Stories Book Virgin New Adventures All-Consuming Fire 1 image Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I myself am in search of universal peace, an end to strife and unlimited custard for all, but I have a feeling I’m looking in the wrong place. — Seventh Doctor, All-Consuming Fire Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: I’ve got a book that might help, back in the TARDIS. Every Gallifreyan Child’s Pop-Up Book of Nasty Creatures From Other Dimensions. You’ll like it. BENNY: Don’t you think I’m a bit old for a pop-up book? DOCTOR: Not compared to a Gallifreyan child. And besides, the pop-ups are four-dimensional. — All-Consuming Fire Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: It wasn’t a language as such, more a polyglot collection of words which I've heard before on half a hundred worlds across the universe, although with translations as varied as 'window', 'reddish-green' and 'happily unicycling in an easterly direction'. — Seventh Doctor, All-Consuming Fire Link to Quote Favourite BENNY: I don’t know how his other companions managed to stand him for so long. Or maybe they didn’t. Maybe they’re all in therapy now. — Bernice Summerfield, All-Consuming Fire Link to Quote Favourite ‘The sky appears to be reflective,’ Holmes replied, more hesitantly than usual. ‘Perhaps, like Dante’s inner circle of hell, we have ice above us. If you look closely, you will see a reflected glow from something over the horizon. The nearest Earthly equivalent would be the lights of a town or city.’ He coughed. ‘I am merely speculating, of course. It could be an incandescent chicken the size of the North Riding for all I know.’ — Sherlock Holmes, All-Consuming Fire Link to Quote Favourite ACE: The town itself was occupied by the rakshassi. WATSON: Occupied? You mean, they were living there? ACE: Yeah. Worshipping at the temple, too. WATSON: Worshipping what? ACE: I don’t know, but it wasn’t Sonic the Hedgehog. — All-Consuming Fire