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First aired

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Written by

Russell T Davies

Directed by

Dylan Holmes Williams


47 minutes

Story Type


Story Arc (Potential Spoilers!)

Susan Twist

Location (Potential Spoilers!)

Earth, England, London, Wales

UK Viewers

4.06 million

Appreciation Index



Landing on the Welsh coast, the Doctor and Ruby embark on the strangest journey of their lives. In a rain-lashed pub, the locals sit in fear of ancient legends coming to life.

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19 reviews

Doctor Who horror goes so hard, man. Despite everything so far, and how down bad I am for this season, this is still somehow the best episode of the season so far. Just absolutely phenomenal.



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There is a mystery here.
But mysteries do not have to be solved.
Live in that mystery.
Live in that confusion.
There's glory in it. Like birds cawing across a dark field.
Like the smell of dust and ... apricots?
Science Fiction demands answers. Science demands answers.
But stories don't always. Stories aren't always finished. Or they are finished, and then there's nothing.
Sometimes there's just a bunch of gnarled wood and mist and secrets.
This is new, and it is beautiful.


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This is the first amazing episode this show has seen in a very long time. A classic mystery episode that kept me engaged by not giving up much information on what's going on. The best pieces of art are completely subjective and up to interpretation. I might be biased as well since I've been a tiny bit obsessed with Wales recently but the setting mixed with urban legends and fairy tales and an unsolved mystery makes this episode a wonderful reminder of what made me fall in love with Doctor Who.

Not every mystery requires a solution or an answer and without love it cannot be seen <3


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Doctor Who has been around for 60 years, and I wonder how people can come up with new stories. Then 73 Yards came out. It is completely gripping, anchored by 18 year old Millie Gibson giving one of the greatest performances in show history. People get this episode all wrong trying to 'understand' it. This is a story about anxiety and abandonment and always being worried everyone will suddenly discard and throw you away. It's not a mystery meant to be solved, it's a story to be experienced and let it wash over you. A true classic.


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73 yards is, in my opinion, the best episode of Series 14. It succeeds at practically everything it sets out to do, which I can’t really say about the rest of the season.

I think RTD’s writing strengths lie in these kinds of limited, mysterious stories, where a lot is left up to the viewer. You see this also in Midnight which I think is another highlight of RTD’s. In this way, our imagination can fill a lot of the possible holes that might exist, which is beneficial to a story that might not be able to be fully explained by science. Take that as you will about RTD’s writing as a whole.

73 Yards serves the fantastical vibe of the season quite well, where I think the rest of the season’s episodes fail quite a bit. There isn’t a practical explanation for existence of the Woman, and yet this really isn’t an issue. The simple explanation of the Doctor breaking the fairy circle is explanation enough, and serves the roundabout nature of the story as a whole.

Millie Gibson is obviously an absolute standout. As a young actor, she handles the weight of an entire episode incredibly well. Her acting is nuanced and emotional, and brings depth to her character which is otherwise somewhat lacking in the rest of the season. I recently had the privilege of talking about the episode *very* briefly with her and in her words she was ‘just winging it’. Well, if that was ‘just winging it’, I cannot wait to see what her acting is like when she’s giving it a proper go! (this is a joke btw)

I do really wish Ruby had more time to explore the frustration of being abandoned by her birth mother, even taking the time to talk this over with the Doctor a bit more as a fellow adoptee, although 73 Yards is quite a good allegory for her abandonment issues as a whole.

Additionally, while usually I’m not a huge fan of Doctor-lite episodes (I mean, the Doctor is my favourite character after all), I feel like 73 Yards benefits by not having the Doctor around. At times, I feel that Ncuti’s Doctor is generally a bit over the top, a bit childish, and a bit unserious. While it can be endearing, it gets to a point, and it would’ve been out of place in this episode. When he’s given the chance, Ncuti shines in his more sincere moments. I really hope that, in the future, he has more of these opportunities. But, I digress, this is a 73 Yards review after all.

One criticism I saw of 73 Yards when it first aired was that Ruby did nothing to help Marty when there was some sort of clear abuse going on from Roger ap Gwilliam. I think this is explained just fine in the episode with Ruby explaining that she thought she only had one shot at stopping Roger and didn’t want to jeopardise this before the time was right. Whether or not this is objectively correct thinking on Ruby’s end is irrelevant. It’s just what she thought was right to do. Characters - even protagonists - can make the wrong choices. They can do things that hurt others. This doesn’t mean they are bad people, or that the actors or writers themselves condone these actions, which should go without saying.

Ultimately, 73 Yards is the stand-out episode of the season. I have my issues with RTD’s writing in this new era so far, but this episode gives me hope that Doctor Who can continue to have its shining moments like this.


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DOCTOR: Oh, yes! We are in Wales. Spectacular!

RUBY: How can you tell?

DOCTOR: Oh... That smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. Oh, the rocks and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.

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Transcript + Script

[Welsh coast]

(The TARDIS materialises on a cliff top.)

DOCTOR: Oh, yes! We are in Wales. Spectacular!
RUBY: How can you tell?
DOCTOR: Oh... That smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. Oh, the rocks and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.
RUBY: Oh, you know, I've been to Wales twice. I went to see Shygirl...
RUBY: Cardiff. And then I went to the Mumbles when I was about 16, 'cos of a boy. I think I broke his heart, but there you go.
DOCTOR: Oh, bless him. Mind you, Roger ap Gwilliam. That's a bad example of the Welsh. Terrifying.
RUBY: Oh, yeah?
DOCTOR: The most dangerous Prime Minister in history. He led the world to the brink of nuclear... Wait, what year are you from?
RUBY: 2024.
DOCTOR: Oh. Yikes. Sorry, he was 2046. Sorry, spoilers. Forget I said anything.
RUBY: No, no, no, tell me what happened.

(The Doctor treads on a thread forming a pattern on the grass.)

DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no. What is this? Oh, it's a circle. Someone made this. I'm sorry, man. I am sorry.
RUBY: Oh, it looks like something made by children, doesn't it? Lucky charms and bird skulls. Hey, there's little messages, look. "I miss you." That's all it says. "Rest in peace, Mad Jack." Oh, poor old Mad Jack. Bless him, eh? It looks like some sort of memorial.

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