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A Big Hand for the Doctor

3.37/ 5 1,831 votes

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Review of A Big Hand for the Doctor by Rock_Angel

So the first Doctor lost both hand and is bitching bout the robot hand which is kind of funny, Susan is also missing, hes on a quest to find Susan and find some new hands. He goes to a surgeon named Aldrige who does the doctor a favour if he becomes a surgeon assistant for a number of days.

I found it hard to get into this e-short, the Doctor on the hunt for the soul pirates who took his hands 20 years ago. Its a lot of information like that thrown at you in a short amount of time, like Susan has to save some children but we don't hear about that till after she talks about it. So i did feel kind of lost unknowing whats going on.

I like how its mainly a 1st Doctor story on his own I feel most of the stories so far have had Susan be the focus its nice to see the leading man pave the way forward with him fighting a guy with a sword. With the incarnation being the first Doctor is a funny vision.

The best part of the e-short is the Doctor imagining his mother and calling Susan an adult, its so good because even though he treats Susan as a kid there hints on him knowing shes a grown up. The Doctor envisioning his mother adds a layer of childishness to 1st, because we do forget that he may be wise but he is still the youngest doctor.

but yeah overall this is a small dud in my opinion, nothing extremely worth it here. Its very hard to follow it seems to do the "and then another thing happend and..." style of story telling.

Review last edited on 28-05-24

Review of A Big Hand for the Doctor by efficacy

A novella which purports to be about the First Doctor encountering some aliens in Victorian London, but is largely an excuse to claim the inspiration for the story of Peter Pan.

This kind of 'it was the Doctor all along' story is hardly rare, but in this case I found it to be very forced. I also found the characterisations to be a bit off, with the famously distant and grumpy First Doctor getting all soppy about the thought of losing his granddaughter. What follows is a lot of running, jumping, and sword-play, which almost seems as if it was originally written for a 21st Century Doctor. While all this is going on, Susan herself does practically nothing except get immediately captured and spend the rest of the story asleep.

Overall, I feel that this is a bit of a missed opportunity. The story of Peter Pan is already strange enough that it would fit a much more engaging Doctor Who story, and this tale seemed an odd choice for a First Doctor story. I'm tempted to think that this story was written for another pairing, such as 10 and Rose, then hastily converted when the publisher realised they needed a First Doctor story.

Review last edited on 23-04-24

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