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I remember watching this at some point several years ago (the only one of these Case Files/Monster Files I've seen up until today). It's really good. Barrowman's measured narration, the amateur feel of the cinematography, the lack of major effect shots. It's really good. I could've done without the clips from Blink interspersed among the narrative footage, but for a short 3-minute clip it's very well done and quite creepy.


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While Jack's narrating this story, talking about the weeping angels, this one is a lot more focused on the narrative being told through the footage.

The story itself isn't all that complicated, somewhat reminding me of the plot of Blink if it were only three minutes long, but Blink is a solid story and for telling a story like that in this restricted time is commendable. It also has somewhat student film-y vibes, which work really work to its benefit.


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