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Review of Walking to Babylon by sircarolyn

16 July 2024

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This episode is so much fun. Not only are we treated to the lovely voice of Elisabeth Sladen, but this story is just good. We head to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon with Benny on the hunt for Jason after he stole her Time Ring. However, the time path they opened has accidentally brought through bumbling John Lafayette who takes a fancy to Benny.

I think the first time I listened to this, he irritated me, but upon relisten I have come to appreciate him a little more. He's a stuck in his ways kind of guy, but he and Benny do have a very sweet rapport, and their growing relationship is quite lovely to listen to. It is also setting us up for Just War, which is an awesome story. But more about that later.

The sound design of this episode is also wonderful. Some of these earlier BF releases can be a little hit and miss, but I really enjoyed it in this one. Overall, a fun story and certainly one of the better ones of S1.


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