Stories Television Doctor Who Series 6 Doctor Who S6 Episode: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A Good Man Goes to War 29 images Back to Story Quotes Add Quote Link to Quote Favourite AMY: I wish I could tell you that you'll be loved, that you'll be safe and cared for and protected. But this isn't a time for lies. What you are going to be, Melody is very, very brave. But not as brave as they'll have to be. Because there's someone coming. I don't know where he is, or what he's doing, but trust me, he's on his way. There's a man who's never going to let us down, and not even an army can get in the way. He's the last of his kind. He looks young, but he's lived for hundreds and hundreds of years. And wherever they take you, Melody, however scared you are, I promise you, you will never be alone. Because this man is your father. He has a name, but the people of our world know him better... as the Last Centurion. — Amy Pond, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RORY: I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor and a question from me. Where is my wife? Oh, don't give me those blank looks. The Twelfth Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. You hear everything. So you tell me what I need to know. You tell me now, and I'll be on my way. CYBERLEADER: What is the Doctor's message? (Outside, all the other ships in the Legion explode.) RORY: Would you like me to repeat the question? — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite THIN ONE: Hello. I'm the Thin One. This is my husband. He's the Fat One. LORNA: Don't you have names? FAT ONE: We're the thin fat gay married Anglican marines. Why would we need names as well? — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite THIN ONE: Lorna Bucket. You've had an Encounter, haven't you? You've met him. LORNA: I was just a kid. THIN ONE: But what's he like? The Doctor. LORNA: He said run. THIN ONE: Just run? LORNA: He said it a lot. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite VASTRA: Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the yard. Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim. JENNY: How did you find him? VASTRA: Stringy, but tasty all the same. I shan't be needing dinner. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite STRAX: Of course you will, my boy. You'll be up and around in no time. And perhaps one day, you and I shall meet on the field of battle, and I will destroy you for the glory of the Sontaran Empire. ARTHUR: Thanks, Nurse. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RORY: I've come from the Doctor too. RIVER: Yes, but at a different point in time. RORY: Unless there's two of them. RIVER: Now, that's a whole different birthday. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RIVER: This is the Battle of Demon's Run. The Doctor's darkest hour. He'll rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further, and I can't be with him till the very end. RORY: Why not? RIVER: Because this is it. This is the day he finds out who I am. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite KOVARIAN: We've been waiting a month. He's done nothing. DORIUM: Do you really think so? There are people all over this galaxy that owe that man a debt. By now, a few of them will have found a blue box waiting for them on their doorstep, poor devils. MANTON: You think he's raising an army? DORIUM: You think he isn't? If that man is finally collecting on his debts, God help you, and God help his debtors. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite DORIUM: The asteroid, where you've made your base. Do you know why they call it Demon's Run? KOVARIAN: It's just some old saying. DORIUM: A very old saying. The oldest. Demons run when a good man goes to war. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite DORIUM: No. No, no, please. Not me. You don't need me. Why would you need me? I'm old, I'm fat, I'm blue! You can't need me! — Dorium Maldovar, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite MANTON: He is not the devil. He is not a god. He is not a goblin, or a phantom or a trickster. The Doctor is a living, breathing man, and as I look around this room I know one thing. We're sure as hell going to fix that. — Colonel Manton, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite AMY: Can I borrow your gun? LORNA: Why? AMY: Because I've got a feeling you're going to keep talking. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite MANTON: Because these guys never can be persuaded. MANTON: They never can be afraid. MANTON: And they can never, ever be DOCTOR: Surprised! Ha, ha! Hello, everyone. Guess who. Please, point a gun at me if it helps you relax. You're only human. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite JENNY: Clever, isn't he? VASTRA: And rather attractive. JENNY: You do realise he's a man, don't you, ma'am? VASTRA: Mammals. They all look alike. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite STRAX: Colonel Manton, you will give the order for your men to withdraw. DOCTOR: No. Colonel Manton, I want you to tell your men to run away. MANTON: You what? DOCTOR: Those words. Run away. I want you to be famous for those exact words. I want people to call you Colonel Run Away. I want children laughing outside your door, because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away. And, when people come to you, and ask if trying to get to me through the people I love is in any way a good idea, I want you to tell them your name. Oh, look, I'm angry. That's new. I'm really not sure what's going to happen now. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite KOVARIAN: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules. DOCTOR: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RORY: She's fine. Amy, she's fine. I checked. She's beautiful. Oh God, I was going to be cool. I wanted to be cool. Look at me. AMY: You're okay. Crying Roman with a baby. Definitely cool. Come here, you. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: Hello. Hello, baby. AMY: Melody. DOCTOR: Melody? Hello, Melody Pond. RORY: Melody Williams. AMY: -is a geography teacher. Melody Pond is a superhero. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite AMY: Oh, my God. It's the Doctor's first stars. — Amy Pond, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite VASTRA: Now, I have a question. A simple one. Is Melody human? DOCTOR: Sorry, what? Of course she is. Completely human. What are you talking about? DORIUM: They've been scanning her since she was born, and I think they found what they were looking for. DOCTOR: Human DNA. VASTRA: Look closer. Human plus. Specifically, human plus Time Lord. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite VASTRA: But could the child have begun on the TARDIS in flight, in the vortex? DOCTOR: No! No! Impossible! It's all running about, sexy fish vampires and blowing up stuff. And Rory wasn't even there at the beginning. Then he was dead, then he didn't exist, then he was plastic. Then I had to reboot the whole universe. Long story. So, technically the first time they were on the TARDIS together in this version of reality, was on their w- VASTRA: On their what? DOCTOR: On their wedding night. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite DOCTOR: It doesn't make sense. You can't just cook yourself a Time Lord. VASTRA: Of course not. But you gave them one hell of a start, and they've been working very hard ever since. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite KOVARIAN: The child, then. What do you think? DOCTOR: What is she? KOVARIAN: Hope. Hope in this endless, bitter war. DOCTOR: What war? Against who? KOVARIAN: Against you, Doctor. — A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite KOVARIAN: Oh, Doctor. Fooling you once was a joy, but fooling you twice the same way? It's a privilege. — Madame Kovarian, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RIVER: Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, night will fall and the dark will rise, when a good man goes to war. Demons run but count the cost. The battle's won, but the child is lost. — River Song, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RIVER: This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name. Doctor. The word for healer and wise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the child of your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon just to bring you down. And all this, my love, in fear of you. — River Song, A Good Man Goes to War Link to Quote Favourite RIVER: It's your daughter's name in the language of the Forest. AMY: I know my daughter's name. RIVER: Except they don't have a word for Pond, because the only water in the forest is the River. The Doctor will find your daughter, and he will care for her whatever it takes. And I know that. It's me. I'm Melody. I'm your daughter. — A Good Man Goes to War