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Review of Winter for the Adept by thedefinitearticle63

29 June 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: The Land of the Dead

Even if the stories can be some generic, what early Big Finish does best is absolutely the atmosphere. This story has a great soundscape and a perfect setting for a horror story like this one. There's more focus on the environment and it really makes even somewhat duller stories feel quite alive. This is something I think Big Finish have a lot less of now.

The actual story itself is good fun, a great little ghost story though it could have done with one less part in my opinion. Peter Davison is doing much better in this, he sounds more like the Doctor here. Sarah Sutton is alright as Nyssa though she lacks the characterisation that I'm used to in later stories (I can't fault this story for that).

The score is really good and I like how it ties into the actual story. The accents definitely vary in quality. The French teacher has a solid French accent but I'm not sure what the accents of Miss Tremayne and the Lieutenant are supposed to be. Still, it's not too distracting.

This might not be 5 and Nyssa's greatest outing but it definitely shows potential for the future of their stories and of the Main Range in general.

Next Story: The Mutant Phase


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