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Review of Underworld by uss-genderprise

28 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

By far the worst episode of the season, it had cool concepts but an overall dull execution.

The sets look good, and the redressing of the ship into the citadel was gorgeous. Unfortunately, all that is overshadowed by over-reliance on green-screen for all of the underworld scenes. It looks bad, especially for something that could have easily been a set - they could have reused one from a previous season, even!

Leela is back in her new dress, though it fits a little better this time and that combined with the lack of bun makes it much nicer to look at. I enjoyed the huge sleeves on the bad guys, too.

I think the best part story-wise was when the bad guys were really willing to just let the ship go with the cylinders. I was really hoping they would go through with it, but of course there had to be a twist, so they would save the slaves. I'd love to see more villains that aren't caricatures or doing it out of the evilness of their hearts, and could just sit down and have a conversation with the good guys and come to an agreement where everyone is happy.


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