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Review of Vampire Science by captainjackenoch

19 January 2025

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I expected to like this more. I did not expect more than I got, though.

Vampire Science is a very neat, polished Doctor Who story. An interesting moral dillema, memorable characters and settings, as well as establishing and solidifying Sam and the Doctor's dynamic. I think it falls flat at the end, though.

I had expected more work be put into the ideas surrounding alternative food sources, and vampire biology. I got sort of confused around the point where Joanna and the Doctor turn on eachother, only to work together a few pages later. I was dissapointed that this novel ended in a big fight scene as opposed to scientific breakthrough.

I don't think Slake would become buddy-buddy out of nowhere just because he can get his food from somewhere else. I do think the ticking time bomb setup for a group of researchers is quite interesting. I just dislike the end.

(I also expected more extreme and interesting torture from Kate Orman.)

Overall, I just couldn't connect the way I wanted to connect. I wouldn't say it was a dissapointment, but I would say it wasn't what I had wanted. 3/5.


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