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The Second Doctor, Zoe and Jamie in a frothy adventure, saving a planet from a Slitheen’s cousin whilst preparing for a panto performance. Silly, fun and well written. It captures Troughton’s performance nicely.


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It's a fun adventure pitting the 2nd Doctor against a Raxacoricofallapatorian disguised as a pantomime director on a spaceship! It's barmy but lots of fun and Stirling does a good job with the voices. It feels suitable 'Troughtonesque' and even the 'Slitheen' seems to fit quite well into this era. A good bit of Christmas silliness. I wonder that, if the Slitheen had been introduced in a Christmas special whether they'd have been looked on a little more kindly by fandom. They seem to have been embraced by the expanded universe authors having featured in a number of novels, short stories and of course crossing over into the Sarah Jane Adventures. I for one have always quite liked then, but then, any villain played by Annette Badland will get my vote.


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Such a fun nostalgic read love this book so much


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