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Review of Trial of the Valeyard by 15thDoctor

8 January 2025

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Very impressed with this one. If it was an old main range release with a little more than it’s hour had to play with I think it would be regularly described as a classic. Trial of the Valeyard takes something instantly recognisable from a much maligned era of the show and twists it, making it new and vital.

It starts as an amusing one man play with Colin ranting to himself about the Time Lords, turns into a courtroom drama where The Doctor is then forced into defending the Valeyard in a dramatic and lightly humorous trial. It isn't just the role reversal which is entertaining but the countless revelations that will keep you surprised throughout the play. It feeds into an interesting account of regeneration and how it works. It then ends with a marvellous surprise. Couldn't recommend more!


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