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Review of To the Death by JustAsPlanned

30 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Nick Briggs, I am sending you my therapy bills.

I could talk about Paul McGann's excellent acting - how utterly outraged and scared and angry the Doctor is, and how well it's sold. I could talk about Susan and how her losing Alex nearly brought me to tears in public. I could talk about the Monk - how he's  this snivelling coward who thinks he knows best until things go wrong and he loses something. How it made me care about Tamsin dying despite me not liking her, or how Lucie dying broke me.

But what I will talk about is that ending. With the Doctor playing that recording and filling in his parts. Broken, alone, friendless and having lost everything. Haunting stuff.

11/10. Dark Eyes, you better be as good as this.


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