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Review of World War Three by KieranCooper

24 March 2025

2025 Rewatch (This review with be on both parts)

  • Honestly, I feel a sigh every time I come to review this story, but I have to give it some credit, the scope of the story is huge and it feels layered as hell
  • The political commentary is clear as day and a little funny, if not insulting to those of a bigger builds
  • I always feel a sense of aggravation that they never really explore the stuff Mickey went through any further than they did
  • I also ache for Jackie, she goes through so much in this story and is just left once again alone. I think it's part of my mindset, but I wished Rose explained it to her more, feel so sorry for her
  • The only issue with the Slitheen is the literal contrast between their practical suits and the CGI, its quite funny. When in suits they travel slower than a human, but the CGI travels 3 times as fast


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