Stories Television Torchwood Series 2 Torchwood Series 2 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Adam 1 image Overview Characters How to Watch Reviews 4 Statistics Quotes 2 Transcript + Script Overview First aired Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Production Code 2.5 Written by Catherine Tregenna Directed by Andy Goddard Runtime 50 minutes Time Travel Present Tropes (Potential Spoilers!) LGBTQA+ Location (Potential Spoilers!) Cardiff, Earth, Wales UK Viewers 3.79 million Synopsis An alien with the power to change memories infiltrates the team. With Captain Jack caught up in memories of his lost family and Gwen struggling to remember Rhys, it takes Jack's love of Ianto to reveal the truth. Yet there's always a price to pay. Watch Watched Favourite Favourited Add Review Edit Review Log a repeat Skip Skipped Unowned Owned Owned Save to my list Saved Edit date completed Custom Date Release Date Archive (no date) Save Characters Captain Jack Harkness Adam Smith First Appearance Weevils Gwen Cooper Owen Harper Ianto Jones Toshiko Sato Rhys Williams Gray First Appearance Show All Characters (9) How to watch Adam: Watch on iPlayer DVD Torchwood: The Complete Second Series DVD Torchwood: The Complete Series One & Two Reviews Add Review Edit Review Sort: Date (Newest First) Date (Oldest First) Likes (High-Low) Likes (Low-High) Rating (High-Low) Rating (Low-High) Word count (High-Low) Word count (Low-High) Username (A-Z) Username (Z-A) Spoilers First Spoilers Last 4 reviews 9 December 2024 · 43 words Review by greenLetterT 1 Adam is another solid episode! Adam himself was a pretty decent monster-of-the-week, but where it stood out was the effects it had on the team. Mostly bad effects, of course, although fair play for all his antagonistic nature he did objectively fix Owen greenLetterT View profile Like Liked 1 7 August 2024 · 128 words Review by WhoPotterVian 1 This is such an odd and unique episode about an extra-terrestrial entity inserting fake memories into the Torchwood team. It reminded me of that Nostalgia Critic review where they make fun of the character who appears out of nowhere and all the characters suddenly love him ("That's so Bill!" is probably my favourite Nostalgia Critic running gag). I really like this story; the dramatic character moments regarding Gwen forgetting Rhys, and Jack's past are so strong, and the horrible memories planted in Ianto allows for some really dark and disturbing scenes, that thanks to Gareth David-Lloyd's superb acting really make you feel for what Adam has done to Ianto. This is yet another powerful Torchwood episode; Series 2 is such a massive step-up from Series 1 so far! WhoPotterVian View profile Like Liked 1 11 June 2024 · 291 words Review by dema1020 Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Adam is one of those stories that works really well but does rely on science fiction tropes pretty heavily. Reviewers from earlier have mentioned how Doctor Who has even covered this idea of an outsider messing with people's memories and getting everyone to think they've always been there, but the sticking point for me is that two other franchises have done this idea really well before and since. In the 90s, Star Trek: TNG called Conundrum, which explores this idea really well and frankly, better than Torchwood. Rick and Morty also took this idea to the extreme in their episode Total Rickall, which took this concept to the extreme and had a lot of fun with the idea using "memory parasites." Torchwood has Adam, which isn't very original in its basic premise but does get creative in making it that particular brand of Torchwood tragic. It's not just sad events, but sad events that feel like they just pile on to our characters. Adam himself is pretty boring but they do have fun with his effect on the main cast like Tosh and Gwen. The big show-stopper is Jack, who has to compromise away his scant happy memories of his early family life. It underlies the tragedy of his immortality - the longer he goes, the more and more those early life memories (and other key parts of him) are likely to be compromised away. All told I consider this episode largely impressive and well done. A good example of Series Two of Torchwood having a stronger repertoire of episodes, and fewer (if any) outright abominations. Also a good episode for carrying the larger story arc of this series, building out hints of Gray and what might be coming quite nicely. dema1020 View profile Like Liked 1 24 April 2024 · 76 words Review by 15thDoctor Spoilers 1 This review contains spoilers! Adam is another hit with the episode's titular character memorably infiltrating the Torchwood hub and editing himself into the regular cast’s past memories. It’s a sci-fi concept that I've seen explored elsewhere since this was aired in 2008 but it’s a superb one. It’s important that a “monster of the week” show like this can stretch its arms a bit and try something a little more sinister and probing from time to time. 15thDoctor View profile Like Liked 1 Open in new window Statistics AVG. Rating305 members 3.84 / 5 AVG. Rating305 votes 3.86 / 5 Member Statistics Watched 811 Favourited 45 Reviewed 4 Saved 3 Skipped 2 Owned 8 Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite TOSH: What's that? OWEN: It's a screen cleaner. I thought you might like it. Er, do you? Do you like it? TOSH: Just what I need. A small rodent looking at me while I work. Think I'll call it Owen. — Adam Show All Quotes (2) Open in new window Transcript + Script Needs checking [Gwen's home] (Bedroom. Gwen is trying to get dressed whilst Rhys wants her back in bed.) RHYS: Come on!GWEN: No, I can't. I'm late as it is. Rhys.RHYS: You're itching to go back to work, aren't you? Oh, I'll take that as a yes, then.GWEN: Having you to come home to, that's the best bit. [Hub] JACK: Class D artefacts. Tosh, I need you to run a full check.TOSH: Sure. Show Full Transcript Open in new window View Script (PDF)