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Review of Women’s Day Off by Callandor

10 January 2025

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Day On

Prerequisites: None needed.

Women's Day Off is pretty half-baked. I fully agree with some other reviewers here in that the two separate plot lines feel entirely disconnected and unrelated to each other in the slightest. There's definitely an interesting historical story to be written following the women's march in Iceland, but this story doesn't even attempt that. Instead, despite being the literal title, the titular "Day Off" is barely set dressing. This is doubly disappointing considering that this is a rare Tardis team with just the Doctor and two women; there's definitely character work to be done here! McMullen chooses to focus instead on some random alien's spaceship troubles, which seemingly only exists to give the companions something to do in the plot. Plus, it's frankly silly that this is only 45 minutes. This could've been a great story if one story thread was focused on, and it had a full hour to develop its themes. Instead, this is a profoundly mediocre audio.


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