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Review of Year of the Pig by thedefinitearticle63

1 September 2024

This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Timelash

This is a fairly nothing story, it's the kind of thing you put on for two hours to occupy your mind and nothing more. I left this story having felt nothing. It certainly tried, there were plenty of moments that seemed like they were supposed to make you feel something, but they all fell flat. The redeeming factors of this story are few and far between.

It's got a great cast full of familiar names (the one that stands out to me most is Maureen O'Brien). Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant are on top form, though they don't get much interaction between each other here, being seperated for most of the story.

This story has also got a really nice vibe to it and it's incredibly immersive, mainly because they keep referencing things that I've never heard of which I imagine would be accurate if I time travelled back to the early 1900s. Besides all that there really is nothing to say about this story.

Next Story: Trouble in Paradise

Review created on 1-09-24