not. We put a lot of work into this suit. The Department is very proud of it.GRYFFEN: Perhaps… K9, you could…THORNE: I need not remind you, Gryffen, you are obliged to do further scientific work for us. It’s in your contract. (Thorne helps Gryffen put the suit on.) There. Not so bad, is it? Let’s go. I’ll be travelling with you, along with a small security team, so we need to move ASAP. You’ll be safe and sound. I’ll see to it personally. Give him a hand. (The CCPCs escort Gryffen to the front door. Thorne smiles at Darius as he passes.) DARIUS: What’s Thorne being so hunky-dory about?K9: Hunky-dory?DARIUS: Never mind. [Street] (Thorne steps out of the door.) CCPC: Come on. Out we go.GRYFFEN: Actually, now that I think about it, (unclear). I have a hairdresser’s appointment. Yes, (unclear) is coming by this morning. A hairdresser, yes. Well, it would be rude not to be here.CCPC: Here we go. It’s a beautiful day.GRYFFEN: Back inside.THORNE: Stop him!GRYFFEN: Actually, I left the frying pan on… (Thorne presses something on Gryffen’s helmet.) [Starkey’s bedroom] (K9 is sounding an alarm. Starkey wakes up.) K9: Emergency, Starkey!STARKEY: I’m up, I’m up, all right?K9: We have a serious problem. [The main hall] (Starkey is upstairs. K9 flies down.) K9: Gryffen has gone north.STARKEY: North? You mean up here?DARIUS: No, “north” north, as in “Fallen Angel” north.STARKEY: What? He left the mansion? (Starkey goes downstairs.) DARIUS: Yeah.K9: He’s gone to fetch the temporal stabiliser for the STM.STARKEY: But how could he go?DARIUS: Well, he was wearing a spacesuit. Thorne was being very cooperative.STARKEY: Of course he was. It means the Department finally gets control of the STM.DARIUS: Yeah, and K9 gets to figure out where he comes from.STARKEY: And you’d go back?K9: I suppose it will depend on where it is.STARKEY: Yeah, absolutely. (June enters.) JUNE: Where’s Gryffen? I’ve been trying to get in touch with him urgently.STARKEY: Well, he’s gone north.JUNE: You mean upstairs?DARIUS: No, as in “Fallen Angel” north.JUNE: What? But how?K9: Your colleague, Thorne, collected him using a virtual reality encasement suit.DARIUS: He said you two were working together on this.K9: It would seem not.JUNE: Absolutely not. I came here to tell Gryffen it was too dangerous to go up there.STARKEY: Why?JUNE: Let me just say that the situation there is a little unstable.DARIUS: Meaning?JUNE: Meaning that site is not completely under Department control.STARKEY: Then whose control is it under?JUNE: We’re not entirely sure. [Corridor] (Gryffen enters with Thorne, Inspector 1 and several CCPCs.) [Fallen Angel room] (Thorne removes Gryffen’s helmet.) GRYFFEN: It’s beautiful. (Gryffen walks over to the crashed ship.) [The main hall] JORJIE: I don’t understand why he’d go on such a dangerous trip.DARIUS: You know what he’s like about the STM.STARKEY: We’ve got to get him back. K9, surely you can find him? Don’t you have the coordinates?K9: Affirmative, but will I be able to persuade him to return? He’s determined to find the stabiliser.DARIUS: I don’t trust Thorne. Why’d he say Jorjie’s mum’s on side with the trip when clearly she isn’t?K9: That’s what she’s gone to find out.STARKEY: And who else could it be that’s in control up there?DARIUS: She didn’t really seem keen to share.JORJIE: Did he take his vidcom with him?DARIUS: No, he didn’t have time to take anything with him.STARKEY: What about you, K9? You must be able to get in contact with him.K9: I have considered using the STM, but that could be extremely dangerous. (There is further distortion.) JORJIE: What is that? An earthquake?K9: Negative. It is to do with the ship.JORJIE: But why is it affecting you?K9: I’m not exactly sure, but I have an uneasy feeling about it. I think the time has come for me to travel there. [Fallen Angel room] (Gryffen is looking at the ship. He finds Dubois’s helmet.) GRYFFEN: There’s a helmet in here.THORNE: I’ll have a word with the janitor. Get on with it. (Gryffen finds the green slime.) GRYFFEN: It’s in here. The temporal stabiliser.THORNE: You’re sure? (Gryffen takes a small component from the slime.) GRYFFEN: Yes. It matches the structure of the STM perfectly.THORNE: Bring it out then and let’s go.GRYFFEN: Hold on a minute.THORNE: Gryffen, what are you doing? Gryffen? (Gryffen goes over to some capsules.) GRYFFEN: They’re pods. They’re empty. Thorne!THORNE: What?GRYFFEN: There are pods in here.THORNE: Which are none of your business. Now, come out before I have you dragged out.GRYFFEN: There’s nothing in them anyway.THORNE: Yes, there is. One of them is empty. The others are…GRYFFEN: You didn’t know they were empty, did you?THORNE: Of course I did.GRYFFEN: What was in them? (He grabs Thorne.) What was in them?THORNE: Nothing.GRYFFEN: Well, these nothings have escaped and, whatever they are, they’re loose in these tunnels. [The main hall] K9: This will not be easy. I will be travelling through space but must be careful not to stray into any other time period. I’ll need you all to operate the STM in unison.STARKEY: You mean I can’t come with you?DARIUS: Yeah, I want to go too.JORJIE: Me too.K9: Negative. In order to get me to arrive at the designated spot in Canada you will have to work together. Set all the instruments to zero. (Starkey, Darius and Jorjie operate the STM controls.) STARKEY: Check.JORJIE: Check.DARIUS: Check.STARKEY: How do you know this will get you there?K9: What you call a hunch, young master. Since the STM came from the Fallen Angel, in theory its default location for transportation should be the ship.JORJIE: In theory?K9: Affirmative. Power up.STARKEY: Check.DARIUS: Check. (The STM activates.) K9: Power surge almost sufficient for transportation. (K9 flies into the vortex.) STARKEY: Hold this for a sec.JORJIE: What?STARKEY: Just do it! (Starkey runs downstairs and jumps into the vortex. It closes.) [Wastes] (K9 and Starkey are in a snowstorm.) K9: You followed me. Imagine this unit’s surprise. Not.STARKEY: It’s freezing!K9: I did warn you not to come.STARKEY: I thought you might need my help!K9: I must tell you, you have now caused a problem. Transporting both of us will deplete the portal’s power. If we’re not exactly at this point in two hours’ time, it will have closed.STARKEY: And it’s not likely the Department will give us a lift back.K9: Precisely.STARKEY: Let’s synchronise our watches!K9: I am not a watchdog.STARKEY: Looks like something over there! Come on. Let’s get going. [Fallen Angel room] (The CCPCs are pulling Gryffen away from the pods.) GRYFFEN: There’s no need for this! (He drops the temporal stabiliser.) I’m a respected scientist. I can help you. Now, pull your wolves off of me, Thorne. THORNE: Get him back to the transport. We need him out of here.GRYFFEN: I demand to know what was in that ship!THORNE: It’s not for you to question, Gryffen. You’re a scientist being paid to do whatever scientists do. (Gryffen is pulled out. Thorne turns to a CCPC.) Get a squadron put together. Scour these tunnels. [Corridor] (Starkey and K9 enter.) STARKEY: At least it’s a little bit warmer in here. Do you think these tunnels have something to do with the ship?K9: I can think of no other reason why tunnels would be constructed in such a place.STARKEY: Picking up any signs of the professor?K9: Negative. However, I am picking up signs of another lifeform, approaching rapidly.STARKEY: CCPCs?K9: Negative. Lifeform is alien.STARKEY: What kind of alien? (A Korven approaches.) K9: That kind.STARKEY: The Korven! Do something, K9! (K9 shoots the Korven. Gryffen and Thorne are nearby.) GRYFFEN: I haven’t got it! I must’ve dropped it when your henchmen were manhandling me.THORNE: We need that stabiliser. If you are playing games, Gryffen, you know the consequences.GRYFFEN: It must be back at the ship. I don’t know…CCPC: There’s something coming this way, sir. (Starkey and K9 arrive.) GRYFFEN: K9! Starkey! Oh, am I glad to see you!STARKEY: There’s Korven up there, prof.GRYFFEN: Korven? The pods. That’s what was in them. The ship. The STM. It’s Korven technology. Do you have any idea how dangerous these creatures are!?THORNE: I have an inkling. And all of this is highly classified information. You would be very wise to keep your mouth closed.STARKEY: It won’t stay a secret for long if these things get out of here.THORNE: We have the situation contained.K9: Define “contained”. By my estimation, there are 100+ Korven in this area alone.THORNE: You need to all leave now. That way. (Starkey, Gryffen and K9 go.) What are you waiting for? (The CCPC march.)K9: Please report what’s been happening.GRYFFEN: I had it. I had it in my hands. The temporal stabiliser. Then Thorne’s goons grabbed me and I dropped it.STARKEY: Where?GRYFFEN: At the ship. We have to go back.STARKEY: Let’s go. [Fallen Angel room] (A CCPC is patrolling. Starkey, Gryffen and K9 hide.) GRYFFEN: I think the stabiliser’s somewhere near those white marbles in front of the ship.STARKEY: We need a diversion.K9: Allow me. (K9 flies above the CCPC.) CCPC: Hey, what’s that? It looks like a dog. (K9 barks.) It sounds like a dog. (K9 neighs.) Oh, it’s being a wise guy. (K9 alternates between barking and neighing.)Yeah, he’s a wise guy, boys.GRYFFEN: Now.STARKEY: Be careful. (Gryffen grabs the temporal stabiliser, but the CCPC notices him.) CCPC: Hey, hold it!GRYFFEN: Starkey! (Gryffen throws the temporal stabiliser to Starkey.) STARKEY: Got it, K9! Come on! (Starkey leaves one way, Gryffen another.) [Corridor] (Gryffen runs, but a Korven blocks his path and fires a ball of energy at him. Gryffen dodges it. He notices a door with a sign reading “Extreme Cold”.) GRYFFEN: The outside. (Gryffen runs through the door.) [Wastes] (Gryffen leaves the area.) [Corridor] (Two CCPCs arrive. The Korven fires energy at them. It misses.) CCPC: We’re taking fire, (unclear). Retreat. (The CCPCs leave. The Korven follows.) STARKEY: Which way, K9? We only have a few minutes.K9: My sensors tell me this way.STARKEY: But this is the way we came. It leads…K9: Yes, outside.STARKEY: Gryffen outside. (Starkey grabs a jacket and he and K9 leave through a door.) [Wastes] STARKEY: Professor! Professor, where are you!? Professor!GRYFFEN: I’m here! I’m here! I can’t see you!K9: We have reached the transportation point. My heat sensors tell me the professor’s very nearby.STARKEY: But where!? (Gryffen approaches.) K9: There.STARKEY: Professor! Time’s almost up! Over here! Listen, professor! (Gryffen reaches them. He and Starkey hug and the three of them are transported away.) [Fallen Angel room] THORNE: Where is Gryffen?CCPC: He’s gone, sir.THORNE: Where?CCPC: Outside.THORNE: Did he have the stabiliser?CCPC: Uh, no. Uh, the boy did, sir. [The main hall] (The STM activates and Starkey, Gryffen and K9 fall through the portal. Darius and Jorjie run in.) JORJIE: We were beginning to wonder if you would ever get back.GRYFFEN: I can’t tell you how nice it is to be home. Well done.DARIUS: Hey, did you get it?GRYFFEN: Yes. Finally. (Starkey hands it to Gryffen.) K9: Professor, I very strongly advise against activating the STM with that device.GRYFFEN: Yes, I agree. I only want to examine it. (Gryffen takes it upstairs.) STARKEY: We found out the STM is Korven technology.DARIUS: Korven?K9: Affirmative. We are dealing with Korven temporal dynamics. They’re a warrior race more dangerous than the Jixen. In fact, more dangerous than any alien I’ve encountered. They can only have come to Earth to further their aggression.STARKEY: Across time?K9: They have ambitions to rule time and space. If we add the missing piece, it may open a floodgate for Korven to enter and embark on a secret mission.GRYFFEN: K9, do you recognise this code? Deep space wavelength alpha to the power of pi squared.K9: Hm, that’s my cybernetic enhancement code. It’s at the core of my cybernetic functions.GRYFFEN: As soon as I bring the stabiliser near the console, that’s the code that comes up on the screen.STARKEY: What’s K9’s enhancement code doing on a piece of Korven tech?K9: I have no answers.GRYFFEN: Until we find out, this is out of operation.STARKEY: Looks like you’re stuck here.DARIUS: Yeah, with us.JORJIE: A long time.K9: Affirmative. Transcript originally provided by Chrissie. Adapted by The transcripts are for educational and entertainment purposes only. All other copyrights property of their respective holders.