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Review of Whispers of Terror by slytherindoctor

28 August 2024

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Well I'm surprised it took them this long. I know it's only the third story, but I feel like they would have gone for an audio based monster immediately, considering this is the audio medium. The setting is quite good as well. It's an audio museum with a curator who is aptly blind. They're collecting the speeches of a recently dead politician. But the speeches seem to be altered somehow. His presumptive nominee for VP is coming to broadcast the speeches in tribute.

Naturally, though, all is not as it seems. The speeches have been altered to praise the VP pick. And the recording of the politician's death was indeed altered to make it seem like he killed himself. In actuality the VP had him assassinated. Because, naturally, she is a fascist and the politician she had killed was a liberal.

This is all makes for a thrilling story particularly because the politician survived being assassinated by uploading his consciousness into sound. He exists as a sound pattern and alters the museum's sound pieces to communicate. He works against the VP and alters the speeches to what he originally intended, denouncing her and bringing her down.

This one is good, and not just because it's the Sixth Doctor. The Doctor here is still squarely in his season 22 pedantic asshole phase before he mellows out. Crucially, though, Peri gets some jibes in at him and he doesn't seem like he's constantly on the verge of murdering her. Peri seems a lot less scared that she's going to die at any moment than she did in season 22. And she's not simpering as much. That's progress I guess? He's still dismissive and arrogant towards the villain, as he should, and he's taking baby steps towards being better. I see why, though, that the next Six audio they did was with Evelyn, just the companion he needed to mellow out.


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