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Review of Whispers of Terror by dema1020

26 May 2024

Whispers of Terror, in my opinion, holds up a lot better than some of the other early Big Finish monthly range titles.

I think this audio does a great job transitioning us from the more established traits of the Sixth Doctor from the television series into the more complex, dynamic, and interesting version Big Finish transformed the character into. This has some great "egoist" moments for Six but also allows for a bit of depth, as we navigate a story all about politics, lies, and deceit.

In a world where faking footage is becoming an increasingly realistic possibility, this story feels very contemporary in spite of being old enough to vote, so I think that's quite impressive. It was nice to have Nicola Bryant back, and I feel she did a good job too, while the rest of the supporting cast largely enriched the experience. I particularly liked Amber Dent and Visteen Krane as characters and they were both performed well. The ending was a little abrupt for me and doesn't really work in my eyes, but on the whole I enjoyed this audio quite a bit, certainly more than Sirens of Time or Phantasmagoria. This might be the more ideal place to start with Big Finish but even then I'm not sure it is the best option.

Still, it has some cool choices for its sound design and just enough life to the writing that is was a positive experience on the whole, even if I am unlikely to revisit any time soon.


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