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Review of Whispers of Terror by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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Pretty clever to make one of the first audioplays about audio editing. I enjoyed the idea of edited truth and post-truth explored here. Though in quite crude form, it really explored what today is harsh and common reality on every level of life.

The pure sound villain is a cool idea as well. As far as I'm concerned it was reasonably well-executed.

Unfortunately, that's where the problems emerge. It has a lot of what I can only describe as playbacks, where a certain part of the audio is repeated, and it's unclear what is the context for it. It gets really confusing really fast.

The ham-fisted democracy/fascism paradigm is both surface-level and tangential, the story doesn't really focus on it. It seems more like a C-list action movie villain motivation - there had to be something, but they couldn't bother to neither integrate it in the story nor come up with something fun and original.I'm also not a fan of the Six/Peri dynamic. I found their constant bickering repulsive, and I constantly feel sorry for Peri. She's also barely in this story: I feel it would've worked better as a standalone Six story.

2/5. It's got cool elements, but it's not a good story.


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