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Review of What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow by DontBlink

8 January 2025


Steven Moffat’s short story from the Doctor Who Annual 2006, What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow, is well known for being the inspiration for Moffat’s very own Blink.

Because Blink is a very well-known and popular episode, it’s interesting to look out for similarities and differences between the short story and the TV episode. While we have the timey-wimey aspects that made Blink a success, such as the writing behind the wallpaper and the Doctor’s video message, a noticeable difference is the fact that Sally Sparrow is a younger character here.

But perhaps Blink’s biggest addition is the iconic Weeping Angels, who were not in the original short story.

Something that has been said many times before, but is most definitely true, is the fact that Moffat is absolutely wonderful at writing prose. It’s something I wish he did more.

But while the story is beautiful to read, it is slightly let down by the underwhelming story.


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