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Set: Eleventh Doctor - IDW Comics

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(No Series)

Spam Filtered

Average. Rating: 71%

(No Series)

Ripper’s Curse

Average. Rating: 72%

(No Series)

A Fairytale Life

Average. Rating: 68%

(No Series)

They Think It’s All Over!

Average. Rating: 71%

(No Series)

When Worlds Collide

Average. Rating: 71%

(No Series)

Convention Special

Average. Rating: 66%

(No Series)

Run, Doctor, Run

Average. Rating: 62%

(No Series)

Down to Earth

Average. Rating: 63%

(No Series)


Average. Rating: 63%

(No Series)

Your Destiny Awaits

Average. Rating: 62%

(No Series)

Space Squid

Average. Rating: 66%

(No Series)

Body Snatched

Average. Rating: 66%

(No Series)

Silent Knight

Average. Rating: 66%

(No Series)

As Time Goes By

Average. Rating: 62%

(No Series)


Average. Rating: 75%

(No Series)

Escape into Alcatraz

(No Series)

The Eagle of the Reich

(No Series)


(No Series)

Time Fraud

(No Series)

Hypothetical Gentleman

Average. Rating: 72%

(No Series)

The Doctor and the Nurse

Average. Rating: 47%

(No Series)

The Eye of Ashaya

Average. Rating: 68%

(No Series)

Space Oddity

Average. Rating: 68%

(No Series)

Sky Jacks

Average. Rating: 65%

(No Series)

Dead Man’s Hand

Average. Rating: 62%

(No Series)

The Birthday Boy

Average. Rating: 67%

(No Series)

The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who

Average. Rating: 67%