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Review of Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Seascapes #4 by 15thDoctor

27 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Sometimes fans talk about Big Finish as if it's most creative years are in the rearview mirror - this story is definitely some evidence for the defence against that. It's not just one of the most inventive audio plays I've ever heard. It's one of the most inventive things I've ever heard full stop.

I don't know if you as a fan ever worry about the amount of Doctor Who expanded media you consume compared to all other forms of art, but Tropical Beach Sounds is definitely an example of how broad and how deep the doctor who expanded universe can get compared to other pieces of fiction. I've never heard a piece of fiction written in the second person before, I've never heard someone as famous as Michael Palin engaging in something as obscure as this and doing it so well. The interview at the end is charming because you get a sense that he literally just loved the script and you can see why, because the script is fantastic.

Tim Foley has delivered a masterclass in writing here and Scott Hancock has absolutely aced it with coming up with this concept. It is truly bizarre, but a great script paired with one of the most famous comedic actors in the world, getting them to behave in a manner that is the antithesis of of what they're known for.

I feel like people who are not even aware of Torchwood, who are just open to new ways of telling stories, would find this fascinating.

The closest thing I've ever experienced to this audio play would be the video game Inscryption, which pulls you the player into the story and makes you part of the story in a very third wall-breaking post-modern way. Both that and Tropical Beach Sounds are freaky and unsettling, designed to scare you in a psychological and strange way.

If you don't listen to Big Finish generally, or if you don't engage with Torchwood generally, I would strongly, strongly encourage you to listen to this audio play. It is a complete marvel


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