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Review of War Stories by Callandor

12 January 2025

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The Last Great Theatrical War

Prerequisites: While everything is technically explained, I'd really recommend being well-acquainted with New Who Time War lore, specifically The Day of the Doctor.

War Stories is a very solid Short Trip; kudos to Patrick Ross! The prose here is nice and pleasant, and Cox's narration is buttery smooth (his Doctor and Bill impressions are fine but unremarkable). The concept here is creative; it immediately strikes me as something that the show itself could do. I also like how this story explicitly acknowledges the grey area in which the Doctor both did and didn't destroy Gallifrey. My only substantial critique here is that the villain here is defeated way too easily, and by merely waving the sonic around. This isn't quite a bad a resolution as The Power of Three, but I wouldn't call it fleshed out. Accepting that, however, this is good stuff. The rapport between Bill and the Doctor is nailed especially well, which I appreciate given the lack of proper Twelfth Doctor content from Big Finish.


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