Stories Television Doctor Who Series 1 Doctor Who S1 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Aliens of London 2 images Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 8 Statistics Related Stories Quotes 4 Transcript Overview First aired Saturday, April 16, 2005 Production Code 1.4 Written by Russell T Davies Directed by Keith Boak Runtime 45 minutes Story Type Two-Parter Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) Body Possession, Capitalism is bad, Earth Invasion, Mind Control, Spaceship Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!) Bad Wolf Inventory (Potential Spoilers!) Sonic Screwdriver Location (Potential Spoilers!) Earth, England, London UK Viewers 7.63 million Appreciation Index 82 Synopsis Rose returns home to discover that she has been missing for a whole year, although for her, it's been a couple of days. However, before she can explain her absence, a spaceship crashes into Big Ben, causing a worldwide crisis. Worse still, the Prime Minister has mysteriously disappeared... The Doctor's investigation puts him in the spotlight with the British government, as his long history of defending Earth finally catches up with him. But there are sinister goings on at 10 Downing Street, and politician Harriet Jones' quest to get some answers brings her into a brave new world... of aliens. Meanwhile, Rose finds trouble closer to home, as her past mistakes threaten to tear her family apart. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston Rose Tyler Billie Piper Slitheen First Appearance Blon Slitheen First Appearance Jackie Tyler Camille Coduri Harriet Jones Penelope Wilton First Appearance Mickey Smith Noel Clarke Toshiko Sato Naoko Mori First Appearance Trinity Wells First Appearance Show All Characters (9) How to watch Aliens of London: Watch on iPlayer Doctor Who Confidential Blu-Ray The Complete First Series [Steelbook] Blu-Ray Series 1 DVD The Complete First Series DVD Series 1 Volume 2: Aliens of London – World War Three – Dalek Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 8 reviews 24 March 2025 · 161 words Review by KieranCooper 2 2025 Rewatch (This review with be on both parts) Honestly, I feel a sigh every time I come to review this story, but I have to give it some credit, the scope of the story is huge and it feels layered as hell The political commentary is clear as day and a little funny, if not insulting to those of a bigger builds I always feel a sense of aggravation that they never really explore the stuff Mickey went through any further than they did I also ache for Jackie, she goes through so much in this story and is just left once again alone. I think it's part of my mindset, but I wished Rose explained it to her more, feel so sorry for her The only issue with the Slitheen is the literal contrast between their practical suits and the CGI, its quite funny. When in suits they travel slower than a human, but the CGI travels 3 times as fast KieranCooper View profile Like Liked 2 15 March 2025 · 158 words Review by RandomJoke 1 Disclaimer: This Review is exactly the same as my Review for "World War Three", since my Thoughts don't vary as much between the Two Parts. This one could really do it for me if it wasn’t for all the farts joke and the rather campy tone. Don’t get me wrong, I love campy when it’s done very well, personally I don’t think Russel is good at handling it (this one and space babies are very jarring to watch because of those kinds of jokes). I do love the Design of the Slitheens and there are some great Bits here. Personally, Series 1 had a weak first half overall, not bad but like I find myself feel very underwhelmed looking back on some Episodes. Not to say that RTD can’t handle a more campy Doctor Who Episode, but for me, he strikes me the best when he lets others do it than do those himself. RandomJoke View profile Like Liked 1 2 February 2025 · 135 words Review by goblinikov Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! First part is really good, we've never seen the Doctor's mistakes in flying the TARDIS end up with this much of a painful result for the companion's family before. I like the premise of the episode, the action and intrigue is there. It works well as a two-parter, and allows there to be more reveals than what we would normally get. The fat and fart jokes are a bit naff but I found them funny when I was younger so I guess the purpose there was to appeal to children, since Doctor Who is meant to be a family show: adults get the innuendos that kids don't understand yet and kids get the toilet humour that the adults find lame. Also never noticed Toshiko until now, mainly because I hadn't seen Torchwood until this year. goblinikov View profile Like Liked 1 7 November 2024 · 103 words Review by epcot 2 I adore this episode. I don't know if it's just the nostalgia from loving this episode as a child, but something about it perfectly scratches the itch in my brain when I just need a random, monster-of-the-week episode of Doctor Who to watch. I assess the elephant in the room, the fart jokes, as a well-meaning attempt to insert some humor into this otherwise slightly stuffy storyline. Upon a rewatch, the acting from the Slitheen family is better than many people would remember, and I feel that Eccleston (my personal favorite) absolutely shines as the Doctor in this episode. Overall, a good time. epcot View profile Like Liked 2 12 September 2024 · 649 words Review by Sinewhales Spoilers 3 This review contains spoilers! And then an episode than is better than what I remembered. I really like everything it does. Sure it has some flaws, we could have done without that much fart jokes, Mickey isn't a really good character and is written pretty poorly here and there is a lot of things introduced that are barely exploited but overall it still is an excellent political thriller. I really like the first scenes of the episode. They are all strongly emotional and develop a lot more the relationship between The Doctor, Rose and her family and how the Doctor's world feels alien to them. Jackie also is written in a way that put an emphasis on his protective mother side, a side we didn't see of her before and while she still has a lot of comedic bits, it's nice to see her being developed in a way where she isn't reduced to that role. The episode is surprisingly "normal" and "human" in it's writing. There is a lot of small trivial scenes that just follows the daily life of all the characters. Such as Harriet Jones that keeps talking about her hospital project during a national crisis, all of Rose's family that are gathered to celebrate her coming back only to end up watching the TV for instance are all moments I enjoyed a lot and helped a lot developing these characters and their traits. The fact that everyone is watching the invasion on the TV helps giving this episode a more grounded approach, it's something that would likely happens in case of an alien invasion. This episode is also the come back of UNIT and while I don't care much about them (haven't watched the classics yet, sorry), they still have some good and funny scenes (like when the Doctor is held at gunpoint and when they all follow him without even knowing who is him simply because he knows what a delta formation is). The pig scene show that they still are pretty trigger happy but I like that it helps putting a stronger emphasis on the Doctor's empathic side and illustrate how him and UNIT still are different despite all this time. The political satire is also on point. The whole episode is a satire on how the government handled the Iraq's war and it adds a lot to the comedy of the episode. Despite the fact that they are alien, the politicians are pretty realist and their handling of the crisis is pretty fun. I really enjoyed how the episode shamelessly mocks the government (like how there is a major political crisis and nobody is reacting) and even though it's not a central point of the episode, it was really fun and on the nose yet never corny. I really liked the cliffhanger too, every character now facing a Slitheen each and then, the sequence alternating between the Doctor slowly figuring out their plan and realizing it's too late, Harriet and Rose being in danger in the meeting room and Jackie being corned in her own kitchen, it was a pretty effective scene and very well realized. Aesthetically, the episode is great too with a strong focus on flashy colors and blue lights and other than 2 or 3 weird FXs, I really liked how it looked. I just find it disappointing that Mickey's character is so poorly written and only relayed to the role of an unfunny comic relief, even though his scenes helps develop a new aspect of Rose personality, her egoistical side, Mickey ends up still being poorly written and straight up annoying at times. Overall, it's an episode I liked a lot and that ended up being better than what I remembered. The episode helps a lot developing the main cast's personality while also adding a whole political comedy side to the script. It ends up being a pretty unique episode I loved rewatching. Sinewhales View profile Like Liked 3 Show All Reviews (8) Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating823 members 3.34 / 5 AVG. 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DOCTOR: I am a Doctor. JACKIE: Prove it. Stitch this, mate! — Aliens of London Show All Quotes (4) Open in new window Transcript [Powell Estate] (The TARDIS materialises. Rose and the Doctor get out.) ROSE: How long have I been gone?DOCTOR: About twelve hours.ROSE: Oh. Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum.DOCTOR: What're you going to tell her?ROSE: I don't know. I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours? No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later. Oh, don't you disappear. (While Rose runs up the stairs to the flat, the Doctor spots an old poster half stuck to a concrete pillar. Police Appeal for Assistance. Can You Help?) [The Tyler's flat] Show Full Transcript Open in new window