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Review of War Stories by JayPea

30 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

There's some really fun ideas and some fun visuals in here. The idea of the end of the time war as a theater production, the stars blinking out around a gallifrey-projected moon, the comedy masks being used for reviews and programmes, the entire concept of the planet Fringe.

And the characterisation is pretty good here too, I love Twelve's delight at all the different arts on display, his explaining The Time War to Bill, and seeing Bill really having gotten into the adventuring lifestyle here, that's all great.

As for the actual plot though.... meh. Like it's not bad or anything, but it feels like this should be a much more personal or at least more grounded story, so the cosmic scale of things that we end up with here just seems too much. The villian and the way they're foiled are both really fun, but I don't think the stakes we ended up with were really needed.

I also don't really think Alan Cox was a great narrator for this, I've not listened to any of his other works, and I think his narration and alien voices here were great for the most part (I loved the line about Nine dressing like a lesbian but the delivery felt off), but his Twelve and Bill just didn't work for me at all.

Oh well, whatever the case, this was still really fun, and I'm glad we got it, plus it's free so can't complain too much!


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